Psychology Club Constitution (amended 11/03/08) Article 1

Psychology Club Constitution
(amended 11/03/08)
Article 1
The primary purpose of the Westfield State College Psychology Club is to foster
an active interest in Psychology vocationally and avocationally. The club will strive to
promote a relaxed atmosphere that will lead to activities and a valuable experience for all
Article 2
The Organization shall be known as the Psychology Club.
Article 3
1. Membership shall be open to all full- and part-time undergraduate students of the
2. Members are considered to be active if they attend and/or participate in two-thirds
of the meetings and activities.
Article 4
1. The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Public Relations.
2. The officers shall be elected at a regular club meeting prior to May 1st of every
year by a majority vote. Notification of these elections shall be given at least one
meeting in advance. Nominating and voting procedures shall be decided upon by
a consensus.
3. Any active member of the club shall be eligible to hold an office. It is preferred
that juniors and seniors will occupy the offices of President and Vice-President.
4. The term of office will begin on May 1st of that year and end April 30th of the
following year, making each office a one year term, unless reelected.
Article 5
1. The faculty advisor(s) shall be appointed by a majority of the club members.
2. The faculty advisor(s) shall advise the club, when consulted, in planning the
activities of the club.
Article 6
1. The number of meetings held each year will be determined by a majority of the
club members
2. Special meetings may be called by the President
3. The officers of the club may hold meetings separate from the regular club
meetings without the presence of an advisor.
Article 7
If an office is vacated for any reason, nominations will be made at least one
meeting in advance to fill the vacant position. Nominations and voting procedures shall
be decided by a consensus of the club.
Article 8
Amending Procedures
The constitution may be amended by two-thirds majority vote of the voting
membership in the club and if approved by the rules and regulations of the Student
Article 9
Removal from Office
If any officer is not performing his/her said duties, he/she may be removed by a
two-thirds majority vote. His/her replacement will be chosen by election at the next
meeting of the club. The election procedures will follow normal election procedures. The
above stipulations apply to the faculty advisor(s) also.
By Laws
Article 1
Duties of the President
1. Shall preside at all club meetings.
2. Shall call special meetings, appoint committees, and chairpersons.
3. Shall have general supervision of the affairs of the club.
Article 2
Duties of the Vice-President
1. Shall assume the duties of the President in case of absence and shall assist the
President whenever possible.
Article 3
Duties of the Secretary
1. Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the meetings and activities of
the club.
2. Shall keep attendance records.
3. Shall delegate responsibility should the club decide to produce a newsletter.
Article 4
Duties of the Treasurer
1. Shall act as a custodian of all monies in possession of the club.
2. Shall keep an accurate record of allotments, receipts and expenditures.
Article 5
Duties of Public Relations
1. Shall handle the construction and distribution of posters, invitations and class
2. Shall handle all correspondence.