Item 4c
Briefing Note from the Strategic Director for Environment in respect of Issues
raised at the meeting of the Claremont / Weaste Political Executive Group held
on 22nd May, 2007.
The key issue was alleygating in the area. I undertook to look at the system
of alleygating, in particular two types of alleygating. There are two types of
alleygating, one is alleygating under Highways Act and the second is a form
of alleygating using Gating Orders under the Clean Neighbourhoods and
Environment Act. The main difference being that under the Highways Act the
responsibility for the enclosed area, in terms of cleansing, is with the
residents of that area. In terms of the Gating Orders under Clean
Neighbourhood and Environment Act, the responsibility for cleansing issues
remains with the City Council. The Directorate will continue to respond to
areas covered by Gating Orders, in response to Member or public complaints,
and will clean these areas, as required, and take any other appropriate action
e.g. enforcement. In terms of the alleygating provision under the Highways
Act, the Directorate will investigate, and liaise with residents, in order to come
to a solution. This may also involve enforcement action. The anomaly
between the two types of alleygating is being considered by the Street Scene
Cabinet Working Group and a report is due to them on the way forward in
September 2007.
Enviro Crime
There are two main issues. The levels of prosecutions and Fixed Penalty
Notices served, and enforcement on Bolton Road. Phil Morton,
Environmental Crime Co-ordinator's response is below.
Fixed penalty notices are issued for a variety of offences as covered by the
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. These include littering,
dog fouling, graffiti, trade waste offences, and duty of care. We cannot issue
fixed penalty notices for fly tipping, as this is seen as a more serious offence,
which is dealt with via the court system. However during the last financial
year we issued, across the City, almost 700 fixed penalty notices for littering
alone. Of these just under 100 were in Claremont and Weaste, amounting to
nearly 17% of the total issued. To date this financial year we have issued 65
fpn’s, of which 15 have been in Claremont and Weaste, (23%). We have
increased the payment rate for fpn's from 42% to between 60% and 65%.
The payment rate for April this year was 70%. Of those who choose not to
pay, we have sent to legal over 100 cases in the last year, and have to date
secured successful convictions of 42 offenders. (No one has been found not
guilty). We have secured 8 successful prosecutions for fly tipping in the last 6
months, and have a further 6 cases proceeding through the legal system
In terms of Bolton Road, enforcement continues to be a priority. It is patrolled
regularly by our staff who issue litter fixed penalty notices where required.
The area is also patrolled by PCSO’S who have issued a number on our
behalf, and from 29th May Parking attendants will also be issuing fpn’s in the
area for us.
Recycling at Buile Hill Park
As mentioned at the Political Exec meeting it is the intention of the Directorate
to work with the local community to relocate the recycling facility to a more
appropriate part of the park. Recycling is essential for effective running and
maintenance of the park and will continue. It is hoped that our target is to
relocate the facility within three months i.e. by end of September, but further
discussions are needed.
Weaste Cemetery
A number of maintenance, and security issues, were raised, particularly
around the entrance of Weaste Cemetery. Response below from Neil
Buckley, Principal Bereavement Services Officer, outlines actions we have
taken and will take in the future.
Grounds maintenance have cleared away stumps etc being used by thieves
to climb over fences.
Blacksmiths have attended site and will weld back in place palisade fencing to
fill gaps.
I have shown Grounds maintenance and Arboricultural Officer the areas of
concern regarding tree branches overhanging from Cemetery, and
undergrowth problem, and requested a price for solving the problems be
I have asked Urban Vision to look at problem of stopping vehicles ramming
the gates to Weaste Cemetery.
Langworthy Reds and Sale of Alcohol
This issue was referred to our Licensing Section. Ron Pennington, Assistant
Director Regulatory Services, response is given below.
I have spoken to Ken Green in our Licensing Section regarding this issue.
Ken advised me that he spoke to the management of the club last year, as
there was some suggestion that the club may have been selling/supplying
alcohol, and they did not hold a licence. The management denied selling
alcohol however Ken did advise them of the legal requirements and of the
licensing process. The club has not applied for a licence. If there are
allegations that the club are actually selling alcohol then Officers can arrange
to make a test purchase and take appropriate action.
Play Area at Thornfield Street
There was an issue about a gap in the fencing at Thornfield Street. The
request for a screen next to the motorway fence will be programmed for this
autumn/winter. Also the felling of vandalised trees will be programmed as
soon as possible.
General Cleansing Issues
Listed below is response from Principal Officer on actions taken for general
cleansing issues.
BIN REQUEST - I have checked our records, in relation to outstanding bin
deliveries for Queen Street, Salford, and can only locate one resident who is
currently waiting delivery of a domestic bin; 33 Queen Street. This request
was logged on our system on 01.05.07 and I have arranged for a
replacement bin to be delivered this weekend (26th May).
FAIRHOPE STREET- I have asked one of my Officers to visit the site to
assess the litter and arrange for any clearance work to take place ASAP.
LITTER BINS - As the request for a litter bin is in a Park, I have referred this
matter to Paul McKeown in our Grounds Maintenance section for action. See
his response below.
TRAINERS - IRLAM o'TH' HEIGHT - Councillor Ferrer's request for trainers
tied onto a telephone pole wire has again been referred to British Telecom for
General Grounds Maintenance Issues
Listed below is response from Principal Officer on actions taken for grounds
maintenance issues.
WEASTE ALLOTMENTS - The arranged site visit with Cllr Ainsworth and the
probation service has now taken place. The probation service have agreed to
start work on several projects a s a p.
Cllr Ainsworth is to look into funding
the drainage of the allotments with section 106 monies.
LITTER BINS in Oakwood Park - The order has now been placed for 25
new bins. 2 bins will be installed as soon as they arrive.