20th May, 2004
Irlam Community Centre
Locklands Lane
Meeting commenced: 7.10 p.m.
ended: 9.25 p.m.
PRESENT: Richard Abernethy – in the Chair
Councillors Hudson, Hunt, Jones, Kean, Lightup and Mann
Gladys Marshall – Over 50’s Social Club
Don Baxter – Irlam Probus
Jane McNulty – Irlam Writers’ Group
Sybil Norcott – WI and Moss
Nancy Heap – ICHI
Basil Pearson – Irlam and Cadishead Scouts
Gordon Ashton – Arthritis Campaign
Peter Foxcroft – Higher Irlam Social Club Over 60’s
Ed Burrows – Peel Holdings
Rob Fairhurst – Salford Community Venture
Rachel Slack – Age Concern Salford
Mat Nicholson – Salford Advertiser
Clive Brown
} Salford Primary Care Trust
Steve Whittaker
Debbie Kemp
T. Alexander
Geoffrey Knight
} Resident
Liz Hill
J. Booth – Resident
Bill Brock – Resident
Mike Bleese – Area Co-ordinator
Ursula Sossalla-Iredale – Neighbourhood Manager
Judy Edmonds – Education and Leisure Directorate
Trupti Patel – Development Services Directorate
Chris Trueblood – Community and Social Services Directorate
Ian Andrew – Communications and Public Relations Manager
Claire Edwards – Corporate Services Directorate
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Mrs. Cherry, Robin Culpin,
Keith and June Hunt, Sergeant John Rowson, Reverend Jonathan Tallon and
Ian Worsley.
The Chairman (a) informed the Committee that this would be the final meeting
that Mike Bleese would be attending as he would soon be taking up the
position of Area Co-ordinator in the Worsley/Boothstown area, (b) introduced
Judy Edmonds, Assistant Director (Capital & Schools Organisations),
Education & Leisure Directorate – the new Area Co-ordinator in Irlam and
Cadishead, and (c) welcomed Judy Edmonds to the meeting.
RESOLVED: THAT Mike Bleese be thanked for all the hard work that he had
undertaken as Area Co-ordinator in the Irlam/Cadishead area over the years,
and wished every success in his new role.
RESOLVED: THAT a practice be adopted whereby meetings of the
Community Committee finish no later than 9.30 p.m., and any remaining
business be considered at the next meeting.
The minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee, held on 18th March,
2004, were approved as a correct record, subject to (a) Minute 90 being
amended to indicate that any objections in relation to the planning application
regarding the proposed development at Irlam Locks, and not the proposed
aircraft hangers at Barton Aerodrome, were to be forwarded to John Shelley,
(b) Minute 91 being amended to indicate that Mr. Eddie Mann was thanked for
all his hard work, both before and during the weekend of the broadcast, which
enabled the broadcast to take place, (c) Minute 92(b) being amended to
indicate that the item ‘Footpath on Princes Park’ was to have been included on
the agenda for this evening’s meeting, and (d) Minute 92(f) being amended to
indicate that the event that had taken place on 16th May, 2004, had been held
by the Youth Arts and Music Project, and not Irlam and Cadishead Youth
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the above amendments to the minutes be noted.
(2) THAT the item ‘Footpath on Prince’s Park’ be
considered under item 4 on the agenda – ‘Matters Arising.’
Debbie Kemp reported that (a) final plans in relation to the track were due to
be produced in the near future, and (b) timescales with regard to the project
remained on target, with work due to commence after the summer and be
completed by late Autumn.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
The Community Committee considered an action sheet arising from the
meeting held on 18th March, 2004, with specific reference to the following: (a)
Minute 92(b) – Footpath on Prince’s Park
Further discussion took place regarding the possibility of the barrier
being removed in order to allow public access.
RESOLVED: THAT Trupti Patel arrange for a meeting to be held on site
involving those members of the Committee who wished to be involved,
the police and City Council Officers, in order for further discussion to
take place in relation to this matter.
Minute 82(c) – Trees on Cadishead Way
Trupti Patel submitted a plan indicating the location of the trees in the
area that were subject to Tree Preservation Orders.
RESOLVED: THAT anybody interested in this matter consider the plan
at the end of the meeting.
Minute 83 – Community Furniture Project
The Neighbourhood Manager (i) informed those present that Reverend
Jonathan Tallon had been unable to attend this evening’s meeting, and
(ii) suggested that this item be deferred for consideration at the next
RESOLVED: THAT this item be included on the agenda for the next
meeting of the Community Committee.
Minute 93(b) – Parking in Irlam – leaflet containing incorrect information
Trupti Patel reported that (i) the leaflet had been produced by a private
company, (ii) it was now too late to reprint and redistribute this year’s
leaflet, (iii) with regard to future years, the leaflet would be checked by
officers from the City Council’s Parking Section prior to distribution, in
order to ensure that the information contained within the document was
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
Minute 93(c) – Nominations for the Chairman and Deputy
Chairman of the Community Committee and the Budget Panel
RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that this item was to be considered at
the next meeting of the Community Committee.
Minute 93(d) – Cadishead By-pass
Councillor Jones (i) informed the Committee of a scheme that Trafford
Borough Council had recently submitted to the Association of Greater
Manchester Authorities (AGMA), regarding the building of a bridge
across the Manchester Ship Canal, which would link Irlam and
Cadishead with Partington and Carrington, (ii) reported that the scheme
was at number five on AGMA’s list of six future projects, which
indicated that the scheme was unlikely to receive approval in the near
future, and (iii) agreed to update the Committee with any progress in
relation to this matter.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Minute 93(e) – Porta Cabin – Ferryhill Road
RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the porta cabin had been removed.
Minute 93(f) – Surfacing on Ferryhill Road
Trupti Patel reported that (i) the above site had been inspected, (ii) the
section of the road that was in the poorest condition had been
identified, and (iii) an indication had not yet been received as to when
the work would be carried out.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted and any progress
regarding the above matter be reported at a future meeting of the
Community Committee.
Ian Andrew, Communications and Public Relations Manager at the City
Council, referred to the disappointment that had previously been expressed by
members of the Committee regarding the amount of press coverage that
‘Cadishead Way Phase II’ and, in particular the recent opening event, had
received, and reported that (a) since late 2003, the City Council had issued
four press releases to the local media with regard to the by-pass, the most
recent of which had related to the opening event, (b) all four of the press
releases had resulted in coverage by the Advertiser, and two of the four had
been covered by the Manchester Evening News, (c) information with regard to
the development was available on the City Council’s website, (d) there would
be further opportunities to publicise the scheme in the future, and (e) he would
be contacting all Neighbourhood Managers in the near future advising them of
ways that local initiatives and events could be publicised.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
It was agreed that (a) consideration would be given to the possibility of an
article in relation to the by-pass appearing in a future edition of ‘Salford
People,’ and (b) any ideas suggested by the Cadishead By-pass Sub-Group
as to how the development could be publicised would be explored.
RESOLVED: THAT the information and comments be noted and Ian Andrew
be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.
Rachel Slack (a) informed the Committee that she had recently been
appointed as Consultation and Campaigns Manager, (b) explained that her
role involved providing help and advice to the elderly with regard to pensions
and benefits, and (c) requested that Committee members inform her of any
local groups who would be interested in receiving such a service by contacting
her on telephone number 0161 788 7300.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Ed Burrows from Peel Holdings provided the Committee with information in
relation to the above developments, which included details of proposed
changes to the road layout.
Discussion took place during which reference was made to (a) the increased
amount of traffic that would occur as a result of the above developments, (b)
the impact that the proposed alterations to the road layout, which would
increase the driving distance from Peel Green to Hope Hospital, together with
the increased amount of traffic, would have on travel time to Hope Hospital for
residents in need of urgent medical attention, (c) the job opportunities that
would be created by the proposals, (d) the impact that the developments
would have on the environment, and (e) reports in relation to the effectiveness
of Warrington Borough Council in ensuring that environmental requirements
were met by developers.
Councillor Jones referred to the concerns that had been expressed in relation
to increased traffic in the area and indicated that it was possible that the
amount of traffic would be reduced in the future by the extension of the
MetroLink to the Irlam and Cadishead area.
Ed Burrows reported that (i) a full environmental appraisal had been submitted
to the City Council and was available to members of the public for
consideration, and (ii) a formal consultation process would be undertaken by
the City Council, during which there would be a number of opportunities for
members of the public to comment on the proposals.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information and comments be noted and Ed
Burrows be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
(2) THAT the Chairman contact Warrington Borough Council in
order to obtain information with regard to the above.
(3) THAT arrangements be made for a Planning Officer from the
City Council to attend a future meeting of the Community Committee in order
to present the City Council’s view in relation to the above developments.
(4) THAT a request be made to the Development Services
Directorate for the Community Committee to be updated on a regular basis
with regard to the above proposals.
John Shelley, Chair of the ‘Friends of Irlam and Cadishead Parks’ Group, gave
a progress report with regard to Prince’s Park, during which he reported that
(a) a leaflet was to be distributed locally in the near future, (b) the equipment in
the play area was in the process of being renovated and replaced, (c) it was
necessary for the old steam engine to be removed from the play area, (d) a
quote of £4,500 had been received for the removal of the engine, and it had
been indicated that it would cost a similar amount for the engine to be placed
elsewhere, and (e) a decision had been taken by the Group that, due to the
costs involved, a proposal would be put forward that the engine be cut up and
disposed of.
A number of Committee members expressed their sadness at the above
proposal and suggestions were made as to possible organisations that may be
(i) interested in acquiring the engine, or (ii) willing to contribute to the cost of its
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted and anybody with any ideas
in relation to the future of the engine contact John Shelley or the
Neighbourhood Manager.
(2) THAT John Shelley contact the Advertiser regarding the
possibility of an article being featured with regard to this matter.
