Community Impact Assessment Form For a summary of this Community Impact Assessment, click here Title of Community Impact Assessment (CIA): Salford City Partnership Directorate: Customer and Support Services Date of assessment: 30 April 2013 Names and roles of people carrying out the community impact assessment. (Please identify Lead Officer): Jon Stephenson, Partnership Manager (lead officer) On behalf of Councillor Lisa Stone leading the review Section A – What are you impact assessing? (Indicate with an “x” which applies):A decision to review or change a service A strategy A policy or procedure A function, service or project X X Are you impact assessing something that is?:New Existing Being reviewed Being reviewed as a result of budget constraints X X 1 Describe the area you are impact assessing and, where appropriate, the changes you are proposing? This is a ‘live’ Community Impact Assessment and will be added to as policies, protocols and associated strategies are developed. In 1994 representatives from the council, health providers, police and other public sector agencies, plus representatives from the community, faith and voluntary groups and businesses came together to bid for funding from central government. We’ve had an overarching partnership for the city ever since although it has been known by many different names. Currently it is known as Partners IN Salford and from 2001 it was our Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). There is no longer a legal requirement to have a local strategic partnership. However, within Salford we recognise the value of such a body as one of the main engagement tools with the community and other stakeholders in the decision making for the city. With the election of the City Mayor in 2012 it was agreed (at the Partnership Executive meeting on 17 September 2012; that a review of existing arrangements should be conducted to make the partnership fit for purpose. The main emphasis of the review is to make the partnership more efficient and therefore reduce costs. Other drivers include the need to better co-ordinate and join up activities for the whole city, reduce duplication and meetings, simplify arrangements, reduce fragmentation, improve involvement and be clear on how the city links with and makes the most of the opportunities in Greater Manchester and beyond. The review has resulted in a proposal for a new Salford City Partnership which was presented to the Partnership Executive meeting on 18 March, 2013. This CIA initially concerns the process of the review and the resulting model. 2 Section B – Is a Community Impact Assessment required (Screening)? Consider what you are impact assessing and mark “x” for all the statement(s) below which apply Service or policy that people use or which apply to people (this could include staff) Discretion is exercised or there is potential for people to experience different outcomes. For example, planning applications and whether applications are approved or not Concerns at local, regional or national level of discrimination/inequalities Major change, such as closure, reduction, removal or transfer Community, regeneration and planning strategies, organisational or directorate partnership strategies/plans Employment policy – where discretion is not exercised Employment policy – where discretion is exercised. For example, recruitment or disciplinary process X X X X X Equality Areas Indicate with an “x” which equality areas are likely to be affected, positively or negatively, by the proposals Age X Religion and/or belief X Disability X Sexual Identity X Gender (including pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnership) X People on a low income (socio-economic inequality) X Gender reassignment X Carers X Race X Refugees and people seeking asylum X If any of the equality areas above have been identified as being likely to be affected by the proposals, you will be required to undertake a CIA. You will need only to consider those areas which you have indicated are likely to be affected by the proposals 3 Section C – Monitoring information Monitoring is undertaken through two routes: Membership of the Partnership is by organisation – an organisation or forum providing specific services for people with the protected characteristics or equality areas, represents these groups on the partnership and provides a collective voice for them Individual’s participation in the annual Partnership Forum Conference – data collected using an equality monitoring form – the most recent conference was held January 2012. The next conference will be on 3 October 2013. C1 Do you currently monitor by the following protected characteristics or equality areas? Age Yes (Y) or No (N) If no, please explain why and / or detail in the action plan at Section E how you will prioritise the gathering of this equality monitoring data. Y Membership of Partnership: Yes (for both older people and young people) Participation at annual conference 2012: 5.3% aged under 25; 18.4% aged 55+ Disability Y Membership of Partnership: Yes Participation at annual conference 2012: 16.2% recorded a disability Gender (including pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnership) Y Gender Reassignment Y Race Y Religion and/or belief Y Sexual Identity Y People on a low income (socio-economic inequality) N Membership of Partnership: No – however Salford Men’s Action Group attended the 2012 Partnership annual conference and along with Salford Women’s Centre has been included within the consultation and will be invited to join the new City Partnership Participation at annual conference 2012: 50% male and female Membership of Partnership: No – however Out in Salford has been included in the consultation and will be invited to join the new City Partnership Participation at annual conference 2012: 0% Membership of Partnership: Yes Participation at annual conference 2012: 10.3% recorded as identifying themselves as belonging to a black or minority ethnic heritage Membership of Partnership: Yes Participation at annual conference 2012: 64.1% recorded having a religion / belief Membership of Partnership: No – however Out in Salford has been included in the consultation and will be invited to join the new Salford City Partnership Participation at annual conference 2012: 