REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE TO: Budget Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 22nd May 2007 TITLE: Manchester Science Park (MSP) & Salford Innovation Park (SIP) RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Budget Scrutiny Committee supports the proposal that Salford City Council and Salford University consider joining forces with Manchester Science Park Ltd to create a major science park facility across the conurbation. ______________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the Committee of discussions with partners with a view to Salford Innovation Park (SIP) being transferred to the Manchester Science Park Ltd Company. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Cabinet Briefing on 20th March 2007 Press Release on 08th May 2007 ASSESSMENT OF RISK Any risk to the Council will be addressed in the continuing discussions with Manchester Science Park and conform with the principles of due diligence. In the medium to longer-term, risk with regard to the operation of Salford Innovation Forum and Salford Business Park will pass from the City Council to Manchester Science Park, although the City Council will share risk with other shareholders in the running of the company. SOURCE OF FUNDING: No additional funding is required to support the opportunity. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative) 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS - Strengthening Communities - are addressed through the due diligence procedures The risk of a net liability falling upon the City Council IN Salford 1 will be removed in the medium term. 3. ICT STEERING GROUP IMPLICATIONS - N/A PROPERTY: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ______________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT MEMBER / OFFICER: Kevin Brady – Assistant Chief Executive x-3406 John Spink – Head of Finance x-3230 WARD (S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE (S) All KEY COUNCIL POLICIES (that have an impact on service delivery) Making the vision real; Salford Community Plan for 2006 – 2016 Economic Development Strategy 2004 – 2007 Regenerating a Great City, Salford’s Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy DETAILS 1. Background 1.1 Members will recall from previous reports to this Committee that the City Council has : Commissioned the construction of the Salford Innovation Forum, which is due for completion imminently Acquired Salford Business Park from NWDA Together these now form what is known as Salford Innovation Park. 1.2 Both properties are located on Frederick Rd, Salford and lie adjacent to each other. Nearby is Technology House, which is owned by the University of Salford. 1.3 In recent months, discussion has been held with the University and with Manchester Science Park Ltd (MSP Ltd) to seek to bring these assets together under proven specialist management expertise for the long-term benefit of Salford residents. 1.4 A proposal is therefore currently being worked up to transfer the assets of Salford City Council and Salford University located at the Salford Innovation Park (SIP) into MSP Ltd in return for shares and Board representation in that company. 1.5 The working title for the planned new venture is ‘Salford Innovation Park’ and this – together with branding- has now been agreed by the three parties. Strengthening Communities IN Salford 2 1.6 All the three partners are defining what information they require to carry out a ‘due diligence’ exercise and to define how the new shareholding arrangements in MSP Ltd will be structured, although the existing broad 3-way split between the public, university and private sectors will be maintained. 1.7 Key to the proposal will be to ensure that the key funding bodies (NWDA/ERDF) for the Salford Innovation Forum are prepared to give their consent and that EU state aid and procurement rules are not compromised. Specialist legal advice is being sought by all parties on a shared basis to ensure these requirements are satisfied. 1.8 Other issues that also will need to be satisfied are : 1.9 2. Asset values Outstanding debt on the acquisition of Salford Business Park by the City Council Continuing to fulfil grant conditions re outcomes/outputs Taxation issues on the transfer of assets General due diligence by all 3 parties In the interim whilst the transfer of assets is negotiated, a sub-contract for the management of the facilities at SIP has been let by Urban Vision to MSP Ltd. Specific benefits of the link Up with MSP (Manchester Science Park) 2.1 In considering how best to secure the necessary expertise to manage the Salford Innovation Park (SIP), consideration has been given to the relationship between the Salford Innovation Park (SIP) and MSP Ltd. MSP Ltd is a property investment and management company that has economic development and knowledge transfer as its strategic objectives. It already operates on three sites in Greater Manchester (Science Park, Technopark, One Central Park), and is recognised internationally as one of the leading UK science parks. It is a profitable private company, limited by shares and its shareholders include the City of Manchester, two universities and five commercial investors. 2.2 An analysis of the figures (below) indicates that turnover of Manchester Science Park Limited has increased by 25% between 2003 and 2006 and Earnings Before Interest and Taxation (EBIT) has increased by 28% during the same period. The following table is an excerpt from the Manchester Science Park Limited published accounts (up until year end 2006): Year Ended 31st Dec 2003 Turnover (£’000) 2,454 2,509 2,706 3,087 EBIT (£’000) (Earnings Before Interest and Taxation) 945 2004 870 2005 984 2006 (forecast) 1,211 In 2006 as a direct result of high occupancy rates, MSP’s financial performance has been encouraging with turnover increasing 7% to £2.7m over the last financial year and profit (after dividend and tax) to £0.5m compared to £0.39m in the last financial year. This indicates that net profit has increased by £0.11m in one financial year which is excellent. Strengthening Communities IN Salford 3 The Council understands that any remaining surplus generated by MSP after the payment of interest and taxation is reinvested into the science park both in terms of the parks infrastructure and in relation to the services provided to tenants. 