Urban Vision Service Delivery Plan 2005/06 DRAFT 1 dated 17

DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Urban Vision Service Delivery Plan
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Urban Vision Service Delivery Plan – 2005/06
1. Introduction
2. Strategic context
3. Vision
4. Key Service Objectives by service area
5. Key Performance Targets by pledge and Cabinet Priority (baseline, 05/6,
06/07, 07/08)
6. Member Liaison
7. Community Interface (Community /Area coordinators and Link Officers)
8. External Stakeholder Interface
9. Summary of Key Risks
10. Performance Assessment Table for 05/06
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
1. Introduction
Welcome to the first annual service delivery plan of the Urban Vision Partnership.
Urban Vision is a new form of service delivery organisation combining the skills and
resources of the city council, with those of private sector partners Capita Symonds
and Morrison. It has been created to meet the ever-increasing demands and
aspirations of Salford’s citizens.
The city council recognised that it would have to develop new ways of working if it
were going to meet the changing aspirations and demands of Salford’s citizens. As a
response to this, the city council has set up a new strategic directorate combining the
housing, planning, engineering, property and business services functions.
Urban Vision will be working closely with the new Housing and Planning Directorate
in order to deliver the council’s agenda for these services.
Service Planning Framework
1. Salford City Council Strategic and Best Value Plan
2. Housing and Planning Strategic Service Plan
Strategic context
Strategic action required on the Pledges and sub pledges
Strategic action required on the Cabinet Workplan
Best Value Reviews required
Risk Register
3. Urban Vision Service Delivery Plan
Strategic context
Key Service Objectives by service area
Key Performance Targets by pledge and Cabinet Priority(baseline, 05/6, 06/07, 07/08)
Member Liaison (Member Liaison Officers)
Community Interface (Community /Area coordinators and Link Officers)
External Stakeholder Interface (URC, MIDAS)
Summary of Key Risks
Performance Assessment Table for 05/06
4. Urban Vision Service Delivery Workplan
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
2. Strategic context
On 19 January 2005 Salford City Council approved the creation of Urban Vision
Partnership Ltd. A new joint venture to deliver most of the services previously
provided by its Development Services Directorate.
Urban Vision is a multi disciplinary Joint Venture Company which provides the full
range of high quality professional services in connection with the built environment.
Urban Vision, therefore, has the capacity and capability to deliver a wide range of
professional development regeneration consultancy services from pre-application
planning advice, through the full range of design services to a comprehensive project
management service. This unique range of services can be offered as a full suite of
services, or on a pick and mix basis.
Urban Vision commenced delivering the following services for Salford City Council
from 1 February 2005.
development control services
building control services
highways and street lighting maintenance
traffic and transportation services
engineering design services.
property management and maintenance services
Facilities Management services
architectural services
Geological Services
Partnering and Procurement Consultancy services
Other consultancy services
Urban Vision has been created to introduce a number of improvements for the
benefits of Salford citizens
 Better roads and pavements through targeted investment
 Improved capacity with easy and quick access to experienced staff in
the Capita Symonds and Morrison groups. This will significantly
improve the ability to respond to customer demands
 Better services for the same or less money through more efficient
working practices
 Better services as a result of reinvesting efficiency savings into
services and works
 Bringing growth to assist with the council's economic development
 Ability to recruit and retain the best staff for delivery to the citizens of
Salford, due to more varied work opportunities
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Urban Vision is uniquely placed to assist with regeneration throughout the city, and
beyond. As a joint venture company between Salford City Council, Capita Symonds
and Morrison Plc it enjoys the freedom to trade in the regeneration market,
expanding its expertise, capacity and skill sets to both deliver and manage
regeneration projects through building design skills and as the city councils' agent for
its highway design and maintenance regimes. At the same time, through its
integrated service approach, Urban Vision is the delivery vehicle for the city councils'
statutory powers as the Planning and Highway Authority.
These are undoubtedly exciting times which prove a great challenge, The city council
and Urban Vision, look forward to the challenges that lie ahead and are confident that
by working together the relationship will continue to deliver good and improving
services to the people of Salford.
Urban Vision is a pioneering company and is believed to be a national first of its kind.
In the months and years ahead we will all, we are sure, be proud of the progress we
have made, of the partnership we have created and the range and quality of services
that we provide to the citizens of Salford.
