RECORD OF CABINET BUSINESS MEETING HELD ON 31ST OCTOBER, 2000 Agenda Item Business 1. Record of Business AGREED: THAT the record of the (Contact : P.D. Templeton - meeting held on 24th October, 2000, be 793 3018) approved. 2. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (Contact : C. Green 793 3406) Councillor Bill Hinds, Leader of the Council, submitted a report containing details of the New Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Consultation Paper recently issued by the DETR. AGREED: (1) THAT, in view of the short time scale for responses to the consultation paper to be submitted to the DETR, the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to co-ordinate the City Council’s response based on the draft now submitted and to include comments from representatives on the Salford Partnership. (2) THAT the Chief Executive submit a report at a future meeting on how the allocations for funding from the proposed Fund were determined. THE DECISION IN (1) ABOVE IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL 3. Greater Manchester Probation Service - Local Authority Representation (Contact : O. Topping 793 3404) Councillor Bill Hinds, Leader of the Council, submitted a report indicating that, under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill currently before Parliament there was a proposal to establish a National Probation Service for England and Wales with the membership being appointed by the Home Secretary. The current membership on Probation Services Committees allowed for one representative from each local authority which would not be the case when the Bill became law. AGREED: THAT the Home Secretary be requested to agree to one representative from each of the 10 Local Authorities being on the newly formed Greater Manchester D:\98956216.doc Probation Committee; and that in the event that agreement is not reached to this course, then AGMA be requested to consider channelling nominations through them. THIS DECISION IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL 4. Education and Leisure Directorate - Senior Management Structure (Contact : M. Carriline 837 1700) Councillor Roger Jones, Lead Member for Education and Leisure, submitted a report containing proposals to restructure the Senior Management in the Education and Leisure Directorate. AGREED: (1) THAT the revised senior management structure for Education and Leisure be approved. (2) THAT the post of Assistant Director (Pupil Services) - Band D be deleted. (3) THAT the current Assistant Director (Support Services) Band D be redesignated to Assistant Director (Access, Inclusion and Development) - Band D. (4) THAT the post of Assistant Director (Arts, Leisure and Community Services) - Band D be redesignated as Assistant Director (Arts, Leisure and Community Learning - Band D; and that the current Acting Assistant Director (Arts, Leisure and Community Services) be assimilated into this post. (5) THAT a new post of Assistant Director (Resources) - Band D be created. (6) THAT the post of Assistant Director (Inspection and Advisory Services) - Band D be deleted. (7) THAT a new post of Head of School Improvement - Band F be created; and that the current Acting Assistant Director (Inspection and Advisory Services) be assimilated into that post. D:\98956216.doc (8) THAT the Directors of Education and Leisure and Personnel Services be authorised to undertake a review of senior management salaries within Education and Leisure and report back thereon at a future meeting. (9) THAT the Director of Personnel Services be requested to undertake a review of the gradings of all senior management posts within the Authority and report back thereon at a future meeting. THE DECISIONS IN (1) TO (7) INCLUSIVE ARE FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL 5. 2001/02 Revenue Budget Planning (Contact : J. Spink 793 3230) Councillor Derek Antrobus, Lead Member for Corporate Services, submitted a report containing background information on how budget savings amounting to £7.750M could be generated in 2001/02. AGREED: THAT Directors be requested to provide more details on the proposals contained in the appendix to the report together with other proposals for charging for services and also a rationalisation of resources. 6. Service Delivery in Refuse Collection (Contact : B. Jassi 793 2000) Councillor David Lancaster, Lead Member for Environmental Services, submitted a draft document for modernising service delivery in refuse collection in the City. AGREED: THAT the service proposal be approved and adopted; and that relevant officers be authorised to develop and proceed with the proposal on the basis of an implementation date of 1st April, 2001, and to fit in with the principles of Best Value. THIS DECISION IS FOR POLICY COMMITTEE APPROVAL D:\98956216.doc 7. Environmental Scrutiny Committee’s concerns Regarding the NonMonitoring of Key Performance Indicator Information (Contact : P. Lowe 793 2550) Councillor Roger Lightup, Chairman of the Environmental Scrutiny Committee submitted a report on the failure of Environmental Services Directorate to monitor a Key Performance Indicator namely “percentage of highways that are of a high or an acceptable standard of cleanliness”. Councillor David Lancaster, Lead Member for Environmental Services, explained that the non-monitoring had been caused by a restructuring of the section concerned; but that with effect from September, 2000, such monitoring was being undertaken and would continue to be undertaken. - Cabinet Meeting AGREED: THAT the Member only meeting scheduled for 7th November, 2000, be replaced by an ordinary meeting of the Cabinet to consider the Budget situation. - Fuel Crisis The Deputy Director of Environmental Services reported on the current position in relation to the affairs of the City Council in the event of a further disruption of fuel supplies. - One Stop Shops AGREED: THAT the Director of Corporate Services report at the earliest opportunity on the question of one stop shops i.e. how many and where they should be located, including the use of premises not owned by the City Council. - Withdrawal of Bus Service to Brookhouse Estate Councillor David Lancaster referred to the decision of the bus operator to withdraw the service which served the Brookhouse Estate, Eccles, as a result of attacks on buses. AGREED: THAT the Chief Executive write to the bus operators informing them of the procedure to be adopted before they decided to withdraw a service. D:\98956216.doc - Ray Sullivan Building Services Manager It was reported by Councillor Val Burgoyne that Ray Sullivan was due to take early retirement from his post of Building Services Manager. AGREED: THAT it be placed on record the appreciation which the City Council has for the service provided to it by Mr. Sullivan during his 17 years with the City Council. D:\98956216.doc