2.3 Specific benefits to Salford arising from a partnership with MSP Ltd include: MSP’s specialist proven management expertise The attraction of MSP’s brand Stimulation of jobs for Salford’s residents Economies of scale Transfer of risk A stake in the success of the company Manchester Science Park Limited has an absolutely outstanding record of delivering the benefits of regeneration into communities. Its reputation for delivering knowledge based managed workspace is internationally renowned. Its incubator facilities in North Manchester and around the University of Manchester campus are testimony to the principle of the benefits of regeneration impacting positively on the surrounding community. The following facts about the Company are particularly worthy of note: Manchester Science Park Limited is a private limited company with Shareholdings divided (approximately) as follows: - Manchester City Council 28% - Manchester Universities 38% (University of Manchester 28% & MMU 10%) -Commercial 34% (various, ie Granada, Natwest Bank etc) The Company hosts business space for Chinese companies wanting to invest in Manchester through a MIDAS initiative called ‘Sinoventures’. The space at SIP will seek to expand on this link with new Chinese companies using Sinoventures and our twinning with Chengdu city in Sichuan province. Discussions are already well underway to get this idea moving. MSP Limited worked in close partnership with the Moss Side and Hulme Regeneration Partnership to ensure that the commercial success of the Science Park contributed to the overall regeneration plan for the area. Using this experience, MSP Ltd is very keen to forge links with Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company to ensure that their plans for the SIP are similarly integrated into Central Salford’s strategic vision. In North Manchester, MSP Ltd and the University of Manchester are two of the partners in One Central Park on North Manchester Business Park (Central Park) adjacent to the regional Fujitsu plant. This facility was established with assistance from Northwest Development Agency and New East Manchester Urban Regeneration Company and it provides further and higher education courses, enterprise education and business creation, incubation and acceleration. Early discussions will take place on replicating a similar model of community involvement with regards to SIP in the Broughton ward of Salford, to maximise the existing input of Charlestown and Lower Kersal New Deal with Communities programme. Strengthening Communities IN Salford 4 2.4 Specific benefits to MSP Ltd arising from a partnership with Salford include: 2.5 Scale – as a small company, MSP Ltd only has the resources (people and cash) to manage one development at a time. Doubling the size of the portfolio would enable MSP Ltd to exploit other opportunities across Greater Manchester; Range of Accommodation – business start-ups require low cost accommodation in their early stages, land values around the University of Manchester make this difficult to provide on existing sites. The Salford portfolio would extend the range of rents and type of accommodation MSP Ltd could offer to tenants, allowing more start-ups to benefit from MSP Ltd’s business development services; Knowledge Transfer – partnership would enable further development of the already positive relationship between Academic Enterprise at the University of Salford and MSP Ltd, adding another dimension to its work on building university/industry links; Economic development – MSP Ltd will be able to apply its proven expertise in another area of the city region, working in partnership with an urban regeneration company as it did in Hulme and is doing in East Manchester. This is consistent with the company’s strategic objectives and also with the Knowledge Capital aim of spreading the benefits of the knowledge economy to all areas of the city region. Specific benefits to Greater Manchester arising from a partnership with MSP Ltd include: 3. The Company is keen to work with Salford City Council in delivering the ‘Connecting People Programme’ which aims to increase the employability of the proportion of unemployed people living in the most deprived wards in Salford. Transfer of an internationally recognised brand to another location in the city-region, resulting in the retention and attraction of more knowledge based businesses. The partnership between MIDAS and MSP Ltd that supports SinoVentures and the International Innovation Centre attracts a steady stream of overseas companies to the city region; Integration of existing management processes and systems of proven quality and efficiency, across the joint portfolio with economies of scale at an operational level; Creation of a Greater Manchester science park company that links both ends of the `Arc of Opportunity’ is an obvious step for a Knowledge Capital with aspirations to be a world wide business capital and would send a strong signal to national government of our commitment to the Science City concept; On the contrary, competing science parks within the city region would undermine partnerships that already existing and be counter-productive in terms of growing the knowledge economy of the city region. Conclusion Recent developments now offer Salford City Council and University a unique opportunity to maximise the potential of the Salford Innovation Park (SIP). Strengthening Communities IN Salford 5