Protocol for the use of hand held electronic devices

Protocol for the use of hand held electronic devices
during any meeting held under the auspices of the city
March 2014
Version one
This protocol provides guidance on the acceptable use of hand held electronic
devices (mobile telephone, tablet devices such as iPads, or other such tools as may
be necessary) and social media during any meeting held under the auspices of the
city council.
Social media is the term used for online tools, websites and interactive media that
enable users to interact with each other by sharing information, opinions, knowledge
and interests.
Hand held electronic devices offer a wide range of uses, including:
Phone calls.
Reading and sending emails
Accessing Twitter, Facebook and other social media
Reading meeting papers and background information
Taking and sending photos
They can also assist debate by facilitating contemporaneous research into relevant
matters to inform contribution to the debate.
Devices need to be used with care, common sense and respect. In particular their
use should not give the impression to observers that a councillor or officer is not
paying due attention to the meeting. This could be cited as grounds for challenging a
contentious decision by aggrieved applicants or interested parties, in particular in the
context of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel or the Licensing and
Safety Regulatory Panel, where councillors are required to come to a decision on the
merits of the case as presented to them at the meeting.
Acceptable use
Hand held electronic devices should be set to silent mode during the
They should be used silently and unobtrusively, without disturbing others.
Do not appear to spend the meeting glued to your device.
Consider the impression you are giving to others, in particular members of the
public who are attending the meeting on a matter about which they may feel
Access to social media from a hand held electronic device during the course of the
meeting must adhere to the council’s social media policies for councillors and
officers. Councillors must be aware that any inappropriate comments made on social
media during a meeting would (almost definitely) fall within the remit of the Code of
conduct for members. Any inappropriate comments made using social media could
open councillors to potential complaints and investigations by the council’s
monitoring officer.
Officers who use social media are subject to the council’s disciplinary code – any
inappropriate postings or behaviour may be subject to complaints, investigation and
disciplinary action.
If, during the course of any meeting, the Chair considers that an individual’s use of
hand held electronic devices or access to social media has become inappropriate
then such individual use must cease immediately. If such use continues then the
Chair has the discretion to exercise powers under Standing Order 2.12 relating to
misconduct and disturbance.
Filming, recording and photographing the proceedings of a meeting can only take
place with the approval of the Chair. Permission must be sought before the meeting
in order to allow visitors to the meeting to be advised of their rights under the
provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, and suitable arrangements to be made
by council officers. Filming on council premises outside of meetings requires
separate permission. Anyone wishing to do so should contact in the first instance, well in advance.
Private and confidential meetings should remain so. The use of hand held electronic
devices and social media to communicate information, views, or comment, whether
during or arising out of these meetings will not be allowed and may be subject to the
Code of Conduct and/or the council’s disciplinary procedures.