Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE SUPPORTING PEOPLE LEAD OFFICER To the: Lead Member for Housing Services On: Monday, 28 July, 2003 TITLE: Managing Supporting People In Salford RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Supporting People Team is allowed to expand (3 new posts) and regrade (4 posts) to reflect the change in work loads and duties and allow the team to build on successes so far and push for beacon status. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The key purpose of the report is to describe the new challenges facing Supporting People and to put forward the restructure of the Supporting People Team to meet these rquirements: 1 Record the achievements of the Supporting People team during 2002/2 · Received national recognition from ODPM for preparations and Supporting People systems · Have assisted and sold systems and solutions to other Local Authority’s · Won £60k to explore the how to include BME groups in developing Support services · Received a Good Shadow Strategy rating · Captured a Supporting People grant of over £14m – 2nd largest in G/M · Created 451 ‘new’ support service places – 10% increase during 2002/3 2 · Outline expectations for next year, Must conduct Quality Service reviews of 300 D:\219511185.doc Page 1 of 49 · Must be measures against a Value for Money framework –with savings achieved · Timely, accurate and reconciled payments of over £1m per month to 300+providers · Maintain accuracy of payments to sheltered housing providers by tracking and adjusting changes in individual tenancies, cross-referenced to HB claims · Further developing methods of exchanging data between Supporting People team and providers –for payments accuracy and for measuring performance · Developing ‘needs’ measurement systems · Full 5 year Supporting People Strategy to be in place by Jan 2004 3 Responsibilities of the City Council – to ensure · That reviews are undertaken, as a condition of receiving and managing the Supporting People grant · The administrative and financial processes must be resourced and completed to ODPM requirements · A Fairer Charging policy is applied to Support Services. (Although this is managed by Welfare Rights – it is co-ordinated by the Supporting People team in respect of applicants in supported housing 4 Describes where the team must be strengthened to improve our performance · The review programme must be adjusted and more robust to make £250k ‘savings’ during 2003/04 · ‘Needs’ evidence is essential to · target resources · argue to retain the Supporting People grant at its current level (£14m) · Capacity is needed to continue to link the Supporting People plans into the wider social and health priorities and expenditure 5 Seeks approval to spend the ring fenced Supporting People ‘ Implementation Grant, by Adjusting Job descriptions and Grades and recruiting to new posts, · Reason – to meet the challenges above · To retain existing skills – D:\219511185.doc Page 2 of 49 o all Supporting People teams are developing nationally - o many of the team have transferable skills also in high demand o to be more broadly in line with comparable posts in other directorates Seek approval for the following structure Lead Officer PO 4/5 – no change Supporting People Best Value and Commissioning Manager PO3 – Replaces Project Manager PO2 Payments Manager PO3 Replaces Supporting People Transitional Housing Benefit Manager PO2 Systems and Processes Manager PO1/2 Replaces Supporting People Systems Officer SO1/2 Supporting People Contracts and Review Manager and Joint Review Manager PO1/2 – 2 posts One Post - Replaces Supporting People Processes Officer SO1/2 One New Post Supporting People Officers 2 posts Scale 4/5 Two New Posts Supporting People Assistant Scale 3 Existing post no change. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: See attached D:\219511185.doc Page 3 of 49 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: No Risk THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: Supporting People Grant (ring fenced) LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Yes FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Yes, from Pat Varley CONTACT OFFICER: Joe Coogan WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: ALL WARDS KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Best Value; Equalities; Health; Housing Strategy; Modernising Local Government; Social Exclusion; e Government; DETAILS: D:\219511185.doc Page 4 of 49 Managing in Salford D:\219511185.doc Page 5 of 49 July 2003 Supporting People in Salford April 03-04 The purpose of this report is to 1. To update Supporting People Core Strategy Group and Commissioning Body, 1.1. on the 2002/03 activities and achievements of the Salford Supporting People team and 1.2. describe the developing requirements of the SP programme for 03/04. 2. To set out the responsibility of the Local Authority to 2.1. fulfil the Supporting People Grant Conditions and successfully implement and manage the administration and strategic development of the Supporting People programme and services; 2.2. to develop a Supporting People Strategy capable of achieving an ‘Excellent’ rating, and as a working brief to direct priority activities, commissioning and investment 3 To seek approval for use of the ring fenced Supporting People Implementation Grant 2003/04, to 3.1. adjust job descriptions and salary scale of existing postholders within Supporting People Team to reflect evolving responsibilities and to create and recruit to new posts 3.2. to fund one off projects to further the Supporting People programme D:\219511185.doc Page 6 of 49 1. Update 1.1 Background - Activities and Achievements 2002/03 The report of February 2002 ‘Implementing Supporting People in Salford’ set the scene for the creation of the existing Supporting People and highlighted priorities for the year. The existing Supporting People team has proved highly innovative, flexible, dedicated and skilled to implement the project on time and has received national recognition of its high standard. The project has demanded an expert knowledge of supported housing, IT, benefits, contracts, changing legislation, law and over-lapping strategies within Local Authorities. In brief, the team have: Accompanied ODPM’s national Supporting People Director and Deputy Directors at events to demonstrate how the processes could be locally achieved. Developed an effective Supporting People contingency payments system, which has been shared with and ‘sold’ to other Local Authorities. Successfully implemented the ‘OLM’ Care Support IT system to make payments to providers on the 1st of April 2003. Salford is the only Authority (of the 47 who are using OLM) to manage this feat. Developed an innovative ‘Electronic calculator’ for use by e.g. Welfare Rights staff, to ease financial assessments in the community, provide clear and responsive information to claimants, and speed and simplify electronic data exchange (to Supporting People teams and Social Services systems) and bought by 10 local authorities to date. Successfully bid to ODPM (£60k) to research engagement with BME groups and produce a best practice guide, which although focussed on Supported Housing is widely transferable. The study has increased the networks of the Supporting People team with BME specialist groups and with Salford University who have been our partners. Produced a Supporting People Shadow Strategy, which has received a ‘good’ rating. Developed strategic links, with places and attendance on Older Peoples Development Board Learning Difficulties Partnership Board Mental Health Partnership Board D:\219511185.doc Page 7 of 49 Teenage Pregnancy Executive Group Worked with above groups, operational care and over 50 services support service providers, including Drug and Alcohol teams, Elderly Services, Supported Tenancies, National Children’s Homes Aftercare Services, Probation etc, to help with systems and future service planning. Chosen for a visit in National Supporting People ‘go-live’ week for a visit by the ODPM’s Deputy Director Supporting People - as they look for good news story to raise the profile of the initiative. The outcomes of this include A Supporting People Grant for Salford of over £14 million. This is a growth of over £10 million during 2002/03 This is the 2nd highest in Greater Manchester and significantly higher (double) than most other Authorities in the area) A significant increase in the number of supported places or floating support services available and directly related to the skills of the SP team in promoting and nurturing the growth of new services and ensuring existing services are financially viable. The number of additional places covers groups of strategic importance: No Service Type Vulnerable Group 119 ‘Floating’ Supported Tenancies 25 8 10 10 25 6 Accommodation Based Services Young People and families Ex-offenders (Probation) Rehabilitating Alcohol Abusers Young People Leaving Care Families with Multiple Needs (ASBO) People with Mental Health Needs Older People “ “ “ 150 ‘Extra Care’ Sheltered Housing 89 3 Separate Housing Schemes 9 3 Separate Housing Schemes Older People Single Homeless with Multiple needs People with Mental Health Needs 451 New Support Service Places This represents a 10% increase in new supported housing services during 2002/03. 1.2 Requirements of the SP programme for 2003/04 in brief. D:\219511185.doc Page 8 of 49 Prepare & Conduct Service Reviews using new Quality Assessment Framework 300 services must be synchronised through a rigorous test of strategic fit and demand, along with the management of a variety of qualitative and quantitative data for each service including a Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) This includes 17 separate objectives including Health and Safety, Fair Access, Diversity and Inclusion, Protection from Abuse and Needs Assessment and Support Planning and Service Performance Indicator data (and a range of local PI’s). Evidence from validation visits, cost-effectiveness data and other management data must be used to assess and compare services in a sector where many services been developed and have previously managed outside of any quality or standards framework. For a sample of the services it will be necessary to work cross-authority to coordinate reviews and share accreditation information and review services jointly with Social Services ad other stakeholders. To instil consistency across the sector we will be providing training on all aspects of both the returns and standards required. Outcomes and length of reviews will vary, and contracts will have to be negotiated, adjusted for changes and remodelling of services and these new agreements monitored. Accreditation must be carried out on each organisation prior to offering a new contract, financial information is required, proof of employment policies to ensure the stability of the organisation in the lives of the service users. Contracts compliance / accreditation / reviews (Best Value & ‘savings’) The quality assessment and accreditation processes provide data that allows the SP Team to monitor performance and ensure contract compliance. The ODPM is about to launch ‘Value For Money’ tables that benchmark similar services on a regional basis on a cost basis. This information combined with the Quality Assessment Framework (QAF above) and Supporting People Performance Indicators must be managed to identify schemes and services where money could be used more efficiently. It is essential that the SP team carries out these cost cutting exercises and evidences the process for ODPM. The ODPM is aware of the large growth of SP pots in LA’s over the past three years and will inevitably claw back some of this funding. It is vital for Salford that the right schemes are targeted for savings so that best value is achieved across the sector as a whole. The consequences of getting this process wrong would be a cut in the support to groups considered ’hard to reach’ or ‘unpopular’ (i.e. the most vulnerable) whilst other groups retain a disproportionate amount of the funding. Administer Payments / Reconcile / Fairer Charging adjustments Smooth administration of Supporting People ‘subsidy’ is vital to protect vulnerable clients' interests. It is the Supporting People team's responsibility to D:\219511185.doc Page 9 of 49 be proactive in ensuring claimants fill in the forms they need to, and that internal processes run smoothly and accurately. Administration of subsidy payments for clients on Housing Benefit (HB) requires an application from each client, which incorporates authorisation to obtain information about their HB claim. Information from HB about new and cancelled claims needs to be analysed weekly and Care Support system updated to stop payments for people who no longer receive SP services and to put subsidy into payment for SP service users who have gone onto HB. The first two week's reports required 117 claims to be checked. This rate of turnover would equate to around 250 payment adjustments per month. In addition, the SP team must review the HB status of around 3,500 clients in chargeable schemes within 12 months and adjust payments as necessary. For SP service users not on HB, the Supporting People Team aims to protect the interest of vulnerable clients by being proactive in promoting and arranging Fairer Charging assessments, where clients are likely to qualify for assistance. Around 200 requests for assessment have been received to date. Once assessed, subsidy must be put into payment and adjustments made when clients' circumstances change. Before payment is physically made each month, adjustments must be authorised on Care Support, involving reconciling HB and SP data for each claimant. Liaison is vital with HB to confirm support charges so as to ensure HB is not awarded in respect of support, and to track service users coming on and off HB. Liaison is also essential with the Charging Assessors to ensure assessments are carried out and the results communicated to the SP Team. Liaison is also important with providers as they play a vital role in to ensuring service users are informed about SP and helping service users apply for SP subsidy and resolve any problems where payments are expected but not received. Paying £14m in monthly variable amounts to 300 plus ‘providers’ Turnover in Supported housing and changes in circumstances mean that for the vast majority of contracts the amounts payable will vary on a weekly basis. To ensure the stability of the sector, especially the smaller providers, it is vital that the payments are as accurate as possible. The Supporting People Team believe that the first payment of Supporting People Subsidy is the most accurate in the country. Salford’s data was taken from an extract on 20/03/03, whilst over LA’s locally used data from October 2002 which is obviously already six months out of date. It is essential Salford’s good start is built on and that systems are in place that allow speedy changes and reconciliation. Data Exchange – New national requirement for continuous monitoring of occupancy of Supported Housing Services Providers of supported housing are now being more intensely monitored that at any time before. The ODPM designed monitoring systems have placed massive extra pressures on provider’s resources. The SP Team will in turn be D:\219511185.doc Page 10 of 49 monitored on the data collected from providers. Therefore it is vital that we develop local solutions that are user friendly and provide support to providers to enable them to meet the requirements. This will inevitably generate a large volume of extra work for the Supporting People team. Needs Mapping and research Although Salford has made great advances during the past two years in mapping supply of services and gathering an accurate picture of what services are available where, for whom and at what cost, the next stage is more complex. Identifying needs requires a diverse range of tactics coordinated in one place if it is to be success. It must combine qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. To effectively feed into the Supporting People Strategy, and just as vitally into other linked strategies and agendas, this process requires skilled officers experienced in research. It is vital that the existing experience in the SP team is not lost to other LA’s. Supporting People Strategy due Jan 04 The ‘prescribed’ content, process and presentation of the full Supporting People Strategy is yet to be announced although indications are that it may be tailored to local profiles and past performance. Details of feedback from Salford’s Shadow Strategy and target areas for improvement are shown at 2.2. below. 2 Fulfilling the Grant Conditions to successfully implement and manage the administration and strategic development of the Supporting People programme and services 2.1 The Secretary of State has set out stringent grant conditions that must be followed if the Supporting People Grant is accepted. Conditions include: The Supporting People team must develop and maintain a rigorous service review and monitoring programme to comply with the grant conditions. This requires “appropriately qualified persons or bodies” to devise the programme and carry out the reviews. Salford SP Team already contains highly skilled and qualified officers that would be at risk from ‘poaching’ by other less fortunate LA’s in the Greater Manchester area. D:\219511185.doc Page 11 of 49 Significant administrative tasks must be carried out to comply with the grant conditions, including financial and statistical returns to the ODPM, within deadlines. Accountability is key and the SP Team must and be fully able to demonstrate consistent use of systems that give effective financial and managerial control. Responsibility for administering a fair charging system applicable to support services. This is to be coordinated by the SP Team (although conducted by Welfare Rights). All service users in ‘chargeable schemes’ have the right to be financial assessed via Housing Benefit or Fairer Charging. It is vital for service users that this process is efficient to avoid financial hardship to some of the poorest groups in Salford, including older people, adults with learning difficulties and those with mental health problems. The proposed structure and grades included in this report are designed with the above requirements in mind and to help ensure that Salford retains as much as possible of the £14 million for reinvestment in improving services. 2.2 Developing the Supporting People team and Supporting People Strategy to deliver Excellence The Supporting People Shadow Strategy and programme in Salford has been rated as ‘good’ by the ODPM. In many areas there is significant evidence that the performance of the team is far above ‘good’ and is in fact recognised at a national level as developing best practice in the specialised and new field of Supporting People. It is vital however that the areas identified in the feedback on the Supporting People Shadow Strategy as being ‘fair’ are strengthened to ensure that the next assessment, for the full Strategy to be developed and submitted by January 2004, is rated as ‘excellent’. The following paragraphs describe what this means. The ‘Service Review Programme’ had been developed in Salford to take into account other review programmes (such as Best Value, Social Services reviews etc) and on a client group basis. The feedback on the shadow strategy suggested that we needed to develop a more robust program methodology. This was before the ODPM moved the goal posts slightly with the announced saving that have to be made in the first year. The proposed structure in this report will allow a robust programme of reviews to be carried out and with the’ joint working position’ to be adopted, we will be able to meet the new requirements for savings in the first year. The proposed structure will allow Salford to build on needs mapping and findings from the BME research and strengthen links to hard to reach groups. In partnership with officers not based directly in the Supporting People team, (including the Mental Health Accommodation Officer, an officer in learning difficulties and a officer representing D:\219511185.doc Page 12 of 49 young people) an extensive needs mapping and consultation exercise is essential. This will provide evidence that the £14 million grant is needed. The capacity for effective corporate and cross agency and authority boundaries is essential to tie the Supporting People grant into cofunded projects and services that can be seen to satisfy a wide range of objectives. In this way it is hoped that the good practice and best value achieved will reduce the ODPMs potential for reducing the grant allocation to Salford. Supporting People already pro-actively assists other key strategies and initiatives by prioritising housing and support services, which have the widest implications, for example Dundee Families Project will support vulnerable families who may face eviction through Anti Social behaviour Links to Crime & Disorder, Homeless Prevention, Social Inclusion Sure Start Teenage Pregnancies- this links to education, connextions, health, social inclusion. Persistent Offenders- links with crime and disorder, social inclusion. 3 Overview of Proposals – a recruitment and retention strategy The next stage in the Supporting People programme (especially the first year) is equally important and it is vital that the experience and skills that were successfully recruited, retained and developed, remain in Salford’s SP team to set up the ‘Steady State’ systems that will ensure the long-term success and positive impact for vulnerable people in Salford and the City as a whole. All 10 Greater Manchester Authorities will be recruiting in response to the demands of ‘Steady State’ Supporting People activities and we are aware that other Local Authorities have had difficulty in recruiting suitably skilled Supporting People staff. Therefore we have developed a staffing structure that will enable Salford to retain existing staff and attract a high calibre of new staff where required (see end of report). The structure of the proposed team is designed to allow progression and development for existing and new staff. We believe this is essential to avoid a ‘brain drain’ to other less established teams within Greater Manchester the surrounding authorities. The team structure is also designed to fit into existing posts (i.e. job scales and salaries) at Community & Social Services Directorate as a level playing field will allow the necessary joint working to D:\219511185.doc Page 13 of 49 take place to ensure a cohesive and holistic approach to support services and care services, as the overlap is widely recognised. The Supporting People team will work closely with client group specific posts that already exist to ensure the best use of funding in these specific areas. These include existing posts in Mental Health Services and Learning Difficulties, a new post representing Young People and potential new joint posts, agreed in principle but awaiting priority funding. These posts will work in conjunction with the Supporting People Review posts and will lead on ‘whole’ needs mapping for their respective groups to be supported. Additionally at the Supporting People Core Strategy Group Meeting in March it was agreed that a stock condition of the supported housing stock should be carried out. This would have one off costs. The proposed solution is to employ a surveyor on a temporary basis (6 months) to pull together any existing work and to carry out the survey where we could gather no recent evidence of condition of the property. This is seen as vital to ensure the building conditions are not compromising the support being carried out. It will also act as a base from which to monitor improvements in the condition of the stock. Findings are transferable and will complement wider stock condition data. The SP team is also considering taking on a student placement from Salford Universities Masters in Housing course. We are currently in tentative discussions with the University to gauge interest. It is foreseen that this placement could assist with the stock condition survey. 3.1 Proposed Changes to Roles, Salary Scales and the Creation of New Posts Supporting People Lead Officer PO 4/5 – No Change This is an existing and mandatory post responsible for the implementation, management and performance of the Supporting People programme to ensure that the Local Authority meets its statutory obligations to develop and maintain strong links with partner agencies and stakeholders to ensure the Supporting People Strategy and Plans contribute to the national policy and the City’s wider objectives. Supporting People Best Value and Commissioning Manager – PO3 Replaces Supporting People Project Manager PO2 This post is an adjustment to the existing SP project manager role. Salford has a large SP pot and it is vital that we can prove it is being spent well and meeting the needs of vulnerable people. This post will examine the funding of all schemes bench marking across services locally regionally and nationally. The aim will be to identify areas were saving could be made whilst maintaining D:\219511185.doc Page 14 of 49 crucially the quality of the support to the service user. This post will also coordinate the quality and monitoring carried out by the two review posts as this feeds into the financially assessments. This post is graded in line with the quality and monitoring manager at social services. Payments Manager PO3 Replaces Supporting People Transitional Housing Benefit Manager PO2 This post will establish the policies and procedures to maintain and monitor payments to providers of support. Working closely with the SP IT systems manager this post will ensure efficient flows of data in and out of the IT system. The budget of £14 million will require comprehensive audit trails and complicated reconciliation, as well as authorising the initial payments to providers with the information gathered. This post will maintain links with the housing benefit system that are crucial to the smooth running of Support People, as HB acts as a passport through charging for SP services. Supporting People Systems and Information Manager PO1/2 Replaces Supporting People Systems Officer SO1/2 Salford has bought into an OLM package of