CEREAL SPILLER Matt McAuley Brad Czecholinski Josh Cates

Matt McAuley
Brad Czecholinski
Josh Cates
Josh Farhat
Way it operates:
Tape measure is released down the first ramp
It lands in a catcher that is connected to the trigger
on the gun by a string
As the catcher falls with the weight of the tape
measure, the string pulls back the trigger and
shoots the dart
The dart flies into the pendulum
The pendulum swings and hits the car on the ramp
The car goes down the ramp, hitting the box of
cereal at the end
The box of cereal is dumped over into the bowl
Tape Drop of DEATH
Catcher of DOOM
Pendulum of PERIL
Rollin on 20’s
Energy Conversions
There is potential energy before tape
measure is released
Tape measure changes to kinetic energy as
it goes down the ramp
The catcher changes from potential to
kinetic energy as the tape measure lands in
it, causing it to move downward
The energy change in the catcher causes
the potential energy in the spring within the
dart gun to convert to kinetic energy and
shoot the dart into the cup.
Energy Conversions, cont.
The dart hits the pendulum and with the
resulting inelastic collision, energy is once
again converted from potential to kinetic
energy as the pendulum swings upward.
The pendulum collides with the, causing a
height displacement and a conversion of
energy form potential to kinetic.