PART 1 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ITEM NO. _______________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES AND THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES _______________________________________________________________________ TO CABINET ACTING AS A DECISION MAKER IN RESPECT OF A SCHOOL ORGANISATION MATTER ON 25 MAY 2011 _______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: PROPOSAL FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF MOORSIDE AND THE SWINTON HIGH SCHOOLS, AND REVISING THE BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE (BSF) PROPOSALS _______________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: In accordance with Paragraphs 7 to 10 and 19 of Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the city council constitution, it is recommended that Cabinet:: (i) Reject the proposal from Salford City Learning Trust to create a new Foundation school (with a Foundation Trust) to cater for 1350 mixed gender between the ages of 11 - 16 years; (ii) Reject the proposal to discontinue the following schools with effect from 31 August 2013; (iii) (iv) Moorside High School, East Lancashire Road, Swinton, M27 0BH The Swinton High School, Sefton Road, Pendlebury, M27 6JU Approve the alternative proposal to rescope the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme to provide the following: A replacement 1,050 place school (plus 20 place Short Stay School) for Moorside High School; A replacement 630 place school (plus 60 place nursery) for Moorside Primary School; A replacement 750 place school (plus 250 place sixth form) for St Ambrose Barlow RC High School; and A replacement 900 place school for St Patrick’s RC High School. Approve the commencement of the statutory process to consult on the proposal for the enlargement and rebuild of Moorside Primary School. The proposal will be carried out in a two phased approach which will provide a Page 1 of 12 Two Form Entry (2FE - 420 place) provision from September 2012 and a Three Form Entry (3FE - 630 place) provision from September 2013; (v) Authorise the City Treasurer to issue an updated Section 151 Officer affordability letter in connection with the revised BSF proposals; Note that in accordance with the delegation approved by Cabinet on 23 February 2010, the detailed affordability and delivery of the revised BSF proposals will be presented to the Lead Member for Children’s Services and the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services for future decisions in this regard. _______________________________________________________________________ (vi) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On 26 October 2010, Cabinet approved the publication of the public notice inviting proposals for a new 1350 place community high school on the site of the current Moorside High school playing fields. In conjunction Cabinet approved the proposal to close Moorside High and The Swinton High schools such proposals to be published jointly with any competition proposal for the new community high school, including any proposal brought forward by the Local Authority itself. One bid submission was received from Salford City Learning Trust (which is being led by Salford City College) to promote the proposed new school. No consent was received from the Secretary of State approval to enable the Local Authority (LA) to publish its own proposal and it was subsequently decided that the LA would not submit its own proposal. However, in December 2010, The Swinton High School submitted an application to the Secretary of State to convert to an Academy. Following correspondence from the Secretary of State, received on 12 April 2011, confirming that he is agreeable to the conversion of the school, senior officers have engaged with officials within Partnerships for Schools and the Department for Education (DfE) to identify an alternative proposal for Phase 2. The purpose of this report is thus (i) to enable Cabinet to consider and determine the competition and closure proposals; and (ii) to enable Cabinet to consider and approve an alternative proposal which will enable the LA to retain the integrity and timescales of the Phase 2 scheme. _______________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Background documents for the BSF programme of a non commercial nature can be accessed at _______________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES _______________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Every Child Matters, Community Plan, Green Space Strategy and Unitary Development Plan _______________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 12 EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: All works and services provided via the BSF contracts will be undertaken in accordance with relevant Equality and DDA legislation and guidance. _______________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT: The current Phase 2 scheme has been the subject of extensive community consultation undertaken as part of the competition process and the outline planning permission process. Whilst the alternative proposal for Phase 2 will result in the local school infrastructure remaining intact (i.e. broadly similar in terms of the number and sizes of the schools within the Swinton area), it is recognised that the current Moorside playing field does not, at present, accommodate two school buildings. It should, however, be recognised that the alternative proposal for Phase 2 provides a reduction in the overall pupil numbers in the new schools to be sited on the Moorside playing field. It could also be considered that the loss of a secondary school, as was planned in the current Phase 2 scheme, would have more of an impact on community cohesion rather than the retention of the existing infrastructure, which is proposed in the alternative proposal for Phase 2. Future