software to manage Supporting People and link the fairer charging system for care to Supporting People. This has been a complicated process and it is vital that for at least the first year that we develop systems to manage this data. Contingency systems have been developed and additional databases developed that will allow us access to the information we require to make payments, monitor protection, reconcile and identify individual payments to single service users within a budget of £14 million and over 3500 service users. Without this level of expertise SP could not function efficiently. Supporting People Contracts and Review Manager and Joint Review Manager PO1/2 – 2 posts One Post - Replaces Supporting People Processes Officer SO1/2 One New Post These posts are to carry out the QAF and accreditation for all the SP funded properties. One post will focus on the joint funded stock, working closely and developing joint systems with social services. The other post will focus on the single funding stream schemes. These reviews will feed directly into the strategy and it is essential that they are carried out by staff who have experience of supported housing and an excellent knowledge of Supporting People. D:\219511185.doc Page 15 of 49 Supporting People Officers New Posts 2 posts Scale 4/5 These posts will assist the day to day running of Supporting People on the payments and quality and monitoring side. It is essential to put in place and maintain both a robust monitoring system and an accurate payments system. Supporting People Assistant Existing Post The steady state team will require support in terms to carry out its functions efficiently. These posts will carry out administration tasks but will be expected to train to use and maintain the database, HB systems and assist in the QAF and accreditation. 3.2 Use of ring fenced Supporting People Implementation Grant Budgets and one off costings Supporting People Administration Grant £300,000 (ring fenced) Recurring Annual Costs SP Lead Officer SP BV & Commissioning Manager SP Payments Manager SP Systems and Info Manager Contracts and Review Manager Joint Review Manager SP Officer SP Officer SP Assistant Total Wages Training Costs Travel Costs Stationary Miscellaneous IT Total Annual Costs Total Income £39574 £34310 £34310 £31533 £31533 £31533 £21369 £21369 £16711 £262242 £6283 £5000 £5000 £4000 £17474 £299999 £300000 One Off Costs During the first year the full annual cost will not be required as there will be a lead in time in terms of recruitment for the two SP Officer posts and the Review Posts. Also all posts are calculated on top of scales with 15% on D:\219511185.doc Page 16 of 49 costs, therefore it is likely there will be a small under-spend as a result of this cautious but sensible approach. This will free up funds for one off costs associated with specific tasks/one off purchases. In the first year these are likely to be: Stock Condition Survey: IT Hardware and Software Office Equipment £14000 £26,000 £6000 Total ‘one off’ Expenditure £46,000 Conclusion and Recommendations It is recommended that this report is read in conjunction with the report ‘Housing Support Services’ dated December 2002. That Core Strategy Group supports the description of priority activities for the Supporting People team and the suggested use of the Supporting People Implementation grant this report being sent for approval by Lead Members Housing and Personnel D:\219511185.doc Page 17 of 49 Supporting People Steady State Structure (Core Team) Lead Officer Supporting People PO 4/5 SP Assistant Payments Manager SP Best Value And Commissioning Manager Scale 3 PO3 PO3 Systems and Information Manager SP Joint Review Manager SP Contracts and Review Manager PO 1/2 PO 1/2 PO1/2 SP Officer SP Officer Scale 4/5 Scale 4/5 D:\219511185.doc Page 18 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy and Regeneration Section: Supporting People JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Best Value and Commissioning Manager Grade: In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 19 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Lead Officer Supporting People Directly Responsible for: Hours of Duty: Primary Purpose of the Job: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. To ensure the supporting people budget is achieving best value and to commission schemes of high quality that meet the needs of the City of Salford. Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: Achieving Best Value 1. To review the financial situation of all support service 2. To identify savings whilst maintaining the quality of services Needs and Research 3. To interpret results from QAF and Spi’s 4. To develop a robust needs mapping programme. 5. To develop a robust tendering and commissioning programme. 6. To identify gaps or over provision and seek solutions. 7. To identify and liase with all stakeholders with involvement in Salford’s SP D:\219511185.doc Page 20 of 49 services. Cross Authority 8. To work on a cross authority basis with providers and other LA’s and partners. 9. To develop a networks within stakeholders and other Authorities to share accreditation information. Deputise for Lead Officer 10. To deputise for the lead officer. 11. To feed results of needs mapping into the SP strategy. To Attract Additional Funding 12. To bid for and carry out research projects on behalf of the ODPM. 13. To develop innovative solutions for SP teams IT system (in conjunction with IT). 14. To represent Salford Supporting People at meetings and events within the authority and externally. 15. To develop, organise and deliver training to provider organisations to maintain a high level of engagement with the Supporting People programme and to council staff and other organisations to contribute to the effective management of the Supporting People programme. 16. To lead cross-departmental team on new developments. OTHER DUTIES: 1. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy 2. The post holder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 3. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. D:\219511185.doc Page 21 of 49 4. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the post holder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: Prepared / Revised By: 03/07/03 Joe Coogan D:\219511185.doc Page 22 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy & Regeneration Section: Housing Services JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Supporting People Payments Manager Grade: PO3 In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 23 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Supporting People Lead Officer Directly Responsible for: Supporting People Systems and Information Manager 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. Hours of Duty: Primary Purpose of the Job: Responsible for administering Supporting People Subsidy in accordance with legislation, government direction and Salford’s Supporting People Charging Policy Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: 5. To ensure that claimants with entitlement to Housing Benefit are passported to Supporting People Subsidy. 6. To ensure that Fairer Charging for Supporting People service users, who are not on Housing Benefit, is implemented. 7. To ensure that Supporting People client details are input and maintained on the payments system. 8. To ensure that applications for Supporting People Subsidy and authorisations for the D:\219511185.doc Page 24 of 49 exchange of information with Housing Benefit are processed, and the Housing Benefit system updated accordingly. 9. To authorise payments of Supporting People Subsidy on the payments system (£1.2 million per month). 10. To ensure that service users and providers are notified of entitlement to Supporting People Subsidy. 11. To deal with enquiries from clients and providers about Supporting People payments 12. To liaise with the Housing Benefit section to exchange information as authorised, to resolve enquiries and to review procedures including claims for Supporting People Subsidy, authorisations to exchange information and notifications of Housing Benefit and Supporting People Subsidy. 13. To have an understanding of the needs of vulnerable people and exercise sensitivity and discretion, and maintain confidentiality and data protection. 14. To assess the impact of changes in welfare benefits and related legislation on the Supporting People Charging Policy, and analyse trends in Housing Benefit take-up and associated implications for the Supporting People budget. 15. To provide information, statistics and reports as required to government departments, managers and members of the council. 16. To review the performance and procedures of the Supporting People team and ensure that standards of speed, accuracy and quality are maintained. 17. To liaise with the Charging Assessors team to process requests for Fairer Charging, update and enhance calculation systems and review procedures. D:\219511185.doc Page 25 of 49 18. To represent Supporting People on Social Services’ Fairer Charging Working Group and to contribute the development and review of the Fairer Charging means test and procedures. 19. To ensure fair and consistent application of the Supporting People charging policy and to review the policy to ensure it remains fair, aligns with other council policies and strategies, and meets statutory obligations. 20. To liaise with support providers to resolve payment enquiries and to verify client data including client change notifications. 21. To liaise with clients, providers, council departments and other agencies to promote Supporting People awareness and joined up services and to provide training, deliver presentations and attend meetings as required. OTHER DUTIES: 22. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy 23. The postholder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 24. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. 25. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. D:\219511185.doc Page 26 of 49 REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the postholder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: Prepared / Revised By: 9th July 2003 Julie Dodd D:\219511185.doc Page 27 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy and Regeneration Section: Supporting People JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Systems and Information Manager Grade: In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 28 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Supporting People Payments Manager Directly Responsible for: Supporting People Officer Hours of Duty: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. Primary Purpose of the Job: To be responsible for the maintenance and monitoring of Information and related Information Systems within the context of Supporting People Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: SYSTEMS: 1. To be responsible for the overseeing and maintenance of the SP payment system. The Database is to be continually developed to ensure accurate records are held and payments made. D:\219511185.doc Page 29 of 49 2. To evaluate and control the payment delivery in order to ensure that it is of a high quality, is consistent and based on ‘good practice’ 3. To develop and facilitate joint initiatives with SP providers and stakeholders to improve the transfer of data and promote e-government across the whole housing strategy team. 4. To assess and review the interaction of the SP Team with its customers and the wider housing strategy team in terms of e-enablement. 5. To Test and Implement Information Systems which relate to the Supporting People Process. INFORMATION: 1. To conduct business related research and prepare summaries and briefings on a regular basis. 2. To provide management information to facilitate evaluation and monitoring of service standards. 3. To undertake research engaged in the collection, analysis and critical examination of information/data using approved techniques and interpretation of all relevant information, e.g. organisation charts and procedures, financial and statistics data, to assist management in making informed choices. 4. To undertake the analysis of data using appropriate statistical tools and techniques including utilising computerised spreadsheets and databases and D:\219511185.doc Page 30 of 49 highlighting relevant information. 5. To undertake both ‘Supply’ and ‘Needs’ driven mapping exercises, analysing and interpreting relevant data using a variety of techniques and systems. 6. To provide statistical reports and ensure an evidence-based approach to the work conducted with SP clients and providers. GENERAL DUTIES: 17. To monitor government guidance and ensure policies and management procedures relating to Data Protection are maintained in line with the directions and timescales for Supporting People 18. Maintain an up to date knowledge of Supporting People policy and good practice in housing related support services 19. Develop partnership working with other statutory agencies and Local Authorities to promote a joint approach to contract management and service quality 20. To lead on contract management and service review issues within the Supporting People programme 21. To contribute to the development of the Supporting People Strategy 22. To represent Salford Supporting People at meetings and events within the authority and externally. 