Part One ITEM NO.7 REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER & SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE: BUDGET & AUDIT SCRUTINY - AUDIT SUB COMMITTEE ON Monday, 17 January, 2005 TITLE: REPORTS ISSUED AUGUST TO NOVEMBER 2004 RECOMMENDATIONS: Members are asked to note the contents of the report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to inform members of the internal audit activity undertaken by the Audit & Risk Management Unit for the period August to November 2004 inclusive. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Various reports and working papers. ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Internal Audit projects are managed within the Unit’s risk based audit protocols aimed at giving assurance regarding the management of the City Council’s key business risks. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Existing revenue budget. COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Head of Law & Admin 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: Head of Finance PROPERTY (if applicable): N/A HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): N/A CONTACT OFFICER: Andrew Waine Audit Manager Tel: 0161 793 3357 Email: WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): N/A KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: N/A DETAILS: See report attached. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Westwood Park Community Primary School Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2580 09/2004 Scope Westwood Primary School is a City of Salford Community Plus school. The School is located on Vaughan Street, Eccles, and currently has a pupil roll of 310, including 38 nursery children. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that the majority of the risks reviewed during the audit were adequately controlled. However, the audit identified a number of areas where improvements to the existing internal control environment are required. The more significant of these are noted below: Main Recommendations The signatories for the school bank accounts are not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis. The scheme of financial delegation is not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis. Management Response Agreed. This matter will be raised as an official agenda item at the next Governing Body meeting to be held on the 9th September 2004. As above Implementation Date 9th September 2004. 9th September 2004. 3 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number St Paul’s CE Primary School Commencement 05/2004 Date Issued Date 2582 09/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that the majority of the risks reviewed during the audit were adequately controlled. However, the audit identified a number of areas where improvements to the existing internal control environment are required. The most significant of these were as follows: The signatories for the school bank accounts are not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis The scheme of financial delegation is not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis The school currently maintains no inventory record. Main Recommendations Bank account signatories should be approved annually by the Governing Body. The scheme of financial delegation should be approved annually by the Governing Body. An inventory should be compiled for all items over £100 in value and reviewed annually. Management Response Agreed. To be included on agenda for next meeting. Agreed. To be included on agenda for next meeting. Agreed. Implementation Date December 2004. December 2004. Spring 2005. 4 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Moorside Primary School - PIR Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2444A 09/2004 Scope The purpose of this review was to revisit the recommendations and Action Plan that were contained in the recent audit report and to assess the progress made towards their implementation. Internal Auditor’s Opinion We are pleased to report that the audit review concluded that action required to address significant risks had been taken and all agreed recommendations had been implemented. 5 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number The Albion High School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date 2634 11/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, as follows: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted/Traded Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate controls were in place and operating effectively in most areas reviewed, however the audit did highlight 16 areas requiring attention to enhance the control environment. The more significant of these are detailed below: The school fund has not been audited recently, nor has a statement of account been provided to the Governing Body for review The Governing Body do not currently approve the Scheme of Financial Delegation on an annual basis A review of the inventory and processes for maintaining it, revealed a number of weaknesses regarding its completeness, storage and independent review At the time of the audit, the School was not registered with the Data Protection Registrar The audit review identified a payment for building works carried out at the School, which had not been processed via the Authority and the Construction Industry Scheme. Main Recommendations In relation to the school fund, the following should be carried out: The School should create a mission statement, detailing the objectives for the school fund account. The Mission Statement should be approved by the Governing Body, and this approval noted in the minutes of the respective meeting The school fund account should be independently audited on an annual basis Management Response Mission statement created, and school fund audit to be carried out. Statement will be presented at the next Governors meeting and minuted. Implementation Date th 30 November 2004. 6 A statement of income and expenditure should be presented to the Governing Body on an annual basis, and noted in the minutes of the meeting. The Governing Body should approve the Scheme of Financial Delegation on an annual basis, and this approval should be recorded in the minutes of the respective meeting. The School needs to tighten controls surrounding its inventory processes, to ensure that the inventories accurately reflect the school stock. The inventory should be updated to include purchase dates for items recorded A target date should be set for the annual update of inventories, and upon their return, the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff, should review the inventory for completeness, and sign and date the inventory as a record of satisfactory review The security of the inventories should be maintained at all times. Inventories should be stored in locked, fireproof cabinets or the school safe. The School should register with the Information Commissioner's Office as a Data Controller. All payments for building works carried out should be processed via CIS, irrespective of the contractor or who recommends the contractor, in order to ensure tax fraud is avoided. Already actioned copy supplied to the auditor. 27th September 2004. Agreed - Target date set for update of inventories. Staff notified of need for secure storage facility for inventories. 30th November 2004. Agreed – Registration will be completed via the internet. Agreed - All future payments for building works to be processed via CIS 30th October 2004. 18th October 2004. 7 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Radclyffe Primary School Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date 2576 10/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that although some of the key risks are adequately controlled, some improvements are required to the existing internal control environment. The most significant areas requiring attention are: Documentary evidence was not available to confirm that the Governing Body reviews and approves the School’s bank account signatories on an annual basis The two school fund bank accounts are not reconciled on a regular basis. An annual statement of account is not prepared and subsequently independently audited The Scheme of Financial Delegation is not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis Authorisation of some orders, prior to being placed with suppliers, had not been undertaken by the nominated officer. Main Recommendations The School Governors should review and approve the School's bank account signatories on an annual basis. This review should be documented in the minutes of the meeting. The school fund accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis and a statement of accounts produced on an annual basis. Once this has been undertaken, the accounts should be Management Response This will be raised at the next meeting of the Governing Body and agreement sought. This will then become a standard item on the Autumn meeting agenda. Monthly reconciliations will be performed and signed-off by the Headteacher. The Implementation Date 31st October 2004. 30th September 2004. 8 independently audited and reported to the Governing Body. The School Governors should review and approve the scheme of financial delegation on an annual basis. This review should be documented in the minutes of the meeting. School Clerk will produce an annual statement of account under the direction of the School’s Education Accountant. This will then be presented to the Board of Governors at the Autumn meeting. The Chair of the Finance Committee will be requested to perform an independent audit of the school fund account. This will be raised at the next meeting of the Governing Body and agreement sought. This will then become a standard item on the Autumn meeting agenda. 31st October 2004. 9 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Cadishead Primary School Commencement 05/2004 Date Issued Date 2544 10/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that the majority of the risks reviewed during the audit were adequately controlled. However, the audit identified a number of areas where improvements to the existing internal control environment are required: The signatories for the school bank account mandates are not approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis Financial delegation is not approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis An independent annual audit of the school fund is not performed Reports of the school fund expenditure are not submitted to the Governors on an annual basis Calculation/costing sheets could not be located for recent and forthcoming trips The majority of orders placed by the School had not been approved by the nominated person. A number of omissions from the Governors Annual Report to Parents and the School Prospectus were identified at the time of the audit review. However, both documents were subsequently revised to include the omitted items, in order to meet the DfES requirements, during the course of this review. Main Recommendations Verification of the signatories being approved by the Governing body should be obtained annually with any such verification minuted. The Governing body should review and approve the scheme of financial delegation on an annual basis. This should be minuted as an official agenda item. Management Response This was obtained at the Governors meeting on the 28th June 2004 and appropriately minuted. This was obtained at the Governors meeting on the 28th June 2004 and Implementation Date Implemented end of June 2004. Implemented end of June 2004. 10 Arrangements should be made for the school fund annual statement of account to be independently audited. Once this has been undertaken, it should be performed on an annual basis. It is also recommended that payee details are recorded in the cashbook. The full annual statement of accounts for the school fund should be reported to the Governing body on an annual basis. This review should be documented within the minutes of the meeting. The use of a calculation/costing sheet should be introduced and completed and retained for each school trip. These should be reviewed and certified by the Head Teacher as evidence of his approval of the costing and the contingency used for any shortfall in funds. All orders should be authorised by the Head Teacher prior to orders being placed with suppliers. appropriately minuted. This was raised at the Governors meeting at the end of June 2004 and arrangements have been made for the accounts to be audited on an annual basis at the summer Governors meeting. Payee details will be recorded in the cashbook. This was raised at the Governors meeting at the end of June 2004 and appropriately documented. The school’s calculation/costing pro-forma will be reviewed and amended to contain the requisite level of detail. At the staff meeting held on the 28th June 2004, all staff were reminded that all orders must be authorised by the Head Teacher for curriculum items. Implemented end of June 2004. Implemented end of June 2004. End of September 2004. With immediate effect. 11 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Chief Executive Subject PART TWO Report Number European Funding Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date 2639 11/2004 Scope Following a management request, we conducted a review of the European Social Fund grant claim. This work was carried out between the 14th and the 17th of September 2004. The claim is based on the approval letter from Government Office North West dated 6th August 2001, under programme number 99GB053PO003 and project number 011099NW3. The funding was to support the Local Labour Initiative programme that was designed to help unemployed people back into the workplace. Internal Auditor’s Opinion Our review revealed that there were a number of weaknesses within the control procedures which operated at the time this project was running, during the financial years 2001/2 and 2002/3. The main areas of concern were: Beneficiary Records – eligibility checks were not accurately recorded and timesheets were not properly certified. Financial Control – there was no running record kept of total project expenditure. Organisation and Project Overview – we were unable to determine the success or otherwise of the Project as there was no defined performance measurements put in place. These weaknesses had been previously highlighted by Auditors from the Government Office for the North West during their visit on the 15th and 16th of April 2004 The control weaknesses identified have lead to a long delay in receiving the grant claim monies. A delay in the receipt of income is obviously a key risk for the Authority. Main Recommendation Internal Audit will review the current procedures over European Grant Claim monies to ensure the above control weaknesses have now been rectified. Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date 2005/2006 Internal Audit plan 12 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Summerville Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2581 09/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school as follows: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted/Traded Services Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the areas examined. However, the review highlighted a number of areas that could be improved with some additional controls, including two significant issues requiring more urgent action: There is no inventory of the school’s assets, with the exception of the IT equipment The Headteacher does not regularly review and initial the School, Fund cashbook records of income and expenditure, and provide documentary evidence of such a review having been performed. Main Recommendations The school should compile and maintain a continuous record of its significant assets. The Headteacher should initial the income summary and examine supporting documentation, and record her signature to denote such control has taken place. Management Response Agreed. Agreed. Implementation Date September 2004. September 2004. 13 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number St Paul’s Peel CE Primary School PIR Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date 2466A 09/2004 Scope In January 2004, Internal Audit conducted an audit of St. Paul’s Peel Primary School and as a result, audit report reference 2466/EDU/03, was issued. The purpose of this review was to revisit the recommendations and Action Plan that were contained in the above report, and to assess the progress made towards their implementation. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The review found that some of the actions required to address significant risks had been taken. However, nine recommendations remain unresolved and the two main areas are detailed below. It is noted that actions are planned by the school to address some these areas in the near future. Main Recommendations The School should consider acquiring a safe in order to improve the current arrangements regarding the secure storage of income and chequebooks. The School should consider re-compiling its inventory records to ensure up-to-date accuracy. This should then be reviewed annually, with spot checks to ensure items remain on the premises. The record should be signed/dated accordingly. Management Response Agreed. A safe is to be obtained. Agreed. The School will recompile. Implementation Date Not implemented. The Headteacher confirmed that they are currently in the process of buying one. Not implemented. The Headteacher confirmed that this would be completed by the end of July 2004. 14 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject Godfrey Ermen CE Memorial Primary School PIR Commencement 03/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2371A 09/2004 Scope A policy of Post Implementation Review (P.I.R) has been formalised by Internal Audit, with the review being in the form of a follow-up visit to a previous audit. The principle aim is to provide assurance that all agreed recommendations have been implemented. The previous audit at Godfrey Ermen Memorial CE Primary School was undertaken in July 2003. The P.I.R review was undertaken prior to the departure of the current Headteacher, Mrs. J. Dunnet, to provide assurance that all recommendations previously accepted had been implemented before the new Headteacher’s arrival. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The Post Implementation Review concluded that adequate measures are now in place to mitigate the key risks within most of the areas previously identified requiring control improvements. However there were three of the original recommendations that had not been implemented, or fully implemented, at the time of this review. These are detailed below. Main Recommendations Management Response An annual spot check of the Inventory should be performed and appropriately signed and dated by the designated member of staff in the Inventory. The ITC Co-ordinator has undertaken a review of the Inventory. This has been evidenced by the recording of their signature and date within the relevant records. This will now be carried out on an annual basis. Minor incident reports are now signed appropriately. Agreed. All DfES requirements are to be included within the next publications. The School Prospectus has now been updated and the Governors’ Annual Report to Parents will be The minor accident books should be signed for every incident reported. DfES Regulations in respect of the Governors’ Annual Report and the School Prospectus should be adhered to. Implementation Date Already implemented. Already implemented. End of the Autumn term 2004. 15 revised and updated during the Autumn term 2004. 16 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number The Deans Primary School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date 2636 11/2004 Scope The Deans is a County Primary School, situated in Swinton within Salford. There are approximately 230 pupils in the school in eight classes, all organised by age. Since it opened in 1994, the school has made very good progress. It received a most improved school award in 1999 and Beacon School status in 2000. In 2002 the school received a Government Achievement Award. Our approach to the audit of a school has been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review examined forty-five aspects of the School’s control environment, and we are pleased to report that satisfactory measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the key functional processes reviewed. We did identify eight areas where the control environment could be enhanced with additional controls. These were not considered to be of high priority. 17 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital School Commencement 06/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2578 09/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that the majority of the risks reviewed were adequately controlled. It was identified that the most significant areas where improvements to the existing internal control environment relate to: The signatories for the school bank accounts are not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis Financial delegation is not reviewed and approved by the School Governors on an annual basis. Main Recommendations The School's Governing Body should review and approve the signatories for the School's bank accounts on an annual basis. This should be documented within the minutes of the meeting. The scheme of financial delegation should be reviewed, approved, and documented by the School's Governing Body on an annual basis. This should be documented within the minutes of the meeting. Management Response This issue will be raised, appropriate approval sought and minuted at the next meeting of the Governing Body. Implementation Date 31st October 2004. This issue will be raised, appropriate approval sought and minuted at the next meeting of the Governing Body. 31st October 2004. 18 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Alder Park Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2596 09/2004 Scope The audit review was undertaken prior to the forthcoming amalgamation of Alder Park Primary School with Westwood Park Primary School. This is planned to take effect from September 2004, with both sites remaining open. The transfer onto one site is scheduled for completion during 2006. The scope of the audit was to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of the controls that operate within the school. The key functional processes reviewed during the course of the audit were: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review concluded that there are several control weaknesses with regard to the current procedures employed at the school. Therefore the implementation of additional controls is required to mitigate the present risk exposure. The most significant weaknesses identified were: The school Inventory Record could not be located The security of the safe and the IT equipment. Main Recommendations An exercise should be undertaken to produce an up-to-date School's Inventory Record. In order to increase the security of the school IT equipment, it is recommended that the following points are addressed: Equipment should be appropriately marked with the school's security marker pen. Computers and laptops located within classrooms should be stored securely at the end of each school day The possibility of securing white board projectors into their suspension brackets should be investigated. Management Response Agreed. Agreed. Implementation Date End of the Autumn term, 2004. End of the Autumn term, 2004. 19 The school should investigate the feasibility of bolting the safe to the floor to further enhance the current security measures. Agreed. End of the Autumn term, 2004. 20 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject North Grecian Street Primary School (Change of Headteacher Review) Commencement 06/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2590 10/2004 Scope The current Headteacher will retire at the end of the 2004 school year. The incoming Headteacher will be commencing his position as the new Headteacher on 1st September 2004. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted/Traded Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that the majority of controls reviewed during the audit were robust and working effectively with many control systems implemented by the School to a high standard. Financial controls were effectively managed. However, the audit highlighted a number of areas where additional controls would improve existing processes. These are referred to in the recommendations section below. Main Recommendations Management Response Implementation Date A full statement of accounts for the school fund should be compiled, independently audited, and certified annually. Agreed. End of the Autumn term, 2004. The Inventory should be reviewed and signed and dated as a true record on an annual basis by the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff. The Governing Body should review and approve the signatories for each of the school bank accounts on an annual basis. This should be recorded within the relevant meeting minutes. Agreed. End of the Spring term, 2005. Agreed. November 2004. 21 The encashment of cheques should be avoided where possible. If this is unavoidable, receipts should be obtained for all expenditure, documents retained and clearly recorded to verify the total expenditure incurred. Agreed. With immediate effect. 22 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Tootal Drive Primary School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date 2609 09/2004 Scope The standard objectives of a school audit have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the key processes identified. Main Recommendations The Mandates to the School bank accounts should be stored securely in a separate room to that of the unused bank account chequebooks. School trip documentation should include a calculation sheet for each individual trip undertaken. These should record the number of paying pupils and state any shortfall in income. The final costing sheet should be independently reviewed by the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff, and the person should sign and date the relevant document as evidence of this review and the approval of any contingency. The omitted items (School Prospectus) should be included when the next edition is published. Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date Already implemented. Agreed. Already implemented. Agreed. Spring term 2005. 23 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Wentworth High School Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date 2585 10/2004 Scope Wentworth High School is situated on Wentworth Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles. The School currently has approximately 901 pupils on roll. In 2002 the School became an ‘Artsmark Gold School’ and in 2003 the School was granted the ‘Sportsmark’ by Sport England for the second time. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that a high standard of administration exists at the School, with adequate measures in place to control the majority of risks within the key processes identified. However, the review identified a small number of areas where improvements are needed to the control environment. Main Recommendations Annual approval should be sought from the Governing Body to continue the Scheme of Financial Delegation. This should be recorded within the minutes of the appropriate meeting. An exercise should be undertaken to bring the School's inventory records up-to-date. To help ensure consistency throughout the School, the record should include details of electrical and other significant items valued over £100. The record should be updated on an ongoing basis and should contain dates of acquisitions and disposals. An improved system should be introduced to ensure that loaned items are appropriately signed back in upon their return by the individual returning the item, Management Response Agreed Agreed. The Bursar will use the SIMS Module to record any new inventory items that come into the School. A Teaching Assistant is to be employed, part of whose duties will be to compile a comprehensive inventory for the Implementation Date November 2004. By the end of the Summer term, 2005. 24 and countersigned by the Bursar. Once the inventory has been brought up to date, arrangements should be made for the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff, to undertake an annual review. The record should be signed and dated as correct at the time of review. Once the current records have been updated, arrangements should be made to create a copy of the inventory. Ideally, an electronic copy of the entire record should be made which can be backed-up at regular intervals. Additionally, in order to improve current record keeping, the Bursar should investigate the possibility of using SIMS to create an inventory record. In order to improve safety for both pupils and staff, vigilance should be maintained to ensure that the door to the main entrance is kept firmly closed. The omitted items should be included within the next editions, when published. existing items. Agreed. The appropriate documentation will be signed and dated accordingly as evidence of review. In addition, Some of the School’s departments already hold their inventory records in an electronic format. It is intended to update the current records and maintain the completed inventory in an electronic format. This can then be regularly backed-up. The main entrance door is now kept firmly closed to restrict access. Agreed. Autumn term 2005. Implemented. The latest edition of the Annual Report has just been completed, and the revised Prospectus has been submitted for printing. 25 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Harrop Fold High School (PIR) Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2380A 10/2004 Scope A policy of Post Implementation Review has been formalised by Internal Audit. The review is in the form of a follow-up visit to a previous audit. The Post Implementation Review seeks to ensure that all agreed recommendations have been implemented. The purpose of this review is to follow-up on recommendations made in an audit of Harrop Fold High School, report reference 2380/EDU/03 issued on 14th October 2003. The Headteacher at the time of the initial audit review had commenced in post at the start of the spring term, 2003. However, she left the school at the end of the spring term, 2004, and a temporary Headteacher is currently in post. A permanent Executive Headteacher has been appointed and will commence at the school at the start of the autumn term, 2004. Internal Auditor’s Opinion There were a substantial number of recommendations made following the initial audit review. Whilst a number of these have been fully implemented, and progress made with regards to others, there is a small but significant number that requires further action. The school should continue its current progress until the remainder of the recommendations are implemented. Main Recommendations The school should make enquiries regarding its current banking arrangements for the official fund with a view to increasing the amount of interest earned. The Headteacher may wish to consider an investment account for the higher level of funding which accrues on occasions in the school’s current account. The value of the imprest should be reduced in order to reflect the reduced usage of the Management Response The school has spoken to its Bank. They have been told they will be allocated a Business Manager, who will visit them and offer advice on their best practice. Still ongoing. The implementation of this recommendation will be dependent on the outcome of the Current Status Not implemented. Enquiries have been made and discussions held with the Business Manager who represents the Bank. Prior to implementation however, further discussions will be undertaken with the incoming Headteacher during the autumn Term, 2004. Not implemented. Until the end of the Summer term 04, the school will retain the current value of the petty 26 unofficial fund petty cash account. The Headteacher, or delegated member of staff, should periodically review income to banking records and evidence this procedure by signing and dating the income records, in respect of both official and unofficial funds. Records relating to overall costings of trips should be retained on school premises and be made available for inspection by interested parties. A final balance sheet should be compiled once the trip has been completed and reviewed by the Headteacher, or an independent member of staff. This should be signed and dated as evidence of review. The IT Technician should ensure that the inventory record is updated to reflect disposals. In respect of other areas of the school, inventory records should be compiled and updated as acquisitions and disposals occur. The records should be independently reviewed on an annual basis. A review of the school’s computer equipment should be undertaken to determine if there is a suitable method to permanently mark the equipment with the school’s details. previous recommendation. In addition, the school has opened an account with a hardware supplier who has previously been paid for goods by petty cash. This will further reduce the use of the petty cash account. Agreed. cash imprest, due to the exceptional cost of posting out parcels of examination papers. From the start of the Autumn term 04, the imprest value of the petty cash accounts at both sites will be reduced. Already implemented. Documents are returned to the Headteacher. Balance sheets are compiled. Bursar keeps documents and signs/dates as evidence of her review. Not implemented. A trip file was started by the Headteacher who has now left the school. The Bursar will now maintain this file, which contains final balance sheets and accompanying documentation. However, the final balance sheets are not currently being reviewed or signed. Agreed. Will compile records but this is noted as a large task. Plans are in place, and implementation has begun. Not implemented. Some progress has been made, but it is acknowledged that the records are not satisfactory. The Finance Manager will oversee the introduction and implementation of a standard format inventory record throughout the school. Will liaise with ICT Technicians regarding suitable method of marking. Not implemented. Initial attempts to mark the equipment proved ineffective. However, the matter has been discussed with the Governors and further enquiries are ongoing. Not implemented. This procedure had been started by the previous Headteacher but the task has not been undertaken since her departure. 27 The school should undertake a review of security at both sites with a view to further restricting unauthorised access to the grounds. In addition improved measures should be introduced in order to improve access restrictions to the building at the Hilton Lane site. A review of security has commenced, which has resulted in immediate improvements. A keypad has been added to the side entrance doors, and further improvements to the foyer entrance will be undertaken during the term. The Health and Safety Policy should be updated on an annual basis and in order to validate the document, it should be signed and dated by the Chair of Governors. Agreed. To arrange. The school should request that parents complete and sign a disclaimer form prior to the administration of medicines. A review of the items contained within the school Prospectus and the Governor’s Annual Report to Parents in order to ensure that all details required by the DfES are included when next published. Agreed. Agreed. These items will be included when these documents are next published. Not fully implemented. A review of security issues has been undertaken and a plan of action agreed upon. A number of potential improvements have been identified. The school is currently liaising with the Fire Service regarding the fire alarm, and the Fire Risk Assessment is currently being reappraised. Additionally, quotations for CCTV have been obtained for the Longshaw site and the possibility of constructing a security fence is being considered. In respect of the Hilton site, a side fence is currently being planned. Additionally, there are plans to redesign the reception area with separate pupil and visitor entrances, and a waiting room for visitors. There are also a number of Health and Safety issues for which improvements are planned. Not implemented. Whilst some progress has been made, the Health and Safety Policy is still being updated, and is currently delayed as the school is liaising with the Fire Service regarding improvements to the fire points. Not implemented. A redesigned form will be introduced form the start of the autumn term, 2004. Not implemented. The new prospectus is currently being compiled and will be ready for publication in September 04 when the replacement Headteacher commences at the School and approves the document. The latest Governors’ Annual Report to Parents is also being compiled and the omitted items will be included. 28 AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number St Augustine’s CE Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2589 10/2004 Scope St Augustine's Church of England Primary is an Aided School situated on Bolton Road, Pendlebury. At the time of the audit review there were approximately 228 pupils on roll. The School was originally built in 1874 and the original building still stands alongside the present School. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the areas examined. However, the review highlighted a number of areas where improvements are needed to the control environment. In particular, controls relating to the compilation and maintenance of the School’s inventory record are poor. Main Recommendations Regarding the Scheme of Financial Delegation, arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the approval of the Governing Body is formally documented on an annual basis. In order to provide independent verification that the total of monies prepared for banking is accurate to the value of the income received by the School, the Headteacher should undertake a periodic check of monies prepared for banking against the value of income received. This review should be evidenced by the recording of the relevant signature along Management Response Agreed. Will include this as an agenda item at a Governors’ meeting prior to the end of the current financial year. Agreed. This will be undertaken termly. Implementation Date During the Spring term, 2005. To commence during the current Autumn term. with the date within the relevant paying-in book. The School should find a suitable person to carry out the annual review of the Fund. The person should not be employed at the School and should be independent of any School Fund activities undertaken. Additionally, the person undertaking the review should apply a date as well as a signature to the record and should make a statement that declares the record as true and fair. Once these procedures have been carried out, the appropriately signed copy can be presented to the Governing Body. In order that risks undertaken by staff whilst taking monies to the bank can be analysed by a formal process, a risk assessment should be carried out and the results documented. Improvements to existing procedures can therefore be made if any weaknesses are identified. An exercise should be undertaken to bring the School's stock record up-to-date. The record should include details of electrical and other significant items valued over £100. A review of existing items should be carried out to determine which remain on the premises. The record should be updated on an ongoing basis and should contain the dates of acquisitions and disposals. Agreed. By the end of the Summer term, 2005. Agreed. By the end of the Autumn half term, 2004. Agreed. The School has located an Inventory Stock Book. This will be completed and a review of existing items conducted during its compilation. By the end of the Summer term, 2005. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number St Augustine’s CE Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2589 10/2004 Scope St Augustine's Church of England Primary is an Aided School situated on Bolton Road, Pendlebury. At the time of the audit review there were approximately 228 pupils on roll. The School was originally built in 1874 and the original building still stands alongside the present School. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the areas examined. However, the review highlighted a number of areas where improvements are needed to the control environment. In particular, controls relating to the compilation and maintenance of the School’s inventory record are poor. Main Recommendations Regarding the Scheme of Financial Delegation, arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the approval of the Governing Body is formally documented on an annual basis. In order to provide independent verification that the total of monies prepared for banking is accurate to the value of the income received by the School, the Headteacher should undertake a periodic check of monies prepared for banking against the value of income received. This review should be evidenced by the recording of the relevant signature along Management Response Agreed. Will include this as an agenda item at a Governors’ meeting prior to the end of the current financial year. Agreed. This will be undertaken termly. Implementation Date During the Spring term, 2005. To commence during the current Autumn term. with the date within the relevant paying-in book. The School should find a suitable person to carry out the annual review of the Fund. The person should not be employed at the School and should be independent of any School Fund activities undertaken. Additionally, the person undertaking the review should apply a date as well as a signature to the record and should make a statement that declares the record as true and fair. Once these procedures have been carried out, the appropriately signed copy can be presented to the Governing Body. In order that risks undertaken by staff whilst taking monies to the bank can be analysed by a formal process, a risk assessment should be carried out and the results documented. Improvements to existing procedures can therefore be made if any weaknesses are identified. An exercise should be undertaken to bring the School's stock record up-to-date. The record should include details of electrical and other significant items valued over £100. A review of existing items should be carried out to determine which remain on the premises. The record should be updated on an ongoing basis and should contain the dates of acquisitions and disposals. Agreed. By the end of the Summer term, 2005. Agreed. By the end of the Autumn half term, 2004. Agreed. The School has located an Inventory Stock Book. This will be completed and a review of existing items conducted during its compilation. By the end of the Summer term, 2005. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Christ The King Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2587 10/2004 Scope Christ The King Roman Catholic Primary School is situated in an outer suburb of Salford, and serves the parish of Christ The King. The standard objectives of a school audit have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the key processes identified. However, nine areas were highlighted that need additional controls to improve existing processes. In particular, these included: The scheme of financial delegation The processing of orders and payments. Main Recommendations Annual approval should be sought from the Governing Body to continue the scheme of financial delegation. This should be recorded within the minutes of the appropriate meeting. The Headteacher, or delegated member of staff, should ensure that all orders are suitably authorised. In addition, official orders should be used to purchase all goods and services. Management Response Agreed. Agreed. Implementation Date End of Autumn term, 2004. Implemented. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Monton Green Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2591 10/2004 Scope There are currently 295 pupils on roll, and the School has a ten-place unit that caters for children with moderate learning difficulties. Additionally, an Early Bird and After School Club is run by Salford Hundred Venture to provide childcare out of school hours. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the areas examined. However, the review highlighted a number of areas where improvements are needed to the control environment. In particular, there are weaknesses in the following areas: The compilation and maintenance of the School’s Inventory Record Approval for the Scheme of Financial Delegation. As a result, a number of recommendations are deemed necessary to reduce the current risk exposure caused by the lack of these controls. Main Recommendations Annual approval should be sought from the Governing Body to continue the scheme of financial delegation. This should be recorded within the minutes of the appropriate meeting. Management Response Approval of the Scheme of Financial Delegation was obtained from the Finance Committee of the Governing Body on 15th July 2004 and will be added to the annual agenda. In addition, any items of spending in excess of £4000 must be Implementation Date 15th July 2004 and annually thereafter. An exercise should be undertaken to bring the School's Stock Record up-to-date. The Record should include details of electrical and other significant items valued over £100. A review of existing items should be undertaken to determine whether the items recorded remain on the premises. The record should be updated on an ongoing basis and should contain dates of acquisitions and disposals. Additionally, full details should be recorded on the rare occasions when staff may loan items from the School. approved by the Governing Body. Agreed - An electronic inventory will be designed, using the current inventory as a template and maintained on an ongoing basis. 31st December 2004. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number St Boniface RC Primary School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date 2635 10/2004 Scope St Boniface Primary School is a Roman Catholic aided school, maintained by Salford City Council. The School is located on Yew Street in Lower Broughton. At the time of the audit there were 226 children registered. The pupils are aged from three to eleven years old, including reception and nursery children. The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school as follows: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted/Traded Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the areas examined. The Headteacher is very receptive to incorporating best practice into the School's processes and enhancing the schools control environment. Internal Audit identified a number of areas that could be improved with additional controls, including one significant issues requiring more urgent action. The audit review found that the Headteacher does not compare the value of income records to the value of collection prepared for banking. Management Response The Headteacher should undertake periodic Income records will reviews of the monies prepared for banking, be checked and in comparison to receipts issued and other banking procedures records of income. The paying-in books and re-assessed halfcashbook should be signed and dated as termly. The payingevidence of this review. in books and cashbooks will be signed and dated as evidence of the reviews, beginning this half term. Main Recommendations Implementation Date 19th November 2004. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO St Andrew’s CE (Boothstown) Primary School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2612 10/2004 Scope St Andrew’s is a voluntary controlled Church of England primary school situated on the outskirts of Salford. Pupils come from a wide area and mixed backgrounds. There are approximately 450 pupils on roll, split into twenty classes, including approximately 60 pupils in the nursery classes. The standard objectives of a school audit have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures are in place to control the majority of risks within the key processes identified. However, whilst no high-risk control weaknesses were identified, the review highlighted some areas requiring attention to effect the necessary improvements to the control environment and subsequently mitigate the associated risks. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Broughton Jewish Cassel-Fox Primary School Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2592 10/2004 Scope Broughton Jewish Cassel-Fox Primary School is situated in Salford in an area with a large Jewish population. The School has voluntary aided status and provides primary education in accordance with the traditions of Orthodox Judaism. There are approximately 350 pupils on roll, split into 12 classes, including 45 pupils in the nursery class who attend full time. There is also a kindergarten that many attend prior to the nursery class. There is a new Headteacher in post at the School, who commenced at the beginning of the new academic year, September 2004. The School had a deficit budget amounting to £105,006 for the financial year 2003/2004. A Management Plan has been produced by the Education Accountant, however, this projects an estimated negative balance at the 31st March 2005 of £115,447. The School’s Education Accountant is due to meet the new Headteacher with a view to discuss the current budget position and other financial matters in the near future. The standard objectives of a school audit have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the School, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare. Internal Auditor’s Opinion However, the following high priority improvement areas were identified, and these require additional controls to improve existing processes: The scheme of financial delegation Bank account signatories The maintenance of Inventory Records School fund reconciliations School trip documentation and associated risk assessments. Main Recommendations Annual approval should be sought from the Governing Body to continue the scheme of financial delegation. This should be Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date Next Governors meeting 19th October 2004. recorded within the minutes of the appropriate meeting. Once all the necessary amendments have been made to the School’s bank account mandates, approval of the relevant account signatories should be sought and documented within the minutes of the next Governing Body meeting. Thereafter, signatories should be discussed and approved on an annual basis. An exercise should be undertaken to produce a record of the School’s assets, ensuring the inclusion of the date of purchase and relevant serial numbers. A reconciliation of the School Fund should be performed between the cashbook entries and the bank account statements on a regular basis. Arrangements should be made for an annual statement of account to be prepared and independently audited. School trip documentation should include a calculation sheet for each individual trip undertaken. All Risk Assessments that are completed for any trips outside of school should be retained for a period of at least 12 months. Agreed. End of Autumn Half Term 2004. Agreed. End of Spring Term 2005. Agreed End of Autumn Half Term 2004. Agreed End of Autumn Term 2004. Agreed. End of Autumn Half Term 2004. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Wharton Primary School Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2579 10/2004 Scope The standard objectives of the audit of a school have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, those being: Financial Management Financial Administration Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit concluded that although most of the key risks examined are adequately controlled, some improvements are required to the existing internal control environment. The most significant areas requiring attention are: Documentary evidence was not available to confirm that the Governing Body review and approve the signatories on the School bank account mandates on an annual basis Financial delegation is not reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis The lack of up to date inventory records. Main Recommendations The mandate signatories should be reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis. Annual approval should be sought from the Governing Body to continue the scheme of financial delegation. The School should ensure that a comprehensive inventory is compiled of the School’s significant assets (those > £100). Management Response This should be addressed at the next meeting of the Governing Body. This was performed at the meeting of the Finance SubCommittee on the 7th July 2004. Contact will be made with the Headteacher of Charlestown Primary Implementation Date 12th October 2004. Already implemented. By the end of the Autumn term. School to enquire into the use of that school’s electronic inventory, with the intention of spreading good practice. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Springwood Primary School Commencement 10/2004 Date Issued Date 2631 11/2004 Scope The standard objectives of a school audit have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school, these being: Financial Management Financial Administration Employee and Asset Management Pupil Welfare Contracted Services. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit review found that adequate measures were in place to mitigate the majority of risks within the areas examined. However, the review highlighted a number of areas where improvements are needed to the existing control environment. Of particular concern are the weaknesses identified in the following areas: The lack of a complete Inventory in relation to the School's assets Approval of the Scheme of Financial Delegation School Fund Governance Arrangements The lack of a Register of Interests. As a result, recommendations have been made which are deemed necessary to reduce the current risk exposure caused by the lack of these controls. Main Recommendations The School should compile and maintain an inventory of all its significant assets, that is, those >£100. The Scheme of Financial Delegation should be included as a formal agenda item for the next Governing Body meeting. Once approval has been granted, it should be recorded in the relevant meeting minutes and thereafter undertaken on an annual basis. As soon as an appropriate person has been appointed by the Governing Body, the Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date 31st July 2005. To be included as an agenda item for the Resources SubCommittee meeting to be held on the 25th November 2004. A suitable person has now been 25th November 2004. 31st January 2005. annual statement of the School Fund account should be independently audited and subsequently presented to the Governing Body. This should be raised as an official agenda item and recorded in the relevant meeting minutes. A formal Register of Interests should be compiled and maintained in respect of all Governors and appropriate members of staff. This should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis by all relevant parties making a written declaration to this effect. identified to independently audit the School Fund account and has been contacted by the Governing Body. A formal Register of Interests was completed at the Governing Body meeting held on 7th October 2004. This will now be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. 7th October 2004. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2640 12/2004 Scope The standard scope and objectives of school’s audits have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within a school. These include financial management; financial administration; asset management; pupil welfare; and contracted/traded services. The audit fieldwork was undertaken during the month of September 2004. Internal Auditor’s Opinion In considering the risks and controls, we are of the opinion that there are adequate measures in place to control some of the risks within the areas examined. However, there are a number of areas that require additional controls, as follows; the failure to maintain up-to-date, comprehensive and transparent school fund records; the failure to process invoices in a timely manner; the lack of an up-to-date inventory and the failure to undertake annual certification. We acknowledge that some tasks have fallen behind due to staff absence, and that the Office Administrator is currently endeavouring to bring those tasks up-to-date. The School has just recruited a part-time Administrative Assistant in order to help with these tasks. Main Recommendations We have recommended that a series of improvements be made in the administration of the school fund, particularly the need to introduce an analysed income and expenditure book and to arrange for the fund to be independently audited for the last completed academic year. Payments in respect of outstanding invoices should be brought up-to-date. Once this has been achieved, invoices should be paid on a prompt basis. Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date 31st March 2005. Agreed. 4th December 2004. An exercise should be undertaken to bring the Inventory up-to-date, along with a review to determine whether the items currently recorded remain on the premises. The record should be updated on an ongoing basis and should contain dates of acquisitions and disposals. Agreed. 5th March 2005. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Education and Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number Hope High School Commencement 10/2004 Date Issued Date 2656 11/2004 Scope The standard scope and objectives of school’s audits have been determined to provide an independent appraisal of the adequacy of controls in key functional processes that operate within the school. These included financial management, financial administration, asset management, pupil welfare, and contracted/traded services. The audit fieldwork was undertaken in the month of October 2004. Internal Auditor’s Opinion In considering the risks and controls with regards to the above scope, we are of the opinion that the majority of controls are operating effectively. However the audit review did highlight a number of control weaknesses where the control environment could be improved with the introduction of control enhancements. The more significant areas requiring action include financial delegation, school fund management, data protection, and insurance arrangements. The most significant matter requiring attention is the management of the School’s deficit position, for which there is currently no documented plan of action. In addition to the above findings, we observed that unlike most schools of this size, under the current governance arrangements the Bursar no longer reports directly to the Headteacher on a day-to-day basis. Whilst the Bursar is invited to attend the School’s Management Team’s meetings monthly, it is our opinion the current working arrangement may be pervasive to the control environment at the School. Main Recommendations The School and the LEA Accountant should prepare and document a five-year plan to manage the deficit. The plan should be documented and monitored on an ongoing basis. Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date 1st January 2005. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE Directorate Education & Leisure Subject PART TWO Report Number ICT Project Commencement 06/2004 Date Issued Date 2594 09/2004 Scope The report is a follow-up to a previous audit report and assessed the degree of control over the key risks threatening the management of the Education ICT/Broadband Project, in relation to the following aspects: Project management Funding arrangements Inventory controls Delivery of agreed technical solution Internal Auditor’s Opinion The report found that improvements had taken place in the way that the project was managed and also in the communications between the various interested parties – IT, schools and LEA. There was also improvement in the support and training that was provided by IT to the schools. The financial management of the project was also improved, with finance officers being involved in setting and monitoring project expenditure. Progress has been made with regard to the projects assets management, although this process should be improved further when records are fully integrated into the Council’s new help desk system, which incorporates an asset management module. Main Recommendations Monitor the ongoing status of schools equipment to ensure it remains appropriate and is compatible with any planned upgrades of the core technology in use A single asset management system should be put in place Management Response This will be logged in the project issue log, and presented to the Education Strategy meeting for discussion. This is in progress with the upgraded QSM system. Implementation Date October 04. December 04. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services/Council-wide Subject Implementation of Freedom of Information at Salford City Council Commencement 06/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2593 09/2004 Scope The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) will be implemented in full by January 2005. The Act provides a general right of access to information held by public authorities. The Act is being introduced in two stages. In the first, each authority has been required to prepare a “publication scheme”, which had to be in place by February 2003. Our scheme specifies the classes of information that Salford City Council (SCC) publishes or intends to publish and the manner in which it is published. The second stage introduces a right of access to information and applies from 1st January 2005. This means that, subject to certain exemptions, e.g. related to security, any person who makes a specific request to SCC for information must be informed whether or not it holds the information and if held, the information must be communicated to the person. However, SCC does not have to provide information, which is already reasonably accessible under the Publication Scheme or elsewhere. The aim of the audit was to determine the degree of control over the following risk areas: Implementation and maintenance of the FOI Publication Scheme Receipt and processing of information requests Records management Internal Auditor’s Opinion Our overall opinion is that satisfactory controls have been established/planned, to mitigate the risks we face with respect to FOI compliance. The Corporate Information Officer, Head of Law and Administration and the Steering Group (SG) are to be commended for the progress so far, e.g. in establishing the Publication Scheme and developing plans/procedures for requests for information. This is especially so, given the limited resources that have been available to them. It has been shown that projects managed through a formal methodology have a better chance of success. The progress made within Directorates has been inconsistent, e.g. in terms of identifying working groups and establishing communications protocols. In our opinion, this could have resulted from the lack of a formal project management methodology at Steering Group level. The IT Systems Project is being formally managed using PRINCE2, but the project plan for the IT Project had become out of date and there was a risk that the IT systems would not be in place by the dates specified by the SG. Main Recommendations The FOI Action Plan should be formally aligned with the revised IT Systems Project plan and the AGMA Work Programme. The Corporate Information Officer and Steering Group (SG) should ensure that the revised IT Systems plan is based on realistic timescales and core requirements, not solely on the January deadline. Each SG member should formally report to the full meeting, on progress against targets at Directorate level and flag any problems or issues. Following on from the above, it is recommended that key elements of the Salford method of PRINCE2 be introduced at SG level, e.g. risks/issues logs, formal highlight reports and defined roles/responsibilities for SG members. Management Response Action plans will be updated, aligned and enforced. Meeting discussed possibility of creating system using essential criteria as starting point and developing system further after Jan 05. Reporting is in place, but consideration will be given to greater formalisation, as part of the SG membership review. A report will be produced, which will highlight roles and responsibilities of the SG members. The principles of PRINCE2 will be incorporated into the management of the FOI project. This issue will be examined as part of the review of SG membership. Implementation Date September 04. Ongoing. Sept 04. Sept 04. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services Subject PART TWO Report Number A Strategy for SAP Commencement 07/2004 Date Issued Date 2606 09/2004 Scope This report covers the management and control of the recent software upgrade and provides guidance to management on the creation of a SAP Board and a development strategy for SAP. Advice is also given in the areas of project and change management. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The current SAP support team have provided and continue to provide a good level of service. They have implemented the SAP financial and accounting solutions and significant benefits have already been realised. SAP is an Enterprise Resource Planning system and as such can deliver and integrate most business services for all SCC directorates. There is an urgent need for the planned high level, cross directorate management board for SAP to enable the full benefits to be developed and realised in an effective and economic manner. The SAP Board should press for a corporate policy to enforce the consideration of SAP, where applicable, for all new and replacement applications. System specifications should be designed to fit with SAP structures. Agreed. Implementation Date All implementation timescales to be agreed at the first SAP Board Meeting. As above. The SAP Board should ensure that the status of the SAP strategy is clearly defined and understood by all service and directorate managers, within the context of the 7 pledges. Each development should be project managed, using the Salford method of Prince2. Where possible, the project managers should be appointed from the owning Directorate or Service. Agreed. As above. Agreed. As above. Main Recommendations The SAP Board should produce a formal policy and standards for the management of upgrades, patches and fixes Management Response Agreed. The SAP Support team manager should ensure that adequate contingency cover is available to cope with the loss of any functional /SAP expert. The SAP strategy should be developed to support the delivery of the corporate strategies and seven pledges. The SAP Board members should be senior managers with the authority to make and implement SAP decisions and provide resources at Directorate level. Agreed. As above. Agreed. As above. Agreed. As above. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services/Council-wide Subject Data Protection Act Post Implementation Review Commencement 09/2004 (see below*) Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2318 09/2004 Scope This report was a follow-up to the audit report issued in 2003, ref. 2318/CS/03, covering the risks relating to Salford City Council (SCC) compliance with the Data Protection Act (DPA). A number of recommendations were made and agreed in that report, and the aim of this Post Implementation Review (PIR) was to determine the extent to which the recommendations have been implemented and establish the current position with respect to the key underlying issues. The recommendations related to the following aspects: Notification with the Information Commissioner Information handling and data weeding Information sharing within SCC and with external bodies Security/access controls re. personal information held on IT systems Management of Data Protection in the Directorates. * The audit was partially completed in April and then fully completed in August/September. This was at the request of the customers, who wished to focus on the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) in the interim period. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The PIR has concluded that SCC is now in a much stronger position than at the time of the original audit. Policies and procedures are in place to promote DPA compliance and the Corporate Information Officer and DP/FOI Steering Group continue to direct and monitor a comprehensive programme of actions designed to further achieve this end. Also, complementary work on the implementation of FOI has assisted in raising the awareness in Directorates of the need to examine what data is held and to establish adequate systems for dealing with requests from the public. However, audit work in this review and during the recent FOI audit (ref. 2593/CS/04), has shown that there is still much to be done, particularly in the areas of records management and related IT systems. Although good progress has been made in respect of the agreed recommendations, the target dates for some of the key ones have not been met, e.g. in respect of DPA compliance checking. Having said this, Audit appreciates that a lack of resources has meant that the Steering Group has been focusing on FOI rather than DPA and notes that the outstanding DPA actions remain in the Steering Group’s monitoring documentation and should not be lost. Management Response Main Recommendations N/A N/A Implementation Date N/A AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services Subject PART TWO Report Number Unix Server PIR Commencement 08/2004 Date Issued Date 2613 09/2004 Scope This report was a follow-up to two reports issued in October and December 2003 (refs 2420/CS/03 and CA3/03) on the Unix server environment. The aim of those reviews was to determine the degree of control over the following risk areas: Hardware - performance and resilience Software - integrity and security Information - data integrity and security People - succession and personnel issues The aim of this Post Implementation Review (PIR) was to determine the extent to which the recommendations have been implemented and establish the current position with respect to the key underlying issues. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The PIR concluded that whilst there had been limited progress in the actual completion of the agreed recommendations from the two original reports, a number of crucial building blocks are now almost in place which should facilitate implementation of the majority of the outstanding actions by the end of 2005. Management Response Main Recommendations N/A N/A Implementation Date N/A AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services Subject An investigation into the loss of E-mail services Commencement 09/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2632 10/2004 Scope To carry out an independent investigation into the reasons for the e-mail service outage and the actions taken to resolve it and prevent a recurrence. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The investigation concluded that IT Net were aware of the risk of such an incident and were in the process of implementing corrective action. IT Net implemented effective recovery procedures and informed customers of the reasons for the incident and the potential effects it may have had upon their personal e-mail service. Main Recommendations IT Net should be given technical representation at Director level or be given the delegated authority via an IT Strategy Board, to replace key equipment where delay may result in a serious loss of services. The Assistant Director IT Net should raise this issue next Corporate Services Budget Decision Conference. IT Net, as part of their contingency plans, should review method of keeping users informed of major incidents and progress. This could be achieved by having an incident web page and for when the network is down, a recorded telephone message line. E- mail will remain the main mass communication media. IT Net should produce a formal report, for senior customers/directors, for all major incidents e.g. loss of a service for over 2 hours. The report should provide details on Management Response Agreed. Additional methods of informing users of forthcoming security updates or problems are now being applied via the users logon script when they log onto the network. Additional information will also be added to the Help Desk recorded message. Senior Management are kept updated of any major problems and verbal reports Implementation Date 5th November 2004. Complete. Complete. the main cause of the incident, any underlying or related causes, the effects of the loss on services, the costs to recover the services and where known the costs resulting from the loss of service, the lessons learned and steps taken to prevent a recurrence. are currently given at the resumption of service. A brief explanatory report will be written for all major incidents and will be provided to the Directors Team with the IT service stats. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Corporate Services Subject PART TWO Desktop Services Strategy PIR Commencement 09/2004 Date Issued Date Report Number 2621 10/2004 Scope Follow up recommendations from audit report 2409/CS/03. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit has concluded that the degree of control over the risks relating to the Desktop Services Strategy has improved considerably since our original review and the actions outstanding are all being actively managed. Three new recommendations were made to assist with the content and control of the IT Strategy. Management Response The IT Net Strategy should include the Agreed. following control details: Owner, Author, Version number, Date of next review. The next revision of the IT Net Strategy Agreed. should be updated with: A new foreword by the current lead member, an updated introduction indicating its relationship with the seven pledges, the annual service plans and information security policies, Hardware /software procurement services and the user responsibility to notify IT Net before a decision is made to procure The ICT Business Plan should be Agreed. expanded to include more details on the IT The structure of IT universe and planned work. These could services is currently form appendices to the current format e.g. under review and An overview map of the IT universe, and IT the strategy and responsibility structure, business plans will Number of desktops/users and growth year be reviewed and on year, updated when this is Number of SCC buildings linked, complete List of supported partners e.g. NPHL and SCLL, List of supporting partners e.g. Dell, Number and names of major developments planned, Number and names of major developments Main Recommendations Implementation Date 31st March 2005. 31st March 2005. 31st March 2005. in progress, Number and names of major developments completed, Internet / Intranet use, Details of service improvements within IT arising from new software, e.g. Hydra, Help desk system, Enterprise XP, Work on corporate strategies such as EGovernment, Think Customer and Thin Client. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Policy, Strategy & Research Subject Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – Web Accessibility Commencement 09/2004 Date PART TWO Issued Date Report Number 2620 11/2004 Scope On the 1st October 2004, all UK organisations had to ensure that their premises, products and services are accessible by disabled people. Failure to ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995, could leave organisations open to civil proceedings, and they may suffer damage to their reputations. The scope of this audit is limited to the checking of the web accessibility part of the Act. Internal Auditor’s Opinion It is considered that Salford City Council has taken appropriate steps to ensure that its Internet web-site is compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the WAI AA standard it has achieved complies with the standards required by the Government. The Authority’s Intranet has recently been redesigned and is Level A compliant. It is anticipated that Level AA compliance will be achieved within 12months of this relaunch. We consider that the reputation of Salford City Council could be at risk from partnerships licensed to use the Salford City Council brand, who do not currently comply with DDA web accessibility guidelines. Main Recommendations All sites examined, as part of this review, should be made compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as soon as is practicable. Management Response The sites will be made compliant with the Act. Implementation Date Those sites not already compliant with the Act, will be so by the end of the current financial year. AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Customer & Support Services Subject PART TWO Report Number Citizen Computer System PIR Commencement 10/2004 Date Issued Date 2642 11/2004 Scope The aim of the original audit was to determine the degree of control over the following risk areas: System management System development Internal Auditor’s Opinion The PIR has determined that the majority of the recommendations highlighted by the original 2003 report, have been carried out and the level of effective control over risks has been improved. The recommendations agreed by management relating to training resources and system access, have not been implemented in accordance with the agreed timescales, but measures are in place to ensure that satisfactory controls will be embedded in these areas by the end of the current financial year. Main Recommendations Following migration, by week ending 7th November 2004, the new Citizen system will include both the live and development environment. The server is housed in the Computer Centre and subject to normal backup procedures managed by Desktop Services. The project team considers the risks of housing both the live and the development environment on the same server, as low. Management Response Audit Comment The situation of housing the live and development environments together on the same server will be reviewed by audit as part of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) project. Implementation Date AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT Committee Summary PART ONE X Directorate Environment Subject PART TWO Report Number Flare / Windows 2000 Commencement 10/2004 Date Issued Date 2638 12/2004 Scope The audit will assess the degree of control over the key risks threatening the management of Windows2K for Flare, in relation to the following aspects: Configuration Security We will also review the current Unix back up and recovery arrangements for Flare with a view to ensuring their adequacy prior to their transfer to Windows2K. Internal Auditor’s Opinion The audit has concluded that the risks relating to windows configuration and security are well controlled. However, we have identified a number of potential control improvements for consideration by ESSS and FLARE. The risks relating to the backup and recovery arrangements could be improved by increasing physical security and environment controls over the first line back-up tapes. Main Recommendations ESSS should assess the practicality of providing personal administrator userids. Windows administration passwords should be subject to regular change and this should be enforced by the system. ESSS should assess the possibility of creating administration userids that are tailored to personal need. ESSS should ensure that any changes to the configuration and key control settings are logged and that the logs are subject to regular review by the ES Principle Officer. ESSS should assess the additional risks incurred by enabling FLARE to manage the system remotely using PC Anywhere. The risks, processes and controls to be applied should be agreed with IT Net and FLARE All back-up tapes should be transferred immediately and be held at an environmentally suitable and secure, off site disaster store or off site fireproof safe. Management Response Agreed. Implementation Date March 2005. Agreed. January 2005. Agreed. March 2005. Agreed. March 2005. Agreed. March 2005. Agreed. March 2005.