The over-arching strategic context for Urban Vision is provided by the City Council’s
mission, which is:
‘To create the best possible quality of life for the people of Salford’
In order to give more substance to the mission the city council has developed a set of
seven pledges. These are the Council’s own priorities and promises to the
community that align with Community Plan themes of the Local Strategic Partnership,
Partners IN Salford.
The seven pledges are:
Pledge 1: Improving Health IN Salford
We will improve the health, well-being and social care of the people in Salford
Pledge 2: Reducing Crime IN Salford
We will reduce crime and disorder and improve community safety
Pledge 3: Encouraging Learning, Leisure and Creativity IN Salford
We will raise education and skill levels and further enhance cultural and leisure
opportunities in the city
Pledge 4: Investing in Young People IN Salford
We will focus on services, activities and opportunities to support children and young
people in order to achieve their full potential
Pledge 5: Promoting Inclusion IN Salford
We will tackle poverty and social inequalities and increase the involvement of local
communities in shaping the future of the City
Pledge 6: Creating Prosperity IN Salford
We will ensure an economically prosperous city with good jobs and a thriving
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Pledge 7: Enhancing Life IN Salford
We will ensure that we are a city that’s good to live in with a quality environment and
decent, affordable homes which meet the needs of local people
Cabinet priorities
For 2005/06, four overall themes are also set out in the cabinet work plan
Making services better reflect the needs of the people of Salford.
Increasing member and public participation.
Raising the profile of the City.
Implementing neighbourhood management.
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
3. Vision
To provide high quality, innovative, customer focused development services which
delivers excellent solutions for the built environment to ensure the city council
achieves its vision for Salford.
Service Quality
Maintain Salford as the primary client at all times in order to become a key partner in
delivering the city council’s vision, aspirations and pledges.
Assist the city council to achieve optimum CPA, Best Value and top quartile
performance results.
Manage the city council’s works budgets on its behalf in a proper and professional
Improve the lifetime environmental sustainability of the city council’s land and built
Community Involvement
Actively engage and become involved with all groups which make up the Salford
Community and ensure that employment, training and opportunities generated by the
growth and development of Urban Vision are offered to residents of Salford.
Become a financially successful joint venture of which the city council is proud and
can share in its success for the benefit of the Salford Community.
Future Development
Become the North West’s Premier Development Consultancy and a Regional Centre
of Excellence for the delivery of the full range of professional development services
from inception to everyday maintenance for the social and economic benefit of the
city council.
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
3. Key Service Objectives by Service Area
Highway Maintenance
Improve road and pavement condition through the delivery of programme of works
Improve the responsive service on highway and street lighting defects
Provide a holistic streetscene view
Undertake a Streetlighting analysis with a view to improving this aspect of the service
Improve the linkages between highway maintenance service delivery and the wider
benefits of regeneration to develop sustainable jobs and infrastructure
Traffic / Road Safety
To contribute to accident reduction
Improve the linkages between traffic and road safety service delivery and
regeneration to develop sustainable jobs and infrastructure
Engineering Design
Delivery of the Local Transport Programme
Improved time predictability through the introduction of the ‘Rethinking Construction’
approach with construction partners being selected
Increased awareness of sustainability in design and prepare a sustainability checklist
for designers
Record and report on the percentage of recycled materials on projects
Regulatory Services
Maintain top quartile performance for processing planning applications.
Achieve compliance with new planning checklist.
Continue to improve response time to the plan checking of building regulations to
ensure a responsive decision making process .
Architectural and landscape design
Improve customer satisfaction with the service and scheme delivery, linked to
improved client liaison, particularly on schools and the introduction of the ‘Rethinking
Construction Approach.
Improve the clients satisfaction and understanding of fee levels
Improved time and cost predictability through the introduction of the ‘Rethinking
Construction’ approach.
Increased awareness of sustainability in design.
Property Services
Achieve targeted investment on land and property issues which support regeneration
initiatives in Central Salford.
Maximise the use of Council land and property assets for regeneration purposes, to
remove blight and deliver new development
Improve disabled access to City Council buildings
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Business development
Introduce improvements to customer and Member liaison and obtaining information
on their levels of satisfaction.
Ensure the Council is reassured on probity and governance issues by demonstrating
that good practice is being deployed.
Monitor and publicise service/performance improvements and efficiency gains.
Achieve level 2 of the Equality Standard for the Directorate.
Raise the profile of development and innovation in Salford.
