

Irlam Community Centre

Locklands Lane


Thursday, 19 th November, 2009

PRESENT: Christine Hudson – in the Chair

Meeting commenced: 7.10 p.m.

“ ended: 9.00 p.m.

Councillors Bramer Kelly, Hill, Kean and Mann

Councillor Ian Lindley – Walkden South Ward


P. Lever

A. Cavanagh

A. Saeed

N. Lowndes

J. Morley

J. Leather

B. Leather

Mrs Picken

R. Waters

W. Brock

S. Norcott

J. Ryan

A. Rice

Mrs Cherry

B. Hope

J. Havoy

K. Hassall

M. Hassall

C. Williams

S. McDowell

J. Black

C. Richardson

B. Tynan

B. Myles

T. Black

C. Culshaw

N. Heap

J. Winspear

C. Nelson

L. Brearley

K. Sharples

S. Wooding

R. Abernethy


M. Vickers – Neighbourhood Co-ordinator

U. Sossalla-Iredale

– Neighbourhood Manager

C. Trueblood

– Community Development Worker

S. Ness – Admin Officer

T. Martin – Greater Manchester Police

S. Hands

– Urban Vision Engineer

T. Walsh – Community Services, Neighbourhood Manager

K. Lucas – Senior Scrutiny Support Officer

L. Nealon

– Democratic Services Officer


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors

Houlton and Lightup, Terry Handlsey, Sandra Ellis, Lynn Needham,

Nancy Denney and Margie Froggatt.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the last meeting held on

Thursday, 17 th September, 2009, be approved as a correct record.


Linear Park Walkway

Chris Williams questioned whether further development had been made with regard to the maintenance of the Linear Park walkway.

Ursula Sossalla-Iredale reported that Gale Blackburn(Ranger) had been in contact with Peel Holdings who owned the land with regard to adopting the footpath as permission would be needed from Peel

Holdings before any maintenance work could be undertaken.

Parking at Bargain Booze Liverpool Road, Cadishead

Stephen Hands reported that he raised the matter with Parking


Significant Planning Applications – Irlam Primary School

Councillor Mann submitted an update report on progress made with regard to the Planning application made by Irlam Primary School for the erection of a 2.4 metre high railing around the school field.

Councillor Mann informed the Group that as requested at the last

Community Committee that a meeting be arranged with all

interested parties including Councillor Mann, the school and Mr and

Mrs Carter who were objecting the proposal and that the meeting had taken place on 5 th November, 2009. Councillor Mann indicated that from the discussion and papers he had obtained it had been made clear that no valid objection on planning grounds could be made and that the school had detailed need for such a fence, the design of the proposed fence had the support of the Planning

Officer as it is consistent with railings enclosing other parts of the school. The position in regard to the community use of the field had been clarified. Accordingly he would recommend that the issue be resolved in that way and the Planning and Transportation

Regulatory Panel are so advised.

Skills for work

Ursula Sossalla-Iredale informed the Group that a Skills Adviser is now based at the Jobcentre on Friday mornings (referrals via

Jobcentre) and that a ‘Back into Work course’ had started on the

2nd November 2009 at Cadishead Community Church and further courses are planned for the new year.

Martin Vickers stated that funding would possibly be available to provide extra courses and highlighted the need to publicise these courses and opportunities for the local community.

Community bonfire

Martin Vickers stated what a success the community bonfire was.

Parking near the Community Centre

Concern was raised with regard to vehicles parking on Ferry Hill

Road outside the Community Centre. It was requested that if possible could double yellow lines be implemented on the road as it was difficult for vehicles to get out of Locklands Lane.

Stephen Hands stated that he would he would look into this and report back to the Community Committee.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT Stephen Hands investigates he matter regarding double yellow lines on ferry Hill road and reports back to at the next meeting.


Proposal in the City Councils Core Strategy

Roy Waters raised concern with regard to the proposed industrial development on 40 acres of greenbelt land at Barton in the City

Councils Core Strategy and questioned what the plans would be to reduced increased congestions and the loss of greenbelt in the area. He urged the Community Committee to oppose this proposal.

Councillor Mann stated that this proposal was just what the Core

Strategy may include and that the proposal was based on information from the Northwest Development Agency in 2006 not considering the current economic status. He also stated that the he was going to write to colleagues at the City Council opposing the proposal as the area was 40 acres of grade one agricultural land that could not be replaced.

The Community Committee took a vote and made a unanimous decision to oppose the proposal and requested that a letter be sent to Spatial Planning at the City Councils Sustainable Regeneration

Directorate voicing their concerns and opposing the proposal in the consultation.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT a letter be send to Spatial Planning on behalf of the Community Committee opposing the proposal in the consultation.

Eldon Road

Jane Ryan informed the Community Committee that a litter bin had now been placed on Eldon Road but problems were still occurring with children playing football, motor vehicles driving the wrong way and speeding, dog fouling and that a bonfire had taken on



RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

Chapel Road

Councillor Kean questioned what the feasibility would be for having a one way system at Chapel Road.