community stakeholder consultation will be a key feature of the resultant school organisation, admissions and detailed planning permission processes which will be required for the alternative Phase 2 scheme. _______________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: The risk positions of continuing with the competition process and the closure of The Swinton and Moorside High Schools or selecting an alternative proposal for the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI scheme are contained within this report. _______________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: The Salford BSF programme will be funded by Government grant, City Council revenue contribution, schools budget contributions, third party receipts, capital receipts, supported and unsupported borrowing. _______________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Tony Hatton ext 2904. The report refers to the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (EIA), and particularly paragraphs 7 – 10 of schedule 2 of the Act which sets out proposals for the establishment or discontinuance of schools. Paragraphs 8 and 10 of the schedule set out that decisions (as proposed here) for new schools proposed through a competition will be taken by the Local Authority. Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the schedule set out that decisions on school closures will be taken by the Local Authority, and the decision-maker for the City Council in this instance is Cabinet. Any “related” proposals (as referred to in paragraph 10 of the report) must be considered together. Guidance states that “related” means :- proposals on the same notice; a decision on one proposal would be likely to affect the outcome or consideration of another; and proposals for a schools competition should be considered together with proposals for a closure where there is a clear link. Page 3 of 12 Accordingly where proposals are “related” as put forward in this report, the decisions should be compatible with each other (such that a proposal to remove provision and another is to establish or enlarge provision, they should both be approved or rejected.) If the recommendations are approved, they will be in accordance with the above legislation. Also the statutory consultation process will need to commence relating to the proposal for Moorside Primary School, and as the report refers (paragraph 10.3.2), further consideration will be given to the responses in due course. _______________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Chris Mee, Group Accountant (PFI/BSF) _______________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Customer and Support Services, Sustainable Regeneration _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICERS: Sue Wilkinson - Tel: 0161 778 0228. Nick Page - Tel: 0161 778 0130 Martin Vickers - Tel: 0161 793 3407 _______________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Swinton North, Swinton South, Worsley, Winton _______________________________________________________________________ DETAILS (overleaf) 1. Background 1.1 At the Cabinet meeting on 26 October 2010 it was RESOLVED: THAT Cabinet: (1) consider the responses to the consultation process on the proposal to close The Swinton and Moorside High Schools, replacing them with a new school for 1350 pupils aged 11-16 opening in September 2013; and determine if they wish to proceed with the proposal; (2) approve the publication of the public notice, inviting proposals for a new 1350 place community high school on the site of the current Moorside High school playing fields; (3) approve the Council’s application to the Secretary of State for consent to promote a new community high school and, if such consent is granted, agree to the Authority publishing that proposal in due course, together with any other competition proposals received by the Authority; and (4) approve the proposal to close Moorside High and The Swinton High schools such proposals to be published jointly with any competition proposal for the new community high school, including any proposal brought forward by the Local Authority itself. Page 4 of 12 1.2 Following Cabinet’s decision, the Statutory Competition Notice inviting promoters to establish a new mainstream school was published on 11 November 2010 with a 4 month representation period, ending 11 March 2011. 1.3 A local authority with a performance rating of 2 must apply to the Secretary of State for consent to submit its own proposal. At the time of publication of the Competition Notice, the LA had a performance rating of 2. An application for approval to run the proposed new school was therefore submitted to the Department (on 11 November 2010). 1.4 From December 2010 the local authority’s performance rating was reclassified and the current performance rating is 1. 1.5 No consent was received from the Secretary of State and it was subsequently decided that the LA would not submit its own proposal. 2. Decision Making of the proposals 2.1 As a result of the LA not participating in the competition, consideration of the proposal must be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 8 and 10 of Schedule 2 to Education and Inspections Act 2006 which set out who should decide proposals for new schools1. In accordance with these provisions, the City Council’s Cabinet will act as decision maker in relation to the proposal for the new school. 2.2 Additionally, consideration of the proposal to discontinue Moorside High School and The Swinton High School must be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 7-8 and 19 of Schedule 2 to Education and Inspections Act 2006 which set out who must decide proposals for school closures2. In accordance with these provisions, the City Council’s Cabinet will act as decision maker in relation to the closure proposal. 