23. To develop, organise and deliver training to provider organisations to maintain a high level of engagement with the Supporting People programme and to council D:\219511185.doc Page 31 of 49 staff and other organisations to contribute to the effective management of the Supporting People programme. OTHER DUTIES: 26. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy The post holder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 27. 28. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. 29. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the post holder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: 03/07/03 D:\219511185.doc Page 32 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy and Regeneration Section: Supporting People JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Contract and Review Manager Grade: PO1/2 In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 33 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Lead Officer Supporting People Directly Responsible for: Supporting People Assistant Hours of Duty: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. Primary Purpose of the Job: To oversee contract compliance and the management of contracts with SP service providers. To develop a methodology for SP Service Reviews and Accreditation based on national guidance. To carry out Service Reviews and make recommendations on the future of Supporting People services. Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: Contract Monitoring 24. To develop and oversee processes to determine and verify contract compliance 25. To administer information and report on Service Performance and Key National Performance Indicators. Reviews D:\219511185.doc Page 34 of 49 26. To set up and monitor systems to administer Supporting People service reviews. 27. To carry out the existing programme of service reviews for contracted services. 28. To visit services to validate quality assessments and carry out ‘reality checks’. 29. To produce thorough and competent reports on the findings of service reviews and make recommendations on the future of services. 30. To identify and liase with all stakeholders with involvement in Salford’s SP services. Accreditation 31. To develop and implement an Accreditation framework of approved Supporting People providers. 32. To develop a networks within stakeholders and other Authorities to share accreditation information. Contracts 33. To develop a ‘steady state’ contract for the City of Salford. 34. To negotiate contracts with providers based on the outcomes of Service Reviews. General 35. To monitor government guidance and ensure policies and management procedures relating to contract monitoring and service review are updated in line with the directions and timescales for implementation. Maintain an up to date knowledge of Supporting People policy and good practice in housing related support services. 36. Develop partnership working with other statutory agencies to promote a joint approach to contract management and service quality. 37. To lead on contract management and service review issues within the Supporting People programme. 38. To contribute to the development of the Supporting People Strategy. 39. To represent Salford Supporting People at meetings and events within the authority and externally. 40. To develop, organise and deliver training to provider organisations to maintain a D:\219511185.doc Page 35 of 49 high level of engagement with the Supporting People programme and to council staff and other organisations to contribute to the effective management of the Supporting People programme. 41. To lead and deliver the Investors In People programme for housing strategy. OTHER DUTIES: 30. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy The postholder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 31. 32. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. 33. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the postholder at the appropriate time. D:\219511185.doc Page 36 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy and Regeneration Section: Supporting People JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Grade: PO1/2 Joint Review Manager In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 37 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Lead Officer Supporting People Directly Responsible for: Supporting People Officer Hours of Duty: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. Primary Purpose of the Job: To oversee contract compliance and the management of contracts with SP service providers. To develop a methodology for SP Service Reviews and Accreditation based on national guidance. To carry out Service Reviews and make recommendations on the future of Supporting People services. Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: Contract Monitoring 42. To develop and oversee processes to determine and verify contract compliance for schemes with joint supporting people and community care funding. 43. To administer information and report on Service Performance and Key National Performance Indicators for both supporting people and care standards as D:\219511185.doc Page 38 of 49 appropriate. Movements 1. To develop a procedure to enable service users to move within the system. 2. To develop a joint financial model for social services and supporting people funding. Reviews 44. To set up and monitor systems to administer Supporting People service reviews. 45. To carry out the existing programme of service reviews for contracted services. 46. To visit services to validate quality assessments and carry out ‘reality checks’. 47. To produce thorough and competent reports on the findings of service reviews and make recommendations on the future of services. 48. To identify and liase with all stakeholders with involvement in Salford’s SP services for joint funded services. Accreditation 49. To develop and implement an Accreditation framework of approved Supporting People providers. 50. To develop a networks within stakeholders and other Authorities to share accreditation information. Contracts 51. To develop a ‘steady state’ contract for the City of Salford for joint funded schemes. 