EF 151 Team Project “Elevate by Bullets” “Balls of Fury”: Will Sharber, Mark Platfoot, Lee Allan, Jacob Hoekstra Design Description Bullet is dropped down copper piping. Bullet free falls to set off mousetrap Mousetrap snaps string holding door from releasing bullets down PVC pipe. Bullets travel down pipe into copper faucet. Bullets free fall into 2.0kg can full of sand and such. As the can becomes heavier, the 1kg mass rises to desired height of 1m. Stored Energy/ Construction Issues Stored Energy Construction Issues Incline of copper piping. The round bullets would not roll against the wood. The friction between the bullets and the wood did not allow the bullets to roll down the ramp. Potential energy within the mousetrap. Potential Energy of Bullets rolling down PVC. Gravitational energy of free falling bullets. Kinetic energy of moving bucket of sand and such. The coefficient of kinetic friction X gravity > acceleration of bullets. Conclusion Our team designed a system that has the potential to raise a 1kg mass at least 1m by having a double pulley system. The double pulley moves the mass 2 times the distance that our sand and such bucket moves. The sandy bucket must now have twice the mass as the 1kg mass in order to move it.