3. Proposals received 3.1 The city council received one bid submission, in response to the Statutory Competition Notice published on 11 November 2010, from Salford City Learning Trust (which is being led by Salford City College) to promote the proposed new school. As yet and in line with legislation, the Trust is not fully established. It is envisaged however that the Trust will be fully established and formally launched in October 2011. 3.2 In order to comply with the statutory timetable, the second notice was published on 1 April 2011. The second notice contained two parts: Part 1 outlined the bid submissions received; Part 2 detailed the proposal to discontinue The Swinton and Moorside High Schools. 1 Paragraph 5.2, Page 24, ‘Establishing a New Maintained Mainstream School - A guide for Local Authorities’, Department for Children, Schools and Families, February 2010 2 Paragraph 4.1, Page 18, ‘Closing a Maintained Mainstream School - A guide for Local Authorities and Governing Bodies’, Department for Children, Schools and Families, February 2010 Page 5 of 12 3.3 The second notice was subject to a 6 weeks representation period ending on 13 May 2011 to allow for further comments/views to be submitted in response to the second notice. 4. Evaluation of the Trust Bid 4.1 The Trust Bid has been evaluated by officers and is deemed to meet the Local Authority’s specification. 4.2 Accordingly, under normal circumstances, the Trust Bid for the new school, including the proposals to close Swinton and Moorside High Schools, and outcome of the 6 week consultation, would be presented to Cabinet to reach a decision. However, in December 2010, The Swinton High School submitted an application to the Secretary of State to convert to an Academy. 5. The impact of The Swinton High School’s Academy Application on the Competition Process 5.1 On 12 April 2011, the Strategic Director of Children’s Services received correspondence from the Education Secretary confirming that he is agreeable to the conversion of the school. The correspondence also contained a copy of an Academy Order which will enable the school to convert to an Academy. 5.2 The Swinton High School is now in a period of its own consultation regarding the conversion to Academy status. There is no prescribed timescale for this consultation process. 5.3 However, in light of the developments in relation to The Swinton’s Academy application, and the clear indication from the Secretary of State to support the application, consideration has been given to the appropriateness and risk position of continuing with the Competition Process. 5.4 As such, discussions have taken place with Partnerships for Schools and Department for Education (DfE) on how to minimise the effect of The Swinton High School becoming an academy and potentially revising the BSF proposals. 5.5 A summary of the key developments referred to in sections 5.3 and 5.4. is provided below. 6. Risk Position of Continuing with the Competition Process and the Closure of The Swinton and Moorside High Schools 6.1 The LA is in a position where normally the Competition Process could be concluded, in that a Trust proposal has been received and there is no proposal to run the school from the LA. In this circumstance Cabinet is the decision maker. 6.2 However, there are significant reputational risks associated with closing The Swinton High School, which is currently in consultation regarding its Academy application. The Secretary of State has given a clear indication that he, in principle, supports the Academy application. There is significant concern that if the Cabinet met to consider the Trust proposal and subsequently approved the proposal, which requires the closure of The Swinton and Moorside High Page 6 of 12 Schools, then the possibility of reputational damage with the Secretary of State and relevant government departments is high. In addition there is a risk of legal challenge from the Secretary of State resulting in further delays to the BSF programme. 6.3 Thus, senior officers engaged with officials within Partnerships for Schools to identify an alternative proposal which will enable the LA to retain the integrity and timescales of the Phase 2 scheme. 7. Alternative Proposal for the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme 7.1 In consideration of an alternative proposal for Phase 2 and the overall remaining BSF programme, the following inherent objectives were identified: to maintain the integrity of the BSF programme; to minimise and /or avoid abortive costs; to maintain the economies of scale of the 3 school PFI; to maintain the current programme milestones; to maintain the phase 3 projects; and to create an opportunity from this change of circumstances and minimise the negative impact of the changes to the original BSF programme. 7.2 As outlined above, the city council would prefer to retain the integrity of the whole BSF phase 2 by continuing with the current 3 Project PFI in the designed forms and therefore maintain the current programme milestones and meets stakeholder expectations, whilst creating the capacity needed to meet future pupil demand. It also continues to offer up the savings proposed in December 2010, assuming that the planned programme of starting work on site by October 2011 can be achieved. 