PLEDGE 5 – Promoting inclusion IN Salford PERFORMANCE MATRIX – OUTTURN DATA, TARGETS AND COMPARISONS 2001/02 Ref 1 2002/03 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target 6 7 8 9 10 Benchmark Top Quartile 2002/03 11 76.4% 73.4% 99.43% 100% A 100% 100% 59% 76a 166.68 330 201.3 N/A 76b 0.268 0.25 0.33 N/A 76c 25.91 33 26.66 N/A 76d 1.13 1 1.63 N/A 36 days 24 days 36 days 9 days 5 days 9 days Sub Pledge/PI BVPI/LPI No. Actual Actual Actual 2 3 4 5 157 24.6% 34.5% Building strong, confident communities The numbers of types of interactions that are enabled for electronic delivery as a % of the types of interactions that are legally permissible for electronic delivery. Improving access to services and support mechanisms for vulnerable members of our community The number of household benefit claimants visited per 1, 000 caseload. The number of fraud investigators employed per 1, 000 caseload. The number of fraud investigations per 1, 000 caseload. The number of prosecutions and sanctions per 1, 000 caseload Targets 400 201.3A 0.27 0.33A 35 26.66A 1.1 1.3A 45 days 28 days A 470 201.3A 0.28 0.33A 37 26.66A 1.2 1.47A 41.5 days 26 days A 20 days 10 days A The average time for processing new benefit claims. 78a 65 days 52 days 31.02 days 48.5 days The average time for processing notifications of changes of circumstance. 78b 40 days 32 days 19.68 days 30 days The % of renewal claims processed on time 78c 74.59% 82% 84.08% 85% 79a 94% 92.4% 96% 94.3% 79b 34% 42.5% 39.7% 47.6% Satisfaction with contact access facilities at the benefit office 80a 82% (2000/01) Awaiting results from ODPM 87% 84% Satisfaction with the service in the benefit office. 80b “ 86% 85% 80c “ 78% 75% “ 87% 78% “ 74% 68% The % of cases for which the calculation of the amount of benefit due was correct on the basis of the information available for the decision for a sample of cases checked postdecision. The % of recoverable overpayments (excluding Council Tax Benefit) that were recovered in the year. Satisfaction with the telephone service. Satisfaction with the staff in the benefit office. Satisfaction with the clarity etc of forms and leaflets. 80d 80e 81% (2000/01) 73% (2000/01) 82% (2000/01) 69% (2000/01) 25 days 15 days A To be deleted from 2004/05 96.1% 97.5% A 98% 98% 98.5% 99% 52.7% 42% A 58% 44% A 46% 55% How have we performed? Are we on target? 12 13 PLEDGE 5 – Promoting inclusion IN Salford PERFORMANCE MATRIX – OUTTURN DATA, TARGETS AND COMPARISONS 2001/02 Ref Sub Pledge/PI 1 2 Satisfaction with the time taken to make a decision. Overall satisfaction with the benefits service. BVPI/LPI No. 3 80f 80g 2002/03 2003/04 Targets 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target 9 10 Benchmark Top Quartile 2002/03 11 Actual Actual Actual Target 2004/05 Target 4 80% (2000/01) 91% (2000/01) 5 6 7 8 “ 85% 74% “ 91.5% N/A How have we performed? Are we on target? 12 13 PLEDGE 6 – Creating Prosperity IN Salford PERFORMANCE MATRIX – OUTTURN DATA, TARGETS AND COMPARISONS Actual Actual Actual Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target 3 BVPI/LPI No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bench mark Top Quarti le 2002/0 3 11 9 88.8% 90.7% 91.4% 91.2% 94.3% 92%A 97.3% 93%A 94% 98% 179 90.33% 91.81% 98.54% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 8 78.3% 82.5% 88.7% 100% 100% 94% 100% 95% 100% 96% 100% LPI 27 21.33% 33.85% 47.34% 33.85 % N/A LPI 28 5.7% reduction 45.4% reduction 31.2% 10% reduction N/A The % variation of outstanding debt greater than 60 days old LPI 51 10% reduction N/A The average cost of collecting Council Tax for every home that has to pay. LPI 29 30% 30% 10% reduction 10% reduction 10% reduction £9.59 Change to definition of indicator 30% The % variation of outstanding debt greater than 30 days old 30% 30% 10% reduction 10% reduction 10% reduction £9.59 Change to definition of indicator £67.63 Change to definition of indicator 97.2% 98%A 97.6% 98.5%A 2001/02 Ref 1 BVPI/LPI No. Sub Pledge/PI 2 Promoting the City as a location of choice for people and investment The % of Council Tax collected. The % of standard land searches carried out in 10 working days. Supporting businesses and maximizing employment opportunities The % of invoices for commercial goods and services that were paid by the authority within 30 days of such invoices being received by the authority. Maximising public and private investment to regenerate the City Council Tax arrears collected as a % of the total amount due. The average cost of handling a Housing Benefit or Council Tax Claim. The % of non – domestic rates due for the financial year which were received by the authority. £9.59 2002/03 £11.11 2003/04 £13.67 Targets £9.59 LPI 30 £83.83 £94.94 £107.97 £73.03 10 95.8% 96.2% 97% 96.4% N/A £62.23 Change to definition of indicator N/A 99% 99% How have we performed? Are we on target? 12 13 PLEDGE 7 – Enhancing Life In Salford PERFORMANCE MATRIX – OUTTURN DATA, TARGETS AND COMPARISONS 2001/02 2002/03 Actual Actual Actual Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target 4 5 6 Not to be produce d for 2003/04 7 8 9 10 Ref Sub Pledge/PI BVPI/LPI No. 1 2 3 The energy consumption /(kw per square metre) of local authority operational property, compared with compatible buildings in the UK as a whole – fossil fuels. 180a(i) 159 Kw/m2 The energy consumption (kw per square metre) of local authority operational property, compared with compatible buildings in the UK as a whole – fossil fuels. 180a(ii) 534 Kw/m2 2003/04 “ Targets 158 Kw/m2 533 Kw/m2 Awaiting guidanc e from ODPM Awaiting guidanc e from ODPM Benchmark Top Quartile 2002/03 11 ? ? How have we performed? Are we on target? 12 13