PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES TO THE CABINET MEETING ON 27TH FEBRUARY 2007 TITLE : Kersal/Broughton/Blackfriars Primary School Review Area (Lower Broughton/ Irwell Riverside) RECOMMENDATIONS : That Cabinet approve the commencement of the statutory process to consult on the closure of Charlestown and North Grecian Street Primary Schools and establish a new 420 place community primary school on the Wheatersfield site, by September 2010. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This report informs members of progress on the Kersal/Broughton/Blackfriars primary school review area, since approval in principle was given by Cabinet on 22nd March 2005, for officers to undertake an implementation plan, based on the delivery of new schools in this area. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) Primary School Review Cabinet Report – 22nd March 2005. Progress on Primary School Review Cabinet Report – 11th February, 2004. School Organisation Plan – Demographic Information 2004. Radclyffe and St. Clement’s C.E. Community Primary Schools Cabinet Report – 10th September, 2003. School Organisation Plan 2003 – 2008. Primary School Review Cabinet Report – 28th May, 2003. Primary School Review Cabinet Report – 19th February, 2003. Primary School Review Cabinet Report – 10th September, 2002. Primary Review Informal Consultation Document – September 2002. Strategic Review of Primary School Places Cabinet Report – 22nd January, 2002. ASSESSMENT OF RISK: The greatest risk of not establishing a new school in this area is that the opportunity may not arise again in the near future. D:\219514985.doc 1 SOURCE OF FUNDING: Capital receipts from the disposal of education assets and the Department for Education and Skills Capital Grant. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : Philip Heyes Developed with Customer and Support Services – Law and Administration Section input 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by : John Spink This proposal is included within the Council’s Capital Programme as from the financial year 2007/2008. 3. ICT STEERING GROUP IMPLICATIONS Provided by: N/A PROPERTY (if applicable): Advice and Guidance provided by Richard Wynne from Urban Vision Partnership Ltd. HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Mel Cunningham from Human Resources will become involved in staff consultation meetings, should Cabinet approve the commencement of the statutory process. CONTACT OFFICER : Kathryn Mildenstein, Asset Planning Manager – 0161 778 0420 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Lower Broughton / Irwell Riverside KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: 5 outcomes – Every Child Matters, Pledges 1-7. DETAILS 1. Background and Current Position 1.1. The proposal to close Charlestown and North Grecian Street primary schools and build a new two-form entry (420 pupil place) primary school on the Wheatersfield site has been developed from extensive consultation; since June 2003. 1.2. At its meeting on 22nd March 2005, Cabinet gave approval for officers to undertake and implement a plan based on the building of two new 2 FE primary schools in the Kersal/Broughton/Blackfriars area. D:\219514985.doc 2 1.3. Funding is now available to proceed with one new 2 FE primary school in the Lower Broughton area. 1.4. The plan to regenerate a substantial part of the Lower Broughton area provides the opportunity to include educational facilities as part of this. This has the added advantage of providing new and improved amenities to sustain and provide a focus for the community. A site for the new school has been identified within the redevelopment area (further details at 2.1 of this report). 1.5. North Grecian Street School buildings are old and dilapidated, despite some recent investment to modernise the school building to improve its short-term use. 1.6. Charlestown School has suitability issues which impact upon curriculum delivery. The accommodation was originally open plan and accommodation has been compartmentalised resulting in cramped classrooms (further compounded by inadequate storage), with poor lighting and ventilation. Corridor access and circulation space through classrooms is disruptive. Kitchen staff wheel trolleys through classrooms to access the Dining Hall, which is a health and safety risk. Staff and administration areas are also inadequate. 1.7. Should the proposal for the new school go ahead the land occupied by Charlestown Primary School will be used to increase the team game provision at the Albion High School from 11,799 m2 to 30,983 m2. The statutory requirement for team games is 33,906 m2. This will improve the sports and team game facilities for all the pupils attending the Albion High School. Many of these pupils will be pupils transferring from Charlestown and North Grecian Street Primary Schools. 