PART 1 ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR HOUSING AND PLANNING REPORT TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR HOUSING ON 2nd March 2006 TITLE: Stock Options Communications Strategy RECOMMENDATIONS : That the Lead Member: Approves the communications strategies relating to west Salford and central Salford Notes the rebranding recommendations relating to New Prospect Housing Ltd and the requirements to develop new brand identities in both west Salford and central Salford. Approves the recommendations for material sign off. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : Effective communications strategies are an essential component of successful Housing Transfer/ALMO and PFI schemes. In Salford, the complexities of an existing whole stock ALMO and the development of mixed model solutions necessitate co-ordinated messaging targeted to specific areas and audiences. There presently exists a communications deficit which has arisen through the reactive and passive approach adopted by October Communications. The council has taken decisive action to address this issue and the appointment of IPB Communications is the first step in redressing this imbalance through the provision of pro-active, accurate, consistent, clear and targeted messaging and information sharing. The communications strategy shall form a central plank of the council’s consultation requirements in relation to Housing Transfer in west Salford and the Housing and Regeneration ALMO in central Salford. It is worth noting the requirement to demonstrate support for Housing Transfer through a ballot of tenants in west Salford and the need to illustrate tenant support in central Salford through a Test of Opinion are predicated upon a successful communications campaign being delivered. The key objectives of the communications strategies are outlined below: To explain why the council is considering housing transfer/ALMO/PFI. To recognise the importance of co-ordinating the key messages relating to housing transfer/ALMO and PFI. Identify key audiences Adopt a tone and style which engages tenants Identifies the concerns and aspirations of tenants Ensure the strategy is accessible, transparent and relevant c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : Lead Member Report dated 9 February 2006 entitled Communications Consultant – Stock Options Delivery. ASSESSMENT OF RISK: HIGH Successful implementation of the investment strategy is heavily dependent upon the effective delivery of the communications and consultation strategy. The use of tracking polls, research and best practice shall be utilised in order to manage and minimise any risks posed to the communications campaign. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Housing Revenue Account 05/06 & 06/07 – Stock Option Delivery Budget COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS N/A 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PROPERTY (if applicable): N/A HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: The council is now entering a critical phase of the investment strategy with the landlord selection preferred partner now having been chosen, the form and function of the Housing and Regeneration ALMO being developed and Pendleton PFI expression of Interest required by 31 March 2006. It is therefore essential for the council to approve and implement the communications strategy in order to address the communications deficit, respond pro-actively and effectively to the opportunities arising from branding the new organisations and to ensure the twin challenges of internal and external communications and consultation are consistently managed and co-ordinated. It is worth noting, stock options delivery presents the council with significant opportunities to promote the city in a positive and innovative manner. In particular, the development of a Housing and Regeneration ALMO, ambitious PFI scheme in Pendleton and transfer to a c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Local Housing Company in west Salford offer the council the potential for an enhanced profile with the local, regional and national media and trade press. CONTACT OFFICER: Peter McHugh Tel: 0161 922 8797 email: WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): ALL KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Housing, Planning and Regeneration DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) Copy of Communications strategies for west Salford and Central Salford and Communications approval process are attached for information. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc