The Council has decided, in advance of legislation, to appoint a Standards Committee. The
Committee will advise the Council on the promotion and maintenance of proper standards in
the conduct of its business and the conduct of Members and Officers of the Council.
The Committee will comprise an independent chair, councillors reflecting the size of the
political groups and two independent members.
The Council now seeks to appoint the two independent members. If you consider that you
have the necessary qualities to undertake this important role, please contact ALAN R.
EASTWOOD, Head of Law and Administration, Corporate Services Directorate, telephone
number (0161) 793 3000, for application form and further details.
Closing date for applications : 1st June, 2000.
TITLE (Please tick as appropriate)
Mr/Mrs/Ms/Other (please indicate)
Are you, or have you ever, been a Member or employee of the Greater
Manchester Police Authority? (Please state yes or no)
If your answer to this question is "YES", you are not eligible for appointment as an
Independent Person.
Please give details of any criminal convictions within the past five years,
including date and sentence imposed.
Please indicate whether there is any matter concerning your own conduct
which, if it were generally known, might affect public confidence in your ability
to contribute to the work of the Standards Committee.
Please give brief details of your experience (e.g. employment/business/
professional/voluntary/public service) and qualifications, and any other
matter which you consider relevant to your suitability for appointment,
and/or your ability to contribute to the work of the Standards Committee
Valuing Diversity – Please provide the following information, which will be used only
to enable the Authority to monitor the extent to which applications received reflect
the local community within Greater Manchester, and to ascertain whether any
particular facilities would be required to meet the needs of particular candidates;
your answers to the following will not affect the Authority’s consideration of your
application for appointment :-
(Please delete as appropriate)
My Age:
18-29/30-39/40-49/50-59/60 plus
My Disability Status:
I am not a disabled person/I consider myself a
disabled person
(If the latter, please indicate whether there are
specific facilities which you would require in order to
be able to attend and/or participate in meetings of the
Standard Committee)
My Ethnic Origin:
Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Chinese / Other
Asian / Black African / Caribbean / Other Black / Irish
/ White UK / White Other / Other
My Gender:
Female /Male
References: Please give the name, address, and telephone number of two referees who
are not related to you, and who are able to comment on your suitability for appointment.
(Your referees will be contacted without further notice to you, unless you indicate to the
Referee 1
Referee 2
Telephone No:
Telephone No:
Please indicate whether you have any commitments which would
regularly prevent you from attending meetings in the –
Available for interview : Please indicate any dates within the next 8 weeks
during which you will not be available if requested to attend for interview.
I have read the guidance notes and background information. I wish to be considered
for membership of the Authority's Standards Committee as an independent person,
and confirm that, if appointed, I will undertake to be guided by the National Code of
Local Government Conduct (and/or by any other Code of Conduct for Members
which might be adopted by the Authority) in the performance of my role as a member
of the Standards Committee.
The information which I have given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Please return the completed reference form to :
Alan R. Eastwood
Deputy Clerk to the Authority
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
Swinton, Salford, M27 5DA
by no later than : 1st March, 2002
Please read these notes and the attached general information
carefully before completing the Application Form.
The Standards Committee
The Council has decided to establish its Standards Committee in advance
of legislative requirements.
Details of the background, and the
composition and Terms of Reference of the Standards Committee, are set
in the attached general information. Initially, the Standards Committee
will consist of four Councillors, an independent Chairperson and two other
independent persons. It may be necessary for the Council to review the
composition and Terms of Reference of the Standards Committee in the
light of requirements, contained in legislation currently before Parliament.
In particular, the Standards Committee will advise the Council on :
the maintenance of proper standards in the conduct of Council
business, including the conduct of Members and employees of
the Council;
the introduction of new Codes of Conduct for Members and
officers, together with Working Protocols, guidance and related
the handling of complaints or allegations of misconduct made
against individual members of the Council.
The Standards Committee may, as detailed in the attached information, be
required by legislation to carry out other functions related to standards of
It is expected that, once established, the Standards Committee will meet
on a number of occasions to consider Codes of Conduct, Protocols, etc.
Once such matters have been considered and recommendations and/or
decisions have been made accordingly, it is expected that the committee
will need to meet quarterly. The Council will endeavour to arrange the
timing of meetings to take account of the other commitments of Members,
including the independent persons.
The Standards Committee will be supported, and provided with
information and advice, by the Council’s Officers, including the Chief
Executive, the Director of Corporate Services and the Monitoring Officer.
In particular, the Committee will be provided with information on relevant
legal and administrative issues and procedures.
The independent persons will be offered no remuneration for their
performance of their role as members of the Standards Committee, apart
from reasonable (travelling, subsistence, etc.) expenses.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for appointment as independent persons, candidates
must not be, nor ever have been, Members or Officers of Salford City
Council. It may be necessary also for the Council to consider whether
any close relationship between a candidate and a Member or employee,
or former Member or employee, of the Council should preclude that
candidate from appointment. Membership of, or employment with, any
other local authority or public body will not affect the eligibility of
candidates for consideration.
No-one who has, within the past five years, been convicted of an offence
and received a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for
a term of three months or more, will be considered for appointment. This
requirement is consistent with the qualifications for eligibility for election
as a Member of the Council.
Candidates for appointment as independent persons will be asked
whether there is any matter concerning their own conduct which, if it
became generally known, might affect public confidence in their ability to
contribute to the work of the Standards Committee. Any candidate who is
concerned about answering this question may, if they so wish, speak in
confidence to the Council’s Head of Law and Administration.
Every candidate for appointment is requested to indicate on the
application form the names and addresses of two referees, who are not
related to the candidate, and who are able to comment as to the suitability
of the candidate for appointment as a Member of the Standards
Candidates are requested to confirm, on the application form, that, if
appointed to the Standards Committee, they will agree (like Members of
the Council) to be guided by the National Code of Local Government
Conduct (and/or by any other Code of Conduct for Members which might
be adopted by the Council on the recommendation of the Standards
Committee) in the performance of their role as a Member of the
Standards Committee.
A copy of the National Code of Conduct and the proposed Model to be
adopted by the Standards Committee is available from the Head of Law
and Administration.
Candidates are requested to outline on the application form brief details
of their experience (including employment, business, professional,
voluntary or public service), together with any other information which
they consider relevant in relation to their suitability for appointment, and
their ability to contribute to the work of the Standards Committee.
Appointment Process
Applications will be considered by a Panel appointed by the Council. The
Panel will consider the suitability of candidates for appointment, and their
ability to contribute to the work of the Standards Committee, having
regard to the criteria set out in these notes, by reference to the
candidate’s application form, and information provided by the referees.
Those candidates who appear to the Panel most clearly to meet the
requirements for appointment will be invited for interview with members of
the Panel. The Panel will then make recommendations to the Council
with respect to the appointment of selected candidates.
Subject to the eligibility criteria indicated above, the Council welcomes
applications from candidates irrespective of age (subject to a minimum of
18 years), disability, ethnic origin, sex, or sexual orientation. Candidates
are requested to indicate on the application form their age (within the
ranges indicated), disability status, ethnic origin and gender, together with
information about any particular facilities which the candidate (if he or she
is disabled) would require in order to be able to attend and take part in
meetings of the Standards Committee. Such information will not be taken
into account in the selection process, and will be used to enable the
Council to ascertain the extent to which candidates, overall, reflect the
local population and whether any particular facilities will be required.
Application Procedure
Having read these notes and the attached information, please complete
the enclosed application form and return it (in the envelope provided) to –
Alan R. Eastwood
Head of Law and Administration
Salford City Council
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
Swinton M27 5DA
by no later than ……………………