Coordinate the following service improvements via the e government initiative:
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
4. Key Performance Targets by pledge and
Cabinet Priority (baseline, 05/6, 06/07, 07/08)
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
5. Member Liaison (Member Liaison Officers)
Members need to embrace the Urban Vision partnership for both the smooth working
relationship and to have a positive view of the partnership when challenged by other external
Most elected members have direct access to Urban Vision staff through their portfolio work
but some portfolios interact with Urban Vision services more than others.
Urban Vision seeks to proactively respond to the main problems raised by elected members
in terms of their dealings with Urban Vision staff as follows:
Communicate an understanding of who is responsible for dealing with certain issues.
Communicating information relating to telephone numbers, staff etc
Resolving situations where there has been a failure by Urban Vision staff to answer
telephones or respond to messages
Resolving situations where there has been a failure by Urban Vision staff to get things
Create of a robust system will give Urban Vision the opportunity to explain correct , or
indeed apologise for any elected member claims of Urban Vision staff failings.
The aim is to ensure members feel in touch with Urban Vision and the services that we
Urban Vision will therefore be creating a Virtual Member Services Team which would
incorporate a senior Urban Vision staff member with good connections to elected members
managing a team of existing staff given enhanced responsibilities for acting as the custodians
of a number of elected members.
The staff involved in this team will be given the title member liaison officers ( MLO) and will
possess the following qualities:
Clear understanding of the political environment
Good existing relationships with elected members
Excellent communication skills
A good understanding of the overall business
Ability to solve problems through initiative and negotiation
Ability to monitor and chase progress on responses and solutions.
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With the full Council incorporating around 60 elected members, it is proposed to enhance the
roles of 6 Urban Vision staff from throughout the business centre and make them responsible
for looking after about 10 elected members each.
When elected members contact their allocated member of staff with a problem or issue, that
member of staff will pass it on to the relevant department and ensure that the matter is dealt
with in an effective manner with acknowledgements, updates and a quality full response
within the following timescales:
Acknowledgement within 2 hours
Full response within 48 hours with timescales for the execution of any works
necessitated by the issue
Updates on progress of the necessary works together with explanations for
any delays.
In addition, member liaison officers will contact their allocated elected members every two
weeks to ensure that they have no problems.
It is proposed that the member liaison officers be offered an extra £1000 on top of their
existing salaries for the execution of this role
The monitoring and reporting arrangements for the Member Liaison process is shown in the
following diagram:
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Urban Vision
Service Delivery
Member Liaison
every 2 weeks
every 3 months
Member Liaison
every 3 months
(review /
way forward)
Urban Vision
Service Delivery
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
6. Community Interface (Community / Area
coordinators and Link Officers)
Urban Vision’s service delivery will always have an area dimension by being carried
out in accordance with Council’s Community Strategy. This is a major policy
initiative that helps to deliver the City Council’s approach to Local Agenda 21. It also
aims to ensure that the people and communities of Salford are at the heart of
identifying and responding to service needs.
Implementation of this important initiative is achieved by the following actions:
The use of dedicated teams where appropriate to provide services to specific
areas of the city e.g. Chapel Street Project Team.
Ensuring that Community Committees are consulted on key projects and are
kept fully informed of our service and projects through our link officers.
Setting out the Urban Vision’s performance and standards in order to
implement the Council’s Community Strategy.
Ensuring the Urban Vision’s link officers fulfill their roles effectively by liaising
between professional staff and the local community, and seeking to progress
the needs and requirements of people via Community Action Plans and
partnership initiatives.
Consulting with Community Committees regarding the Highway Maintenance
Setting targets that contribute to the actions set out in the respective
Community Action Plans.
However, this area dimension is being given a renewed impetus this year with the
introduction of a new Cabinet priority - neighbourhood management.
Neighbourhood management
Urban Vision will actively engage with the concept of neighbourhood management. It
will balance citywide initiatives and demands with neighbourhood plans and
aspirations. Urban Vision fully subscribes to the principles of community engagement
and will ensure that all staff are informed and empowered to respond to
neighbourhood issues where possible.
Consultation is about making policies more effective by listening to and taking onboard the views of the local community and other stakeholders. It allows the city
council to tap the widest source of information possible and thus improves the quality
of decisions reached. It alerts policy makers to any concerns and issues not picked
up through existing evidence and it also helps to monitor existing policy and whether
changes are needed.
Consultation is an integral part of the policy-making process. Details of current,
forthcoming and previous consultations are published and updated regularly on the
Council’s website.
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7. External Stakeholder Interface (URC, MIDAS)
Urban Vision is committed to working with a wide range of external stakeholders to
assist with the regeneration of Salford.