11.4% recorded as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or other This data is not specifically monitored. However, there are many partners who either represent people on a low income (eg many of the community committees) 4 Carers Y Refugees and people seeking asylum Y or provide services for people on low income (eg, Jobcentre Plus). Worklessness and Child / Family Poverty have been two of the four existing priorities for the partnership – it is anticipated this will remain high on the agenda for the new Salford City Partnership arrangements. Individual monitoring for protected characteristic / equality area is very difficult as it is a very sensitive subject to ask. Membership of Partnership: Yes Participation at annual conference 2012: This data was not collected but will be considered for inclusion in the monitoring for the 2013 annual conference. Membership of Partnership: Yes Participation at annual conference 2012: This data was not collected but will be considered for inclusion in the monitoring for the 2013 annual conference. Section C (continued) – Consultation C2 Are you intending to carry out consultation on your proposals? Yes If “yes”, please give details of your consultation exercise and results below The review has been delivered in a series of phases and there has been continuous consultation with representatives from the various protected characteristics / equality areas throughout. Alerts on the results of each phase were distributed each time they were placed on the Partners IN Salford website. Full details of the review can be found at The consultation exercises include: Phase 1: Agreeing the purpose of a strategic partnership. A survey was shared with all member organisations on the existing Partnership Forum, distributed through Salford CVS e-bulletin; shared with all members of the eight Community Committees, communities of identity, full Council, all existing thematic partnerships and with the business community through Salford City Council and Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce contacts / mailing lists. A database of respondents was created and built on throughout the review – this formed the basis of outreach plus the routes above. Phase 2: Looking at the mechanisms that work or that we need. 18 presentations and meetings were held with various representatives including thematic partnerships, community committees, elected members, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and others. 5 The results of this phase were again shared with all those in Phase 1 and asked for comments. Phase 3: Possible options for development. These were initially presented at the Partnership Executive on 18 December 2012 ( The executive comprises representatives from the public, private and community / third sectors. Again these were shared with all those in Phase 1 and asked for comment. Proposed model. From the agreed option a proposal for a new Salford City Partnership was developed through meetings with various representatives from the public private and community / third sector. The proposal then went out for consultation with all those in Phase 1 for comment and input. Further meetings and presentations accompanied this as requested by them (eg, Salford Safeguarding Children Board, Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee, Think Skills and Work Board, Salford Interfaith Network) Suggestions and comments were used to update the proposed new arrangements and presented to Partnership Executive on 18 March 2013. A final decision will be made by the City Mayor and partners on 14 August 2013. Consultation has therefore been conducted over a 22 week period from 15 October 2012 to 18 March 2013. Section C (continued) – Analysis C3 What information has been analysed to inform the content of this CIA? What were the findings? Please include details of, for example, service or employee monitoring information, consultation findings, any national or local research, customer feedback, inspection reports, and any other information which will inform your CIA. Please specify whether this was existing information or was obtained specifically Demographic data has been collected to understand the population profile for Salford, and organisations / partner structures in place to support members of the protected characteristics / equality areas and to be invited to be members of the new City Partnership: Protected characteristic / equality area Age Salford Demographic data (as % of total population of 233,933 residents) 0 – 24: 32.9% Source Support organisation / structure 2011 Census 50+: 30.3% 2011 Census 6 Children & Young People’s Trust Salford Safeguarding Children Board Salford City College University of Salford The Prince’s Trust Primary and Secondary Schools Salford Older People’s Forum Salford Adult Safeguarding Board in relation to this equality analysis and CIA process Disability Day to day limited activities: 20.7% 2011 Census Gender Men: 49.9% Women: 50.1% As a % of total UK population: ~1% As a % of Salford’s LGBT population: ~2% BME population (including white Gypsy or Irish Traveller): 10% Declaring a faith: 71.5% As a % of total UK population: 7% As a % of Greater Manchester LGB population: ~19% Children are living in Families in Poverty: 28.6% 2011 Census 2011 Census 2011 Gires Households with an income below the national median income: ~55% Provides a minimum of 1 hour per week unpaid care: 10% Precise data not available % migration for NW UK: 6.9% 2011 Caci Household Income Data Gender reassignment Race Religion / Belief Sexual Identity (Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual) People of low income Carers Refugees and People Seeking Asylum Health and Wellbeing Board Salford Disability Forum Health and Wellbeing Board Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Salford Men’s Action Group Salford Women’s Centre Out IN Salford 2011 I Exist LGF 2011 Census Salford BME Forum 2011 Census Salford Interfaith Network 2011 NWDA Out IN Salford 2011 I Exist LGF 2010 Child Poverty Unit 2011 Census 2011 ONS Skills, Work & Family Poverty stream Economic Development Partnership Salford Strategic Housing Partnership Community Committees Jobcentre Plus Salford Citizen’s Advice Bureaux City West Housing Trust Salix Homes Salford Carers Centre Salford