About the Textbook’s First Author Aronson, A., Willerman, B., & Floyd, J. (1966). The effect of a pratfall on increasing interpersonal attractiveness. Psychonomic Science, 4(6), 227-228. An experiment was performed which demonstrated that the attractiveness of a superior person is enhanced if he commits a clumsy blunder; the same blunder tends to decrease the attractiveness of a mediocre person. These results were predicted by conjecturing that a superior person may be viewed as superhuman and, therefore, distant; a blunder tends to humanize him and, consequently, increases his attractiveness. SOCIAL INFLUENCE How people are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others (Allport) Social influence is one of the great, great influences in nature … tremendously powerful … yet you can't see it" (Ellen Berscheid) SOCIAL FORCES INFLUENCE HOW WE: THINK (e.g., how we gather and process information) SEE (e.g., how we perceive the world) FEEL (e.g., how we label our emotions) KNOW (e.g., what facts, information, and ideas we possess) Influences on Behavior Personality approach Fundamental Attribution Error (pervasive tendency to overestimate the behavior of others as due to their personality rather than considering various social or situational forces) “versus” Social or situational forces SOCIAL COMPARISON KEY CONCEPTS 1) People need to evaluate their opinions and abilities. 2) If objective information for appraisal is limited or not available, people will rely on social comparison processes (other people) to evaluate themselves. 3) People tend to compare themselves with similar others (or those who should be similar based on various attributes such as age, cultural background). Also, people will be attracted to similar others and reduce differences between themselves and others. [From: Leon Festinger Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Our impact on the behavior of others; getting what we ask for We partly generate our own reality! Key elements of acting*: Implications for Social Interactions 1) Who are you? (e.g., the character) 2) What do you want? (e.g., objectives, goals) 3) Why do you want it? (e.g., your motivation) 4) What is your relationship to the other person (e.g., friend, stranger, subordinate, boss)? 5) What is the time urgency for the interaction (time frame)? * Adapted from Sanford Meisner on Acting (1987). Random House: New York. ~ Self-Presentation~ We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night