Part 1 ______________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING ______________________________________________________________ TO THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL ON 7TH JUNE 2007 ______________________________________________________________ SECTION 106 AGREEMENT RELATING TO LAND ADJACENT TO TRAFFORD ROAD AND ORDSALL LANE (SALTRA DEVELOPMENT), ORDSALL ______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete an agreement under Section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to allow funds received pursuant to section 106 of that Act in respect of land adjacent to Trafford Road and Ordsall Lane (Saltra Development), Ordsall to be used for the additional purpose of the provision of improved facilities at Fit City Ordsall. 2. That the common seal of the Council be affixed to such agreement. ______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Panel is asked to approve the use of section 106 funds from the Saltra development for the additional purpose of improving facilities at Fit City Ordsall and to authorise completion of the necessary modification agreement under section 106A. ______________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Letter dated 19th February 2007 from the Council to David McLean Homes and reply dated 30th April 2007. ______________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low ______________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Section 106 funds from Saltra development; Building Maintenance Budget ______________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (Provided by Richard Lester): The existing agreement requires to be modified by a further agreement authorising use of the funds for an additional purpose. ______________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (Provided by Peter Butterworth) The majority of the S106 funding required for this project has already been received and it is anticipated that the balance will be received in the current financial year. The risk of cash flow difficulties is low and can be managed through the Ordsall Infrastructure Account. COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: Publicity will be appropriate once the new fitness centre is complete. VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS: N/A CLIENT IMPLICATIONS: N/A PROPERTY: This investment fits with the Salford Community Leisure service property strategy. ______________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ______________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Barry Whitmarsh, Major Projects Coordinator, Housing and Planning Directorate. 0161 793 3645 ______________________________________________________________ WARD TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: ORDSALL ______________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: A healthy city. A city that is good to live in. ______________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the meeting on 1st July 2004, panel resolved it was minded to grant planning permission to David McLean Homes Ltd for erection of 4 fourstorey blocks and 2 five-storey blocks comprising 287 apartments, associated car parking and creation of new vehicular access together with associated landscaping at Land Bounded By Trafford Road, Ordsall Lane, Archie Street And Craven Drive Salford 5 (ref: 04/48147/FUL), subject to completion of a legal agreement, and authorised the Director of Corporate Services to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (S106). 1.2 The S106 agreement required a commuted sum payment of £241,280 for the provision and maintenance of equipped play space and informal open space. The monies were to be paid in instalments on completion of each block. This commuted sum was required in lieu of appropriate play space and informal open space on site, in accordance with policies H8, H6 and H11 of the then adopted Unitary Development Plan (UDP). 1.3 The agreement was completed and planning permission granted in September 2004. 1.4 Construction of the development, marketed as “Saltra”, is well advanced. To date, 3 of the 6 blocks have been completed and the first 3 S106 instalments, totalling £120,655, duly paid. 2 further blocks are nearing completion and it is anticipated that the S106 instalments will be received very soon. 1.5 None of the S106 funds have yet been spent. 2 FIT CITY ORDSALL 2.1 Fit City Ordsall is the main indoor recreation facility in this part of Central Salford and is located next to the Saltra development. 2.2 Salford Community Leisure Ltd, who manage Fit City on behalf of the council, have developed proposals to open up the ex-bar area, activity room and corridor as a single large area to accommodate a new fitness suite. This facility will provide “state of the art” fitness facilities for the locality. The proposals include the latest and most up to date equipment on the market, allowing Salford to be at the forefront of providing facilities that allow usage by a far wider range of the population than normal. This takes into account the “make up” of the local population and would allow the facility to target groups such as the under 14year olds, family fitness sessions, GP referrals and the over 55’s. 2.3 The total capital cost of the project is estimated as £150,000. £25,000 is available from the Building Maintenance budget, leaving a funding gap of £125,000. 2.4 The current maintenance budget for leisure facilities is overstretched, with the majority of the budget allocated to reactive maintenance rather than planned maintenance. Therefore there is no scope for this funding on its own to provide large-scale capital developments such as this proposal. In addition there are no public grant sources that would easily fund this type of fitness development. Current sports facility funding is leaning towards “multi sport” provision or facilities that link with 2012. 2.5 It is proposed that the funding gap be met by viring S106 funds from open space recreational investment. The development by David McLean has been identified as the appropriate source of funding due to the proximity of the development, the potential benefits of the investment to residents of Saltra and the current availability of funds. 3 CALLS ON S106 FUNDS IN ORDSALL 3.1 Planning permission has recently been granted for several new housing developments in the Ordsall area where the developer is obliged to make a financial contribution under S106 agreements. The purposes to which the funding can be applied are specified in each agreement. However, most payments are required as an alternative to the provision of on-site open space by the developer and use of the funds is generally limited to provision or improvement of formal and informal open space. Use of S106 funds for works to Fit City would not be in accordance with any agreement and would require agreement of the developer to enter into a revised agreement. 3.2 Receipt of S106 funds is dependent on the commencement and completion of individual developments, which can be difficult to predict. However, it seems likely that funds totalling at least £900,000 will be available in the Ordsall area over the next two years. Some funds have already been committed, for example to refurbishment of the River Irwell walkway and the Ordsall Hall lottery bid. Implementation of the infrastructure programme associated with the Ordsall Framework also relies on use of S106 funds. 3.3 It is most likely that using S106 funds for Fit City would reduce, at least in the short term, funds available to support the planned investment in Ordsall Park, under the Parks for People programme. 3.4 However, it is considered that viring funds to Fit City would be of equal and appropriate benefit to the local community and would meet a current priority. Use of funds for this purpose is also consistent with policies H8, H6 and H11 of the then adopted UDP and could legitimately have been included in the original agreement. 4 CONSULTATIONS 4.1 Ward members have been consulted on the proposed virement of funds and have no objections. 4.2 David McLean Homes (Manchester) Ltd have confirmed that they are happy for monies (up to £125,000) to be redirected on the understanding that they incur no costs for the redrafting of the agreement. 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 It is recommended: 1. That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete an agreement under section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to allow funds received pursuant to section 106 of that Act in respect of land adjacent to Trafford Road and Ordsall Lane (Saltra Development), Ordsall to be used for the additional purpose of the provision of improved facilities at Fit City Ordsall. 2. That the common seal of the Council be affixed to such agreement. MALCOLM SYKES STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING