LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEISURE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME FOR 2003/04 ITEM DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER INVITEES COMMENTS MEETING DATE 9 JULY 2003, 2PM, SALFORD CIVIC CENTRE – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 30 JUNE 2003 Recreational Details of facilities for young Faith Mann and Wendy Councillor facilities for young people in Salford delivered Walker. Warner. people. through City Leisure and Sports Development. A further report will be provided outlining the ‘Healthy School Campaign’. Best Value Review – The report aims to set out the Heather Grove. Councillor Mann. Services to Schools. progress made regarding the implementation of the services to school service improvement action plan as a result of the Best Value Review of Services to Schools. MEETING DATE 10 SEPTEMBER 2003, 2PM, SALFORD CIVIC CENTRE – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 1 SEPTEMBER 2003. Recruitment & Following on from the Mel Cunnigham. Councillor Mann. Retention of presentation in April, Officers to Teachers. provide further information detailing which schools have the majority of teaching vacancies, 1 Future Options for Leisure. and which of our schools are using the majority of supply staff. Following on from the Cabinet Steve Hassall. decision to seek a Trust, Members to receive details of the portfolio. Progress report. Lynn Wright Councillor Warner Best Value Review Councillor Mann. Home to School & Social Care Transport. MEETING DATE 8 OCTOBER 2003, 2PM, SALFORD CIVIC CENTRE – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 29 SEPTEMBER 2003. Asset Management Provide Members with an overview Judy Edmonds Councillor Mann. In-depth report – Plan. of the Asset Management Plan agenda this as the process. only item. Helen Olive from Blackburn with Darwen will be attending. MEETING DATE 12 NOVEMBER 2003, 2PM, SALFORD CVIC CENTRE – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 3 NOVEMBER 2003. Adult Education. To inform Members about: John Harrison. Councillor Mann. Invite Councillor Lea. Range of vocational courses available and where. Hopefully one of the Uptake and retention. Vice Principals from How many young people go Salford or Eccles directly from school to college and College will attend. how many mature students attend courses. 2 Adult Learning Inspection. MEETING DATE Connexions Partnership. Smart Card Technology. Museum Review. Before and After School Provision. Introduction of a six-term school Inspection report of Salford Faith Mann & John Councillor Mann. Consortium. Harrison. 10 DECEMBER 2003, 2PM, SALFORD CIVIC CENTRE – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 1 DECEMBER 2003. Following on from the Faith Mann & Annette Councillor Mann. presentation in April’03, to Hughes. provide a further progress report. OTHER ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Members to be updated with Paul Greenway. Councillor Mann. regards the progress of implementing swipe cards in Salford to record school attendance. Members to receive a copy of the Robin Culpin Councillor Warner report due at Cabinet detailing the review of the museums opening hours. A report outlining resource’s Faith Mann available for parents with young children within the Salford area, is delivery of services in line with Government expectations, do we meet the demand for such services. Following the recommendations to Councillor Mann. standardise the school year, A copy of the Government guidelines; 3 year. Public Service Agreement. Pledge 1. Secondary School Members to receive an update on the adjustments the LEA are planning to implement with timescales, outlining benefits or implication from these changes. To examine the action plans behind the PSA objectives: EDUCATION. 1 – Improve Educ. attainment of young people in care. 2 – increase the % of pupils obtaining 5+ GCSEs at grade A-G. 3 - to increase attendance rate in secondary schools. 5 – increase the proportion of school leavers going onto further educ. LEISURE 4 – increase the no. of young people aged 6-16 years participating in sporting activities.. A report outlining the progress made by the Directorate in relation to pledge 1 – Better Education for All. Following on from the final report ‘The Rhythms of Schooling’ circulated to Members – April 2003. Councillor Mann & Warner Councillor Mann Judy Edmonds. A copy of the report presented to Cabinet circulated to Members – April 2003. Councillor Mann 4 Admission Policy. School Admissions. Lledr Hall. Library Review. New Funding Arrangements for Education. presented to the Scrutiny Committee in March’03, Members to receive an evaluation following implementation of this policy. Presentation to Members of the report presented to Cabinet. Presentation of their annual report. Presentation of the report presented to Cabinet. Following presentation of the letter to DFES re the distribution of monies in Salford, Officers to update Members on the response. Ofsted Inspection. Youth provision. Kathryn Mildenstien. Councillor Warner Robin Culpin. Councillor Warner Robert McIntyre. Councillor Mann. Jill Baker & District Audit. Councillor Mann. A report for Members to gain an insight into the overall service approach and opportunities available – does this meet the needs of young people? Chair Assistant Director Scrutiny Support Officer Councillor Mann. Councillor Bernard Pennington Russell Bernstein Karen Lucas Councillors Mann & Lea. Best Value Review underway at present. Councillor Lea has been tasked with implementing a Youth Strategy. 0161 790 4181 0161 793 3530 0161 793 3318 5 LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEISURE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SUB GROUP WORK PROGRAMME 2003/04. MEMBERS OF THE SUB GROUP: COUNCILLORS PENNINGTON, WITKOWSKI AND UPTON. ITEM DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER INVITEES COMMENTS MEETING DATE 30 JUNE 2003, 9.30AM AT MINERVA HOUSE IN MEETING ROOM 2 – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS 23 JUNE 2003. Performance Quartile 4 Matt Varley Councillor Mann Deferred from the Indicators. Quarterly status report and May 2003 meeting. comparator action plans (for those PI’s below target) Service Plan Directorate Service Plan. Lynn Wright. 2003/04 MEETING DATE ****** (SEPT?) 2003, TIME & VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED – DEADLINE FOR ITEMS ******** 2003. Performance Quartile 1 Matt Varley Councillor Mann Indicators. Quarterly status report and comparator action plans (for those PI’s below target) 6 Chair Assistant Director Scrutiny Support Officer Councillor Bernard Pennington Russell Bernstein Karen Lucas 0161 790 4181 0161 793 3530 0161 793 3318 17.6.03 7