DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE PROPERTY & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REPORT TO HOUSING LEAD MEMBER SUBJECT : CAR PARK ADJOINING THE GOLDEN LION P.H. BARTON LANE, ECCLES. PURPOSE OF REPORT. To seek approval to the granting of a sub lease of the car park adjoining the Golden Lion P.H. Barton Lane, Eccles. RECOMMENDATION. I recommend that the Lead Member approves the transaction as detailed below. INFORMATION. Current Lease Details: Term: 21 years from 16 April 1989 Lessee: Inn Partnership Rental: £2433 per annum Use: Car park for the patrons of the Golden Lion P.H. Inn Partnership have let the Golden Lion to Mr. B.Bates and require consent to sub let the car park, to Mr. Bates, for a term expiring on or before 14th April 2010 Extension No. 3711 Surveyor A. SHAWCROSS