7.3 The alternative proposal for Phase 2 outlined below. It is considered that with the change of circumstances resulting from The Swinton High academy application this solution offers the best value for public funds and we believe meets local needs. This proposal also acknowledges the changes in demographics being experienced in Salford primary schools. We are currently experiencing a reversal of the recent declining numbers and now we have rapidly increasing demand for primary school places consequently we have created 300+ places in the reception year group for September 2011 7.4 The alternative proposal would see: St Ambrose Barlow RC High School rebuilt on a new site and remaining as proposed; St Patricks RC High School rebuilt on its current site and remaining as originally proposed; and Moorside High School to be rebuilt to replace its current net capacity of 1050 on its current site. The rebuilt Moorside high school will also provide a 20 place Short Stay School. The Short Stay School will be developed as a specialised resource for 20 pupils, The pupils who will attend this provision will have been identified by their ‘home’ school as students who would benefit from a temporary change to this specialist, more personalised learning environment and who will return to their home school at an appropriate time according to Page 7 of 12 7.5 individual development. The short stay school will be created within the building but will be organisationally separate from the mainstream Moorside High School. The capacity of the integral primary school would be increased from the planned 2 form entry to 3 form entry. The school on the Moorside site would, as planned, provide for primary and secondary provision. However, the proposal we now make for the new Moorside School makes the building very flexible in terms of accommodation for primary/secondary provision. This reassessment of this projected need has looked beyond the original 10 year OBC pupil place planning assessment of 2006, and is now been based the projected need 10 years from 2010-11 as indicated by demographic information. The proposed capacity as opposed to the current planned capacity is outlined below: Primary Pupils Secondary Pupils Total Current planned 420 1350 1770 capacity Proposed Capacity 630 1050 1680 7.6 This rebalancing of pupil places, which remain all located within the same building design, means that future provision for this area of Swinton contained in this single building will have the ability to flex the balance between primary and secondary provision, according to demographic need. It is proposed that the Secondary School aspect replaces the existing net capacity of 1050, providing a 7 form of entry school and that the Primary School becomes a 3 form entry school with 630 places. This will provide a total of 1680 places for pupils of statutory school age. 7.7 This will result in surplus capacity in the proposed new facility (of 90 pupils) equating to approx. 1,000 m2. It must therefore be acknowledged that within this proposal there is a need for the city council and the Moorside schools to work together to produce a business plan that will deliver a dynamic aspect to the development that will create additional income to support the surplus space we acknowledge will initially be created in the building before pupil numbers rise in line with demographic predictions. This third party use has been achieved in other sites including Buile Hill where the TEN centre has been developed in conjunction with RM (the ICT Managed Service Provider) and which occupies part of the building. 7.8 The additional facilities of a 20 place specialist needs provision (funded through the BSF allocation), 60 place nursery, youth facilities, astroturf sports facilities and community enhancement, all of which are supported by funds from council resources, remains the same as within the original model. 7.9 It is considered that this alternative proposal provides the most cost effective and efficient solution for all parties, as it mitigates all the risks of redesign, programme delays, unaffordability, and will support wider council objectives. Page 8 of 12 8. High Level Affordability Review of the Alternative Proposal 8.1 The city council has undertaken a high level financial assessment of the preferred option above to verify that it provides the most cost effective solution, based on the following assumptions: 8.2 Whilst maintaining existing design and programme for the Moorside site with minimal internal redesign, this will limit the impact on the unitary charge. The impact of The Swinton High academy decision has had a significant impact on the funding available for both the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme and Phase 3, in the following areas: 8.3 Retention of the existing design of the school to be built on the Moorside site, with a reduction in secondary capacity of 300 places partly offset by increasing the planned primary capacity by 210 to a Three Form Entry (3FE - 630 place) facility. Retention of the relevant proportion of the current Funding Allocation Model (FAM) funding for a 100% new build 1050 place Moorside High. Maintaining the current programme/timescales for the Phase 2 scheme with minimal internal redesign thus, avoiding the need to finance abortive and new redesign costs. Allows the City Council to maintain efficiency savings offered previously. All the additional facilities and functions planned to augment the two schools on the single campus design are retained and available for a wide range of educational uses and the new facilities are made available for the local community. This proposal meets the needs of all stakeholders locally. reduction in FAM funding for a smaller high school on Moorside site; loss of revenue savings from school re-organisation to be used to support the Phase 2 scheme; loss of Swinton High School site capital receipt. Impact on Phase 3 8.3.1 During negotiation with Partnerships for Schools regarding the alternative proposal for Phase 2, concern was raised regarding the potential losses of funding identified in 8.2 above, and the impact on the city council’s ability to deliver these projects. 8.3.2 The city council will address any remaining Revenue and Capital affordability in its Phase 3 proposals as they are further developed. The proposals will be brought back to the Cabinet at the earliest opportunity for consideration. 