The Chairman gave a brief update with regard to the Community Festival and
requested that anybody able to offer any help or ideas, particularly in relation
to fund-raising activities, contact him.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
5TH MAY, 2004
The Neighbourhood Manager (a) reported that applications had been
considered from (i) Cadishead Band, (ii) Jane McNulty and (iii) Cadishead
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
Community Hall, and (b) circulated an additional application from Irlam and
Cadishead Community Festival Group.
The Chairman (a) referred to the application from Jane McNulty, (b) informed
the Committee that clarification had been sought from the Head of Law and
Administration at the City Council as to whether an application submitted by an
individual, rather than a community group, could be considered, and (c)
reported that the Head of Law and Administration had indicated that the
application could be considered as long as it (i) fitted in with the Community
Action Plan, and (ii) had clearly defined outcomes.
Discussion took place regarding Cadishead Community Hall and, in particular,
the Hall’s continuing financial difficulties. It was noted that (a) a meeting of the
user groups was to be held in the near future, (b) a funding plan had been
requested by the Budget Panel, and (c) the Committee wished to thank the
people involved with the running of the Hall for all their hard work.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the recommendations of the Community Initiatives
Budget Panel arising from the meeting held on Wednesday 5th May, 2004, in
relation to (a) Cadishead Public Band, and (b) Cadishead Community Hall, be
(2) THAT the applications submitted by Jane McNulty and
Cadishead Community Festival Group be approved.
(3) THAT it be noted that (i) Jane McNulty declared an interest
with regard to her application and did not vote on that item, and (ii) the
Chairman declared an interest with regard to the application from Cadishead
Community Festival Group and did not vote on that item.
(4) THAT anybody (a) who would like to become involved in the
running of Cadishead Community Hall, or (b) with any ideas as to how income
could be generated, contact Chris Trueblood on telephone number 606 6767.
Reference was made to the fact that the site that had been identified for the
above development had been designated a ‘wildlife corridor’ in the Unitary
Development Plan.
RESOLVED: THAT information be sought from the Building and Development
Control Manager at the City Council with regard to (a) the definition of a
wildlife corridor, and (b) how the proposal to build the above development on a
site that had been designated a ‘wildlife corridor’ in the Unitary Development
Plan could be justified.
Prince’s Park Garden Centre had recently announced the birth of a gosling.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
Criis – a network and commissioning alliance dedicated to supporting
Creative Industry in Salford – launch to take place at the Red Cinema on
27th May, 2004, from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
‘Garden of Delight’ – taking place at Platt Fields in Manchester during the
weekend of 4th June, 2004 (free of charge).
Salford Health Fair – to be held on 10th June, 2004 at Buile Hill Park.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
The Neighbourhood Manager (a) referred to the need for local events to be
publicised more effectively, (b) reported plans for two notice boards, dedicated
to the Community Committee, to be located in the area, (c) requested that
Committee members give some consideration as to possible sites, one in
Irlam and one in Cadishead, where the notice boards could be located, and (d)
indicated that information regarding costings in relation to the notice boards
would be reported to a future meeting of the Committee.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
A number of Committee members expressed concern that (a) one of the roads
at the above junction did not have a crossing facility, (b) the crossing did not
bleep when it was time for pedestrians to cross the road, and (c) the crossing
did not allow sufficient time for pedestrians to cross.
Trupti Patel (i) referred to the road that did not have a crossing and reported
that it would not be possible for a facility to be installed at this time as the
junction had recently been identified as a middle priority during an
improvement scheme for disabled users which involved the upgrading of
unsafe facilities, (ii) explained that the crossing did not bleep because all four
arms of the junction were not covered by the system, (iii) informed the
Committee that sensors were present within the crossings which monitored
the facility and ensured that the traffic lights remained on red until pedestrians
had crossed the road, and (iv) reported that considerable discussion had taken
place with the police and the UTC, who had visited the junction on several
occasions, and they were satisfied that the crossing facilities were safe.
Several Committee members maintained that the crossing did not allow
sufficient time for pedestrians to cross.
RESOLVED: THAT Judy Edmonds (a) visit the above junction with Don
Baxter, (b) consider the facilities as a pedestrian, cyclist and motorist, and (c)
report back to the next meeting of the Community Committee.
Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee – 18th March, 2004
John Shelley referred to the daffodils that were present along Liverpool Road
and requested that those responsible be thanked for a beautiful display.
RESOLVED: THAT Councillor Hunt inform those responsible within the
Environmental Services Directorate of the Committee’s comments and thanks
with regard to the above display.
RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the following items had been circulated for
Minutes of meeting, held on 1st April, 2004, regarding Cadishead By-pass.
Minutes of the meeting of the Land and Local Produce Group, held on
5th May, 2004.
Promoting Children and Young People’s Rights document.
RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the next meeting of the Community
Committee would be held on Thursday, 15th July, 2004, at St. Mary’s Church
Hall, Penry Avenue, Cadishead, commencing at 7.00p.m.