Refugees and Asylum Seekers Forum Responses gathered throughout the development and consultation period have been used to inform this CIA and to ensure all the protected characteristics / equality areas have been included: 7 Section D – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to age equality Will people within certain age ranges not be getting the outcome they need? Will people within certain age ranges be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? If you are unable to eliminate, reduce or mitigate negative impacts, are your proposals potentially discriminatory on the grounds of age? Yes (Y) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N Will the proposals mean that Y people within certain age ranges will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations No (N) Y The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including all age groups and in particular younger people and older people, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 8 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to disability equality Will people with a disability not be getting the outcome they need? Will people with a disability be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? If you are unable to eliminate, reduce or mitigate negative impacts, are your proposals potentially discriminatory on the grounds of disability? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that people with a disability will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including people with a disability, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 9 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to gender equality (this includes pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnership) Will men, women or boys and girls not be getting the outcome they need? Will men, women or boys and girls be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that men or women, boys or girls will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including both men and women, boys and girls (irrespective of their marital status, civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity), are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 10 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to equality for people planning, undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment? Will people planning, undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment not be getting the outcome they need? Will people planning, undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that people planning, undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including trans or people planning or undergoing gender reassignment, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 11 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to race equality Will certain racial groups not be getting the outcome they need? Will certain racial groups be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? If you are unable to eliminate, reduce or mitigate negative impacts, are your proposals potentially discriminatory on the grounds of race? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that people within certain racial groups will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including white and black and ethnic minority communities, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 12 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a Yes (Y) differential impact relating to religion or belief equality Will people of certain religions or who have particular beliefs not be getting the outcome they need? Will people of certain religions or who have particular beliefs be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? Will the proposals mean that people of certain religions or who have particular beliefs will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including those who have a certain religion or belief, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 13 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to sexual identity equality Will gay, lesbian and/or bisexual people not be getting the outcome they need? Will gay, lesbian and/or bisexual people be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? If you are unable to eliminate, reduce or mitigate negative impacts, are your proposals potentially discriminatory on the grounds of sexual identity? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that gay, lesbian and/or bi-sexual people will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including lesbian, gay and bisexual people, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 14 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact on socio economic equality (people on a low income)? Will people on a low income not be getting the outcome they need? Will people on a low income be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? Yes (Y) Will the proposals mean that people on a low income will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Y Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion? Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? Identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? N The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including people on a low income, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. 15 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to carers? Will people within any other groups not be getting the outcome they need? Will people within any other groups be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? Yes (Y) No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? Will the proposals mean that people within any other groups will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion Y The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including carers (of any age), are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. N 16 Section D (continued) – Potential impacts and how these will be addressed Could your proposals have a differential impact relating to refugees and asylum seekers? Will people within any other groups not be getting the outcome they need? Will people within any other groups be disadvantaged as a result of your proposals? If the impact is negative, how will it be reduced or eliminated? Yes (Y) No (N) Explain impact(s) and