Stephen Hands would look into this and report back to the

Community committee.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT Stephen reports back to the Community

Committee on the matter.

Flooding on Ferry Road

Concern was raised with regard to flooding at the junction of Ferry

Road and Broadway Irlam as it had had reached such a high level it was coming onto the footpath.

The Community Committee was informed that this would be looked into.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

Hands ?

(2) THAT the matter be investigated by Stephen

Hayes Road Trailer Park

Nancy Heap reported that there had been three fires in one week at the trailer park on Hayes Road.

Ursula Sossalla-Iredale referred to an e-mail from Nigel Powell from the Environment Directorate that provided an update on work/investigations including:

That a Planning Enforcement officer was reviewing the planning records to establish whether there were any breaches of any Planning Permissions attached to the site and that a site inspection would also be undertaken to see whether it would be possible to use powers contained within the Town and Country Planning Act to clean up the site.

Building Control had advised that there is no enforcement action that they could take in relation to securing the site boundary.

That the Environmental Protection team had received very few complaints regarding smoke from fires on the site over the years. However the Environment Directorate would liaise with the GM Fire and Rescue Service and the Environment

Agency to determine what action could be taken to help prevent nuisance fires occurring in the future.

During the recent fire, the Environment Directorate provided plant and personnel to the Fire Service to enable them to extinguish the fire completely.

Also during the recent incident the Health Protection Unit where consulted regarding the health advice to be given to concerned residents who may have contacted the Council.

The Community Committee requested that this item be on the agenda for the next meeting.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT this be an item on the next Community

Committee agenda.


Sergeant Tom Martin provided the Committee with an update on

Policing issues in the area which included information on the following:

That arrest had been made with regard to the thefts of number plates parked at the train station;

Police presence would be made available at Cadishead Hall as there had been more problems with youth congregating outside the Hall;

Operation blockade;

The reduction of anti social behaviour with youths when

Jabba nights had been held and that more were being organised;

Arrest had been during the recent robberies of fast food delivery drivers;

Officers had attended the firework/bonfire and remembrance


Operation Album;

Restoration of justice dealing with young offenders;

Councillor Kean congratulated PCSO Mark Fitzgerald in winning his award for being Salford’s PCSO of the year.

Chris Williams requested that updates be provided with regard to violent crime in the area and whether there had been an increase/decrease in the Irlam and Cadishead area.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


Steve Magner, GMPTE, gave the Community Committee an update with regard to the Rail Station Improvement Strategy and Rail

Station Accessibility Programme. He provided information with regard to Irlam station with regard to the following:

Station Strategic development;

Car Parking Development;

Rail Station Accessibility;

Station Buildings;

Steve asked the Committee to contact him if they had any questions regarding the strategy.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


Meeting held on 3 rd November, 2009

RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations arising from the meeting of the Budget Sub-Group held on 3 rd November, 2009, be approved.

Financial Position Statement

RESOLVED: THAT the financial position statement in respect of the (i) Devolved Budget, (ii) Health and Well Being Fund and (iii)

SPAA Active Communities Fund be noted.


Stephen Hands provided the Community Committee with an update on highways including information on:

The completion of micro asphalting on Lord Street;

Highway improvements on Silverdale Avenue in the new year;

Improvements to bus stops in May 2010;

the connection of power to the new signal at Boysnope


A Member of the Community Committee highlighted the condition of the approach roads to Irlam Railway Station and questioned who owned the land. Chris Trueblood informed the Committee that there was a Rail Partnership Action Group that was addressing this matter.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.



The Neighbourhood Manager submitted a copy of the draft Irlam and Cadishead Neighbourhood Priorities Planning Statement to the

Committee informing them of the opportunities and challenges in the area.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


Tony Walsh, Community Services, gave a presentation on with regard to the strategic direction of neighbourhoods which included information on the following:

What is the Neighbourhoods Review;

Neighbourhood Working, core principles;

Listening and learning;

A shared vision of neighbourhood working;

What was trying to be achieved;

Roles and responsibilities;

How Neighbourhood Managers and Councillors work together;

How can support be offered to everyone to be successful;

How staff can work together;

How local people can play a vital part;

The next steps.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


Freeze on Leisure Facilities prices

Councillor Kean informed the Community Committee that a freeze had prices had been made at all Council leisure facilities.

Meals on Wheels

Councillor Kean reported that the Meals on Wheels Company had ceased trading but a new one would be available in January, 2010.

Firework display

It was asked to be noted that the firework display and bonfire held on 6 th November, 2009 was a great success.

Rotary Club Quiz

It was asked to be noted that the Rotary Club Quiz had made

£1080 for the Mayors charity.

Rotary Club Santa

The Community Committee was informed that the Rotary Club would be having a Santa going around Irlam and Cadishead in the build up to Christmas.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


RESOLVED: THAT that the next meeting of the Irlam and

Cadishead Community Committee be held on Thursday 21 st

January, 2010 at 7.00 p.m. at St.

Mary’s Church Hall, Penry

Avenue, Cadishead
