PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE CONNEXIONS MANAGER FOR SALFORD TO THE CHILDREN’S SERVICES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 8 DECEMBER 2004 TITLE: CONNEXIONS SALFORD: PERFORMANCE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that members note the content of this report and the progress that has been made in achieving the targets for the Connexions Service. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The primary target for the Connexions Service is to reduce the number of young people aged 16-18 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and also to reduce the number in the same age range whose activity status is not known. The target for Connexions Salford is to reduce the % of 16-18 year olds who are NEET to 10.26% by November 2004. All Connexions Services in Greater Manchester given a target of 5% for the % of 16-18 year olds reported as “unknown” as at November 2004. As at 24 November 2004 Connexions Salford has exceeded achievement of its target to reduce NEET by 0.32%. Connexions Salford has also succeeded in reducing the % of 16-18 year olds whose activity status is not known to 0.35% below the overall Greater Manchester target. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: CONTACT OFFICER: Annette Hughes (Connexions Salford Manager)/Faith Mann TEL NO: 0161 778 0139 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: All KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Strategy for Children and Young People, Community Plan, Education Development Plan REPORT DETAILS NB Please note that the statistical information provided in this report for November 2004 has not been formally validated and will not necessarily be the final version reported to Greater Manchester Connexions Partnership and Government Office. Information for November 2004 is correct as at 24 November 2004. 1 Background : Connexions Targets 1.1 The primary target for the Connexions Service is to reduce the number of young people aged 16-18 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and also to reduce the number in the same age range whose activity status is not known. 1.2 The target for Connexions Salford is to reduce the % of 16-18 year olds who are NEET to 10.26% by November 2004. The overall Greater Manchester (GM) target for the % of 16-18 year olds reported as 'unknown' as at November 2004 is 8.5% (however to ensure that this target was met all Connexions Services in GM were instructed to record the target for November as 5%). 1.3 September to November are crucial months for Connexions staff to follow up Salford 2004 school leavers (Annual Activity Survey) so we can confirm that they have either progressed to further education (FE), a government supported programme (Apprenticeships or work based learning) or employment. We are not yet at the end of this follow up process and will not be officially reporting to Services to Children and Young People (SCYP) until 14 January 2005, although we would hope that interim reports could be available in late December 2004. 1.4 In addition to the primary target, Connexions Salford has a local target which is to improve the numbers of 16-18 year olds in the 5 targeted wards of Broughton, Langworthy, Ordsall, Weaste and Seedley and Winton who are in education, employment or training (EET). We are due to report by ward at the end of Quarter 2 (December 2004). 2 Performance to November 2004 2.1 The graphs below show the progress that has been made towards the two key targets for Connexions. 2.2 As at 24 November 2004 we have exceeded achievement of our target to reduce NEET by 0.32%. We have also succeeded in reducing the % of 16-18 year olds whose activity status is not known to 0.35% below the overall GM target. 2.3 The following factors affect the overall performance in the main target areas every month: According to the method for calculating NEET % nationally target group is number of 16 - 18 year olds minus the number of 16-18 not knowns; 2.4 Each month the cohort of 16-18 year olds reduces as young people become 19 (this can lower the cohort by up to 376 young people in one month); The baseline figures for the targets were not based on accurate information, as no-one previously has had responsibility for following up all 16-19 year olds; Connexions Management Information (MI) Requirements have changed over the period that progress in this target area has been measured e.g. in November 2002 young people in part time activities would have counted as NEET, by November 2003 they are included in EET figures. April 2003 saw the introduction of automated Connexions MI housekeeping. If young people’s activity status is not confirmed within the time periods set out in the Connexions MI Guide (e.g. every year for those in FE and every 3 months for those known to be NEET), they automatically ‘lapse’ into the ‘not known’ category. (This facility was introduced across the GM area at an early stage compared to other Connexions Partnerships nationally, making national comparisons difficult.) The table below is an attempt to illustrate the progress made over a period of time (bearing in mind the factors listed above), giving numbers of young people as well as percentages. November 2003 November 2004 Number in NEET group NEET % of target group* Number in target group* November 2002* 693 10.87% 6374 696 11.3% 6178 669 9.94% 6724 Number in EET EET % of whole cohort 5681 82.7% 5461 75.4% 6055 83.16 Number situation not known Situation not known % of whole cohort Number in whole cohort 16-18 490 7.13% 1059 14.6% 557 7.65% 6864 7237 7281 NB in November 2002 Connexions had only been operational for 3 months. 2.5 Significant progress has been made in reducing the number of young people whose activity status is not known. This means either that we have been able to confirm they are in EET, or we have discovered they are NEET and are able to offer our support. 2.6 Interestingly the number of NEET young people has not varied greatly over the 3 years above. However this is not a static group; as many as 200 young people join and leave the NEET group each month. High numbers of those who leave the NEET group do so because they cannot maintain contact with the service, or more positively a significant number leave to go into employment. There is also an important issue of retention in EET as the highest number of joiners to the NEET group each month is those who re-establish contact or who have left employment. 2.7 Nevertheless the following features are examples of what has influenced progress over the last 3 years: Late night telephone tracking of young people who are ‘unknown’ those who will lapse into unknown if their status is not confirmed; Implementation of a system for highlighting possible in month ‘lapses’ into unknown and allocation to named Connexions staff for follow up; 3 Prompt data sharing by college partners in particular, to confirm enrolments and re-enrolments of college students; Better analysis of Connexions MI, including analysis of the NEET group by age, ward, gender etc to help influence provision. Other performance measures In August 2004 881 young people accessed help from Connexions through one of our centres or part time access points (in August 2003 the figure was 776). In October 2003 we had carried out 492 face to face interventions with 13 – 16 year olds and in October 2004 this figure was 513. In October 2003 we had carried out 909 face to face interventions with 16-19 year olds and in October 2004 this figure was 1212. Salford NEET 16-18 year olds - November (interim) 2004 20% 16.60% 15% 11.20% 10.47% 10% 9.23% 11.00% 11.20% 9.10% 9.86% 12.10% 12.25% 10.26% 10.85% Actual 10.23% 10.00% 9.47% 9.30% 9.18% 9.20% 9.18% Target 9.94% 5% 0% April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov 607 548 511 551 498 725 740 669 5417 5232 5178 5008 4445 5989 6819 6724 Dec Jan Feb Mar No. of NEETs 0 0 0 0 Total Cohort = EETs + NEETs Salford - 16-18 year olds Lapsed/Unknown- November 2004 (interim) 2004 25.00% 22.85% 22% 20.00% 15.90% 15.00% 14% 12.37% Actual 12.99% Target 10.70% 10.00% 9.50% 10% 9.22% 10% 10% 10% 7.65% 6.66% 5.38% 5.00% 5% 5.00% 5% 5% 0.00% April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 765 783 623 526 842 1774 693 557 0 0 0 0 No.Unknown 6182 6027 5801 5534 5287 7763 7512 7281 0 0 0 0 Total Cohort