what evidence or data exists to support your analysis? Will the proposals mean that people within any other groups will experience positive outcomes? Highlight any positive impacts Are the proposals likely to impact on community cohesion Y The purpose of a new City Partnership is to ensure all communities, including refugees and people seeking asylum, are fully engaged in the decision making for the city. This will be achieved through membership and representation on the Partnership by organisations that support these communities. All members of the City Partnership will be treated equally – this will form part of the protocols / terms of membership to be developed. Is there potential to enhance relationships between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? identify areas where there is potential to foster good relations Y By bringing people together from all the protected characteristics and equality groups, to share responsibility for collectively identifying priorities for the city and through co-operation deliver solutions for identified issues. This will be achieved through membership of the various bodies, in particular the Partnership Forum and attendance at the annual conference; representation at the City Partner Group and involvement in the various ‘family of partnership’ bodies. Communications, engagement, input and voice will be achieved through attendance at the various meetings and events, through email and written communication, participation in consultations, a dedicated website and other social media routes. N 17 Section E – Action Plan and review Detail in the plan below, actions that you have identified in your CIA, which will eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations. If you are unable to eliminate or reduce negative impact on any of the equality areas, you should explain why Impact (positive or negative) identified Review membership (NB. This will form part of the on-going CIA) Proposed action Launch event including collective agreement of priorities for the city Deliver launch event open to all Ongoing delivery of the new arrangements to ensure inclusivity Continuous outreach to Jon Stephenson equality groups to ensure they are aware of Salford City Partnership Develop terms of reference, protocols and terms of membership – distribute to all parties Person(s) responsible Councillor Lisa Stone and Jon Stephenson Where will action be monitored? Partnership Review Steering Group – held on Partners IN Salford website Jon Stephenson Partnership Forum – materials available through Partners IN Salford website & City Plan Partners IN Salford website Target date Required outcome 30 September 2013 Representatives from all the protected characteristics / equality groups agree with the terms and become members of Salford City Partnership 3 October 2013 Collective agreement of priorities and cooperation on delivering solutions to issues On-going Continued and positive contributions from the various groups Could making the changes in any of the above areas have a negative effect on other groups? No – the purpose of the review and proposal for a new Salford City Partnership is to have a positive impact on all the groups. 18 Review Your CIA should be reviewed at least every three years, less if it has a significant impact on people. Please enter the date your CIA will be reviewed 31 August 2016. You should review progress on your CIA action plan annually. Section F – Summary of your CIA As your CIA will be published on the council’s website and accessible to the general public, a summary of your CIA is required. Please provide a summary of your CIA in the box below. Summary of Community Impact Assessment Brief summary of proposal or what you are impact assessing Development and introduction (including membership) of the new Salford City Partnership. The main purpose of this partnership is to improve community engagement in the strategic decision making for Salford and to coordinate the various activities, strategies and plans across the city. How did you approach the CIA and what did you find? The new arrangements will have a positive impact on all communities and protected characteristics. This CIA was approached to ensure all the groups had been included in the review of the strategic arrangements. The CIA highlighted the current demographic profile for the city and includes those forums and other representative bodies that must be considered for membership. What are the main areas requiring further attention? This is an ongoing CIA. The initial areas for action include invitation to all those forums and representative bodies identified to become members of the new Salford City Partnership. An overview, working arrangements and roles document will be prepared and shared for further comment for groups to sign up to. Summary of recommendations for improvement Continued community engagement is required to ensure new and emerging communities and their representative bodies are invited to join the new Salford City Partnership. 19 Section G – Next Steps Quality Assurance When you have completed your CIA, you should send it to your directorate Equality Link Officer who will arrange for it to be quality assured. Your CIA will be returned to you if further work is required. It is important that your CIA is robust and of good quality as it may be challenged “Sign off” within your directorate Your directorate Equality Link Officer will then arrange for your CIA to be “signed off” within your directorate (see below). Your directorate Equality Lead Officer or other senior manager within your directorate should “sign off” your CIA (below). For the development and agreement of a new City Partnership model Name Signature Date Senior Manager 15.07.13 Martin Vickers Lead CIA Officer Publishing When your CIA has been signed off within your directorate, your directorate Equality Link Officer will send it to Elaine Barber in the Equalities and Cohesion Team for publishing on the council’s website. Monitoring Your directorate Equality Link Officer will also send your CIA to your directorate Performance Officer where the actions identified within your CIA will be entered into Covalent, the council’s performance management monitoring software so that progress can be monitored as appropriate. 20