Report of: Neighborhood Manager To : Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee Date: 25th September 2006 Title: Feedback from communications questionnaire and next steps Recommendations: Members of the Community Committee are recommended to (i) (ii) note the contents of this report note that a budget has been allocated through the devolved budget to progress communications issues in 2006/7 (iii) support the Neighbourhood Manager and Communications Group in progressing an action plan to improve communication with groups and residents in Little Hulton and Walkden ____________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Background 1.1 Members will recall that at the last two community committees, the issue of how we communicate with residents across Little Hulton and Walkden as a community committee was discussed. 1.2 Nominees attended a communications group on 26th July where details were discussed on current methods and focus of communication and how these could be improved. It was agreed at this meeting that a supporting budget was required and that an action plan be developed to move issues forward. In addition, the group stated that were keen to act as an ‘editorial group’ for the community committee newsletter and to help steer future communication activity. 1.3 An important element of developing the action plan was to assess views on the current methods of communication used and seek ideas from others. Members will recall, that the questionnaire was distributed via e mail and the existing mailing list to residents and officers in the Walkden and Little Hulton Community Committee area. The aim of the questionnaire was to find out i) ii) iii) iv) v) 1.4 how attendance figures at the committee meetings might be improved. what type of information should the Community Committee promote. How the format of meetings might be improved, and how improving publicity might be achieved. how in general the content and format of the newsletter could be improved. and how its circulation could be developed. A total of 23 questionnaires were returned which is relatively good in terms of similar exercises undertaken in the past. The information returned provided helpful information. 1 2.0 Summary of findings of the Community Committee and Newsletter survey Attendance at Community Committee meetings. 2.1 Of the 23 respondents, 7 people had never attended a meeting and 7 had attended more than 4 times in the past 12 months. Again, the majority of these people were either attending in the capacity of representing a group, or were councillors or officers. Only 2 stated that they were residents (unattached to a group). 2.2 By far the most common way of finding out about the meetings was by word of mouth (9) and 8 people stated that through being on the mailing list. The networks that currently exist for notification of meetings for existing members/ groups seem adequate. However, the findings revealed that publicity and other work was needed to encourage more residents and groups to get involved. As part of this process, it will be important to set out clearly the benefits to local people of being active in the community committee. Information at meetings 2.3 Regarding what written information people would like to see at meetings, 8 people stated that they felt it useful to have information concentrating on local issues, and youth and other activities. Interestingly, it was stated by 5 respondents that they felt it would be useful to have information on arrival, giving more details of the actual items on the agenda that night. 2.4 In terms of presentations at meetings, it was stated that they would like to see information on positive projects and achievements, followed by policing and housing issues and any new initiatives in the area that might be of interest. 2.5 When asked about how the format of the meetings could be improved, most people did not express a strong opinion. Among suggestions for improving the format were the use of less jargon ,more user friendly seating and minutes, shorter presentations, separate question times, and questions submitted in writing, separate surgeries for local issues before and after meetings, and the installation of a loop system. Venues 2.6 There was a low response for this part of the questionnaire, where 15 stated they did not have an opinion. Two of the current venues used were mentioned, but not Worsley College Campus. A range of other options, including primary schools and the new Children’s Centre were mentioned and the full list is in Appendix 1. Improving publicity for meetings 2.7 The most popular methods that respondents preferred where the use of posters and the use of the existing Community Newsletter. Other methods raised were to put letters through schools to target parents, and to include posters in the mailing list for people to put up in their own areas. The use of a banner was another popular choice for respondents. Improving the Newsletter 2 2.8 Of the 18 who said they had seen the Newsletter, 12 thought it was excellent or good. Only 6 thought it was average or fair, with none stating they though it was poor. This could indicate that the Newsletter’s basic format is working well, but there a need for improvement in format and distribution. 2.9 In terms of what type of features people would like to see in the Newsletter, these included information on issues relevant to the local area, youth matters, crime prevention, health, local contacts, and the work of the Community Committee. Some suggestions for improving the format included more photos and colour, the inclusion of a letters page and possible competitions. 2.10 Suggestions for improving the newsletter’s distribution included leaving them in libraries and other public buildings. Other suggestions with cost implications included having them delivered by volunteers, and inserting them into the local newspaper. 3.0 The next stages 3.1 The findings from the questionnaire will be reviewed in more detail by the Communications Group when it meets on 28th September and this will help develop an action plan to address improvements in how the community committee communicates with residents and groups. It is proposed that this action plan be submitted to the Community Committee meeting on 27th November 2006. 3.2 Members will be interested to know that several of the issues raised by the questionnaire are already being addressed. These include – Improved publicity outside and inside venues, including a banner Letters via schools to be sent and a poster being designed for future use A small communications allocation has been agreed by the Budget group to support improvement of newsletters and other marketing materials in 2006/7 The newsletter is to be printed externally from Spring 2007 A condition on all Community Committee grants is that organisations must say on all publicity that their project has been supported by the Community Committee Work is underway to encourage more groups to participate in meetings, especially churches, schools and those who have received grants 3.3 Further details of actions arising will be included in the report and action plan in November 2006. 3 APPENDIX 1 – DETAILS OF QUESTIONNAIRE FINDINGS Community Committee meetings How many times in the last 12 months have you attended a community committee meeting for Walkden and Little Hulton? Never 7 Once 4 Twice 1 Three times 4 Four or more 7 In what capacity did you attend? Representing Group 7 a Officer 4 Councillor Resident 3 2 If you have attended, how did you find out about it? (multi choice responses) Word Mouth 9 of On List 8 Mailing Did Not Say 7 E.Mail Letter 2 2 What do you think would encourage more people to attend and become involved in the community Committee? (multi choice responses) Did not More Say/Not Publicity Sure explaining benefits of being involved Need to Consider be more daytime public mtgs. friendly Circulate notices earlier Pay travel exp. Must have disabled access Encourage More young people 9 3 2 1 1 1 8 3 When you arrive at meetings, what would you like to see leaflets and written material on? Community issues. Youth/other activities 8 Not sure/did not say 8 Details explaining items on the agenda 5 Contact Policing/Housing Anything info/access issues new to services 4 1 1 How can we improve publicity for meetings? (multi choice responses) Posters 16 Use Word of Letters existing mouth thro newsletters schools to parents 16 12 12 Posters through mailing list E Mail Banners Advert Outside in local venue paper 11 10 9 4 2 Do you have any ideas for suitable venues? - Local primary schools -St Edmunds -Top Club -Guild Hall Community Centre -Sure Start Childrens Centre -St Pauls Walkden -St Paul Peel -Emlyn Hall - One Stop Shop -Walkden Congregational -British Legion Views on the newsletter Have you ever seen a copy of the community newsletter? Yes 18 No 2 Unsure 3 If you did, overall how useful did you find it? Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 3 9 6 1 0 Never seen it 4 What type of features would you like to see in the newsletter? (Multi choice responses) Local Services Crime Youth Local prevention programmes events Health issues Local contacts 20 19 16 16 17 17 Work of the Community Committee 13 Other: -Citizen of the month/year 2 -Groups who attend the Community Committee 2 -Good news stories -“Star” young person -More for disabled people How do feel we could improve its content? (Multi choice responses) Not sure/did not say Improve design Colour/more pictures 5 15 2 Other: (one each) -Do not just put good news stories in -Letters page -Competitions -OK as it is 3 How do you think we can improve the distribution of the newsletter? (Multi choice responses) Not sure/did not Libraries say 13 4 Through schools 2 Insert into local newspaper 2 Other: (one each) -Housing offices -Civic Centre reception -More advertising -Churches -Leave on buses -Cafes/restaurants -E mail groups -Have them delivered by volunteers Other comments Features relevant to local groups and people in the Newsletter Citizen of the month/year feature in Newsletter Improve design and include more colour and photographs Use current distribution system, but improve by options such as; inserting in local paper, leaving on buses, and having volunteers delivering them 6