52. To negotiate contracts with providers based on the outcomes of Service Reviews for joint funded schemes. General 53. To monitor government guidance and ensure policies and management procedures relating to contract monitoring and service review are updated in line with the directions and timescales for implementation. Maintain an up to date knowledge of Supporting People policy and good practice in housing related support services. 54. Develop partnership working with other statutory agencies to promote a joint D:\219511185.doc Page 39 of 49 approach to contract management and service quality. 55. To lead on contract management and service review issues within the Supporting People programme. 56. To contribute to the development of the Supporting People Strategy. 57. To represent Salford Supporting People at meetings and events within the authority and externally. 58. To develop, organise and deliver training to provider organisations to maintain a high level of engagement with the Supporting People programme and to council staff and other organisations to contribute to the effective management of the Supporting People programme. OTHER DUTIES: 34. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy The post holder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 35. 36. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. 37. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be D:\219511185.doc Page 40 of 49 remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the post holder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: Prepared / Revised By: 03/07/03 Joe Coogan D:\219511185.doc Page 41 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Strategy and Regeneration Section: Supporting People JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: Supporting People Officer Grade: scale 4/5 In April 2002 the City Council commenced a Job Evaluation exercise. The target for the completion of the exercise is September 2003. This means that the grade for this post will be revaluated as part of the exercise and may potentially change either up or down. Implementation will be phased over a period of up to 3 years in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Employees will be kept informed of what is happening by means of a joint newsletter and briefings as appropriate. D:\219511185.doc Page 42 of 49 Location of Work: Turnpike Directly Responsible to: Contract and Review Manager Directly Responsible for: N/A Hours of Duty: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. Primary Purpose of the Job: To maintain effective administration systems for the Supporting People Team. To assist with the collection and analysis of contract monitoring and review data and Supporting People subsidy payments. Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: 1. To provide effective administrative support to all members of the Supporting People Team. 2. To liase with providers of support and other partners within Salford as directed by D:\219511185.doc Page 43 of 49 the SP team. 3. To receive and deal efficiently with customer’s Supporting People enquiries. 4. To input and retrieve information from a variety of I.T. applications and systems, including access databases, word and excel. 5. To provide financial support to the team with regard to orders and payments to suppliers for which appropriate training will be given. 6. To maintain effective and efficient filing and record systems for the contract monitoring and review programme and subsidy payment system. 7. To assist as guided with the contract monitoring and review programme and subsidy payment system. 8. To assist as guided in visits to provider organisations. 9. To assist in the preparation of reports and presentations. 10. To help organise meetings and provide support at Supporting People events as required. OTHER DUTIES: 38. To monitor individual and team performance including monitoring and effectively managing sickness absences of staff and dealing with in accordance with the City Council’s Attendance Management Policy The post holder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategies policies. 39. 40. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. 41. To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post. D:\219511185.doc Page 44 of 49 REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the post holder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: 07/07/03 Prepared / Revised By: Joe Coogan D:\219511185.doc Page 45 of 49 JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Housing Department Section: Social Housing JOB DESCRIPTION: Job Title: SUPPORTING PEOPLE ASSISTANT Grade: SCALE 3 Location of Work: Supporting People Team, Turnpike House Directly Responsible to: Supporting People Lead Officer Directly Responsible for: Hours of Duty: Primary Purpose of the Job: 37 Hours per week in accordance with the Flexible Working Hours Scheme. 1. To provide administration support to members of the Supporting People Team. 2. To undertake a range of clerical duties within the Supporting People Team. D:\219511185.doc Page 46 of 49 Job / Reference No: MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES: 1. To provide a telephone answering service for the Supporting People Team in their absence. 2. To liaise with providers of support and other partners within Salford as directed by the SP team. 3. To assist to organise the practical arrangements for payments to providers and charging to service users. 4. To input and retrieve information from a variety of I.T. systems, including access databases, word and excel. 5. To type documents for members of Supporting People Team. 6. To prepare information for purposes of financial monitoring. 7. To provide support at and help organise Supporting People events as required. 8. To organise and take minutes of meetings relating to the work of the Supporting People Team. D:\219511185.doc Page 47 of 49 9. To carry out any other reasonable duties within the overall functions commensurate with the grading and level of responsibility of this post. OTHER DUTIES: REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS The details contained in this Job Description, particularly the principal accountabilities, reflect the content of the job at the date the Job Description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change; existing duties may be lost and other duties may be gained without changing the general character of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the Authority will expect to revise this Job Description from time to time and will consult with the postholder at the appropriate time. Date Job Description Prepared / Revised: 7th July 2003 Prepared / Revised By: Joe Coogan, Supporting People Lead Officer D:\219511185.doc Page 48 of 49 D:\219511185.doc Page 49 of 49