9. DfE Approval to the Alternative Proposal and Revised FAM for the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme 9.1 On 16 May 2011, the city council received confirmation of the DfE’s approval to the alternative proposal for Phase 2. Page 9 of 12 9.2 Following the confirmation of DfE approval of the revised Phase 2 scheme, the detailed financial impact on both the Phase 2 and Phase 3 schemes will be developed and, in accordance with the delegation approved by Cabinet on 23 February 2010, the detailed affordability and delivery of the revised BSF proposals will be presented to the Lead Member for Children’s Services and the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services for future decisions. 9.3 Cabinet are also requested to authorise the City Treasurer to issue an updated Section 151 Officer affordability letter in connection with revised BSF proposals. 10. Next Steps 10.1 Selection of the Alternative Proposal for the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme 10.1.1 10.2 Consideration has been given to the two options which are now available to the LA in respect of the Competition Process and revision of the BSF Proposals. In light of the issues raised within this report, it is recommended to Cabinet to approve the alternative proposal to re-scope the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI scheme. Legal position relating to the Closure Proposal and the Salford City Learning Trust Bid to promote the new school 10.2.1 In selecting the alternative proposal for Phase 2, the Cabinet (acting as Decision Maker), will need to reject the proposal to close The Swinton and Moorside High Schools. However, there is a clear aspiration from the partners within Salford City Learning Trust (who have submitted the proposal to promote the new school) to continue with a formal relationship with Moorside High School, either in a Trust or Academy situation going forward. Developments in this regard will be reported back to Cabinet at the appropriate time. 10.2.2 Paragraphs 9 and 19 of Schedule 2 to the Education and Inspections Act 2006 provide that any proposals that are “related to” particular proposals (e.g. for a new school, or prescribed alterations to existing schools i.e. change of age range, enlargement, transfer of site) must be considered together. Where proposals are “related, the decisions should be compatible e.g. if one set of proposals is for the removal of provision, and another is for the establishment or enlargement of provision for displaced pupils, both should be approved or rejected.3 10.2.3 Accordingly, as the closure proposal and establishment of a new school proposal are related, the Cabinet should, therefore, reject the proposal from Salford City Learning Trust to establish a new Foundation School (with a Foundation Trust). As outlined in 10.2.1, there is the potential for a future relationship between the partners in Salford City Learning Trust and Moorside High School going forward. 3 Paragraphs 4.10 and 4.12, Page 20, ‘Closing a Maintained Mainstream School - A guide for Local Authorities and Governing Bodies’, Department for Education, February 2010 Page 10 of 12 10.2.4 10.3 In selecting the alternative proposal for Phase 2, the Cabinet (acting as Decision Maker), will need to reject the proposal to close The Swinton and Moorside High Schools. Statutory process relating to the proposal to enlarge and rebuild Moorside Primary School 10.3.1 At present, Moorside Primary School is a One Form Entry (1FE - 210 place) primary school. Under the relevant statutory guidance, the LA will be required to undertake a statutory process to consult on the proposal for the enlargement of Moorside Primary School. The proposal will be carried out in a two phased approach which will provide a Two Form Entry (2FE - 420 place) provision from September 2012 and a Three Form Entry (3FE - 630 place) provision from September 2013 10.3.2 A further report requesting that Cabinet consider the responses to the consultation process and approve the publication of the notice will be submitted following the end of the initial consultation period. 11. Recommendations 11.1 In accordance with Paragraphs 7 to 10 and 19 of Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the city council constitution, it is recommended that Cabinet: (i) Reject the proposal from Salford City Learning Trust to create a new Foundation school (with a Foundation Trust) to cater for 1350 mixed gender between the ages of 11 - 16 years; (ii) Reject the proposal to discontinue the following schools with effect from 31 August 2013; Moorside High School, East Lancashire Road, Swinton, M27 0BH The Swinton High School, Sefton Road, Pendlebury, M27 6JU (iii) Approve the alternative proposal to rescope the Phase 2 Grouped School PFI Scheme to provide the following: (iv) A replacement 1,050 place school (plus 20 place Short Stay School) for Moorside High School; A replacement 630 place school (plus 60 place nursery) for Moorside Primary School; A replacement 750 place school (plus 250 place sixth form) for St Ambrose Barlow RC High School; and A replacement 900 place school for St Patrick’s RC High School. Approve the commencement of the statutory process to consult on the proposal for the enlargement and rebuild of Moorside Primary School. The proposal will be carried out in a two phased approach which will provide a Two Form Entry (2FE - 420 place) provision from September Page 11 of 12 2012 and a Three Form Entry (3FE - 630 place) provision from September 2013; (v) Authorise the City Treasurer to issue an updated Section 151 Officer affordability letter in connection with the revised BSF proposals; (vi) Note that in accordance with the delegation approved by Cabinet on 23 February 2010, the detailed affordability and delivery of the revised BSF proposals will be presented to the Lead Member for Children’s Services and the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services for future decisions in this regard. Page 12 of 12