Jerry Built Team Members Ashley Gleaves Korey Hamilton Joel Sausman Jack Smodic Design Overview • Energy conversion and transfer from the bolt to the see-saw in order to launch the ball into a funnel. • Downward force of the ball releases a spring which transfers energy into a stationary peg and then to a ball. • Force of the ball pushes the stick which allows the golf ball to reach a ramp. • Golf ball goes down the ramp and off the edge to turn on a lamp. Energy Overview • Potential energy of the bolt to kinetic energy transfer to the stick • Rotation of stick on the pivot point to projectile motion of ball • Kinetic energy of ball pushes the latch • Latch releases energy in the spring and sends it to the hook Energy Overview • Kinetic energy goes through the hook to the ball • Force of the ball pushes the stick • Conversion of potential energy to kinetic as the golf ball begins to roll • Force of the golf ball pushes power switch and turns on the lamp Building Issues/Process (Team clothing provided by Aeropostale ) Main Issues Process Projectile Accuracy Spring Release Stick Stability Change of Device Functions Built First Platform Attached Second Platform Designed Golf Ball Release Lamp Distance Adjustment