Your Community Police Officer is: Your community support officers are:

Your Community Police Officer is:
PC 2174 Dave Lovatt
PC 6047 Ian Noone
Your community support officers are:
Pcso 61295 Mark Fitzgerald
Pcso 65046 Claire Wright
Pcso 22491Nigel Kirk and
Pcso 62640 Martin Woodhouse
To speak to your Community Police Officer or
Police Community Support Officer for help and
advice regarding Crime or Crime Prevention or
any other community matter, please telephone
0161 856 5386
Should an incident occur where you believe a
Police Officer needs to attend, please telephone
0161 872 5050
In an emergency telephone 999
If you have information about any crime, please
telephone Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. Your
call is free; you do not have to give your name, and
you may receive a reward