Examples of such stakeholders include:
The Urban Regeneration Company
New Deal for Communities
New Prospect Housing Ltd.
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8. Summary of Key Risks
A risk management system is being used by Urban Vision and which has identified
the following five key risk areas:
Contribution to the City Council’s CPA score
Each of the key areas where Urban Visions contribution is considered throughout the
year are:
Lead Member Briefing
The Partnership Forum
Housing and Planning /Urban Vision weekly Management Meeting
The Quarterly Performance Evaluation meeting
Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Improving the City Council highway asset
This has an impact on :
Public perception
Political demands
Link to pledge delivery]
Best Value Review assement
Quality of life survey issue
Budget consultation
Reduce tripping claims
Create sustainable community
3. Improving Best Value Performance Indicators
This has an impact on :
Link to pledge delivery
Quality of life survey issue
Best Value Review assessment
4. Developing Robust IT protection systems
This has an impact on Business Continuity
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
10. Performance Assessment Table for 05/06
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Service Improvement –
Highways and
% response to urgent
repairs within 24 hrs
% response to non
urgent repairs withjn 3
Green = 7/8 or better
on or above target or
Amber = 5/8 or 6/8
on or above target
Red = 4/8 or below on
or above target
% response to
reported street lighting
outages within 24 hrs
Improve thecondition
of non principal roads
Priority Weighting
To be established
% improvement
% improvement
Percentage of the LTP
programme delivered
The extent to which the
sustainability checklist
has been utilised of
projects started in
Used on 100% of
A report to be
produced during
the year
Improve the Condition
of footways
The production of a
report to Lead Member
on construction
Tolerance for each
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Service Improvement –
Property services and
Architectural services
Percentage of land
and property
investment targets
Performance in
reducing rent arrears
from the managed
commercial estate
% of local authority
buildings accessible to
disabled people
Percentage level of
satisfaction shown in
returned by clients and
end users on
partnered schemes
The extent to which the
sustainability checklist
has been utilised at the
briefing and sketch
scheme stage of
projects started in
Green = 5/5 on or
above target
Amber = 3/5 or better
on or above target
Red = 2/5 on or
above target
13.9% of the rent
Used on 100% of
partnered schemes
Service Improvement –
Regulatory Services
Percentage of major
determined within 13
Green = 5/6or better
on or above target
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Percentage of minor
determined within 8
Amber = 4/6 or better
on or above target
Red = 3/6 on or
above target or less
Percentage of building
regulation applications
given a decision within
8 weeks of receipt
Percentage of full plan
building regsulation
applications checked
within 3 weeks
Average Score from all
customer surveys
Percentage of other
determined within 8
Achieving check list on
Quality Criteria
Overall Customer
Green = 7/10 or better
Amber = 6.0 - 6.9/10
Overall Councillor
Average Score from all
member surveys
Red = 5.9 or Below
Green = 7/10 or better
Amber = 6.0 - 6.9/10
Red = 5.9 or Below
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Delivery Capacity
% of Service Delivery
Plan Achieved
N/ A
Green = 85% or
Amber = 71% to 84%
Growth of Development
Services workload
Equal Opportunities
Local Employment
Additional income
generated to assist
with economic
development in Salford
Level of compliance
Level 1 Achieved
£…. external
income TBC
Red = 70% Below
Green = £100,000 or
Amber = £51,000 –
Average % Of staff
who enjoy working for
Urban Vision
Number of jobs
created by UV
Level 2 achieved
Red = Below £50,000
Green = Level 2
Red = Level 2 not
Green = 7/10 or better
Amber = 6.0 – 6.9 /10
Red = 5.9 or Below
Green = 20 or better
Amber = 11 - 19
Rethinking Construction
agenda to be
Progress to select 16
partner companies
15% of partners
80% of
partners appointed
Red = 10 or below
Green = 80% or
Amber = 26 – 79%
Quality agenda pursued
ISO Accreditation to
be achieved by Urban
100% of services
except admin and
accredited to
100% of services
except admin and
accredited to Urban
Red = 25% or below
Green = 100% of
Urban Vision except
admin and Highway
Red – Below 100%
DRAFT 1 dated 17th Feb 2005
Electronic service
delivery increased
% Of transactions able
to be conducted
Green = 100%
Amber = 95% to 99%
100% of services
accessible on line
Red = 94% or Below
Green – Bonus paid at 100%
Amber – Bonus paid at 50%
Red – No bonus payment