2. The New School 2.1. The proposed new 2 FE primary school is to be located on the site of the former Wheaters Crescent Housing Estate. This site extends to the 2 hectares required for a 2 FE primary school with on-site playing fields and is in a prominent position fronting Lower Broughton Road. (See plan at Appendix 1). This site will be further supported by an adjacent 3 hectare area of high quality public space. The land is currently substantially cleared of all buildings, with the exception of 2 tenanted New Prospect houses and one right to buy property. Discussions are currently underway on a one to one basis with each of the occupiers of these properties in order to facilitate their move from their current property to an early phase of the contour homes/private for sale properties being built on site at the present time. The location of these properties would not affect the siting of the proposed school building, merely a small parcel of the playing fields adjoining, and it is felt that by the time of construction they will have been successfully relocated and the properties demolished. 2.2. The proposed new school is to include a Children’s Centre Hub which will provide extended services for the community. 2.3. Forecasts, based on the number of pupils currently in both Charlestown and North Grecian Street Primary Schools, indicate that when the proposed new school opens in September 2010, it will be almost full. Indications are that currently there are over 900 houses in the area which are mainly for families. These will be replaced by 1223 houses, as part of the regeneration. The implication of this is that more school places may be needed in the area in the longer term. 2.4. One possible solution to this potential issue would be to be creative with the design of the new school building so that it can be extended, if necessary, in the future. 3. Source of Capital Funds D:\219514985.doc 3 Capital funds will come from land disposals from redundant school sites. It is also expected that the two schools involved in this proposal will contribute to the provision of IT equipment for the proposed new school from their Devolved Formula Capital. 4. Statutory Process and Timescale 4.1. The new Education and Inspection Act 2006 now requires a local authority to invite proposals in a competition for a new primary school. The information below describes the stages of the process and the timescale involved. Statutory Process and Timescale for the Proposed Closure of North Grecian Street and Charlestown Primary Schools and the Establishment of a New 2FE Primary School on the Wheatersfield Site Process 1. Timescale Cabinet Report to approve commencement of the statutory process to consult on the proposal. 13th February 2007 - Cabinet Briefing 27th February 2007 - Cabinet Meeting 2. Cabinet decision and call in. 7th March 2007 3. Public consultation. 8th March to 20th April 2007 (6 weeks) 4. Report to Cabinet to consider outcome 8th May 2007 – Cabinet Briefing of consultation and authorisation to publish notice inviting proposals for the establishment of a new primary school, 22nd May 2007 – Cabinet Meeting in a competition. Also approval of Council’s application to Secretary of State for consent to promote new community primary school and if consent granted to publish that proposal in due course with any competition proposals received; also to authorise proposals to close the two existing schools. 5. Cabinet decision and call in. 6. Publication of statutory notice (as 7th June 2007 to 8th October 2007 (4 described at 4 above) and deadline for months) proposals to be received. 7. LA to seek the Secretary of State's 7th June 2007 consent to the LA publishing its own Secretary of State's response required by proposals for the establishment of a 11th October 2007 new community primary school. 8. Publish D:\219514985.doc any competition 30th May 2007 proposals 25th October 2007 4 received and also, subject to the Secretary of State's consent, the LA’s own proposal for a new community primary school and the closure of the 2 existing primary schools (North Grecian Street and Charlestown). 9. (a) 6 week representation period (comments/objections). (b) The LA must arrange for at least 1 public meeting to be held to inform the public of the proposals received and any arrangements for making objections and comments. 25th October 2007 to 6th December 2007 Public meeting to be held by 8th November (within 2 weeks from the publication of the proposals at 8). 10. If the LA is unable to publish their own By 6th February 2008 (2 months from the proposals then the LA considers the end of the 6 week representation period at closure proposals and all of the 9(a)) published competition proposals and determines which of them is to proceed and also determines the closure proposals. 11. If the LA is allowed to publish its By 20th December 2007 (2 weeks from the proposals, all proposals, including any end of the 6 week representation period at published competition proposals, 9(a)) together with the closure proposals, to be referred to the Adjudicator. 12. If (11 above) applies the Adjudicator No fixed timescale but expected by 13th makes the decision on the proposals a) February 2008. to establish a new primary school and b) to discontinue (close) the 2 existing ones. 5. Recommendations 5.1. Officers have identified a way of funding one new 2 FE primary school in the area. Approval is therefore sought to commence the statutory process to close both Charlestown and North Grecian Street primary schools and establish a new primary school in a new building on the Wheatersfield site. D:\219514985.doc 5