MLA GUIDELINES FOR PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION Information from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th edition. New York: MLAA, 2009. Designed by Chris Bui and Tina Blaas Revised by Savanna Richter 2010 © 2002 UWF Writing Lab According to the UWF English Department, “[p]lagiarism is the unacknowledged, or insufficiently acknowledged use of another’s ideas and/or his expression.” Purposely or unknowingly copying ideas and information from another source is plagiarism. As Linda Moore of UWF indicates, “[i]t is not wrong to use the ideas of others, but it is wrong not to give that person credit for his ideas.” Plagiarism is very serious and could result in disciplinary action, including academic suspension or even expulsion. Just don’t do it! If you use a secondary source, avoid plagiarism: cite the source. Previous Next Whether quoting directly from a source or paraphrasing a source, you must give credit to the author or authors of the source. In MLA, source information is given immediately following the quoted or paraphrased material. Previous Next Which information is cited? Direct quotations Information taken from secondary sources Do not cite common knowledge information. For example: The earth revolves around the sun. However, cite specific information that is not considered general knowledge. For example: The earth is 149,573,000 km from the sun (“Earth”). If in doubt, cite the information to be safe.. Previous Next Style Place the parenthetical citation at a natural pause in the sentence (“preferably at the end of a sentence”) and as close as possible to the documented material. Parenthetical references precede final punctuation. The author’s or authors’ last names and the page number of the source appear in parentheses: (Johnson 50). Notice that there is no comma between the name and page number and that no page marker (p., page, pp.) is necessary. If no author is available, cite the title of the work: (“Earth” 28). Previous Next Examples of Parenthetical Documentation: Direct Quotation: “The contention that Shakespeare hated the common people has found much comfort and support in the fact that he never loses an opportunity of reminding us that they smell” (Palmer 315). Note that the citation follows the closing quotation mark but appears before the period. Previous Next Examples of Parenthetical Documentation: Paraphrase: The argument that Shakespeare was repulsed by commoners is maintained by the frequent references in his plays about their smells (Palmer 315). Previous Next Other Possible Documentation Situations Previous Next Two or three authors: List all authors’ last names. (Rabkin and Greenberg 23) (Rabkin, Akin, and Bergen 6) More than three authors: Give the first author’s last name followed by et al., or list all the authors’ last names. (Lane et al. 7) (Lane, Alan, Poe, and Kern 7) Previous Next Authors with the same last name: Add the first initial. (A. Smith 187) (J. Smith 43) More than one work by the same author: After the author’s last name, place a comma and the title of the work before the page number(s). Shorten the title if necessary. If the title is introduced in the text, then it is not needed in the parentheses. (Frye, Double Vision 85) Previous Next No author: Give the full title or the first major word of the title. The, a, and an are not major words. (Human Circus 564) (“School Vouchers” 49) Multiple page numbers: Continuous (Bishop 6-10) (Stephens 28-9) Separate (McCall 45, 89) Both (Smith 52-8, 125) Previous Next Citing Indirect Sources: Add “qtd.” before the citation for the indirect source (qtd. In Boswell 2: 450). Common Literature: More information than the page number alone is needed (185; ch.13, sec. 2) More than one work in a single parenthetical reference: Avoid using more than two citations per reference (Fukuyama 42; McRae 101-33) Other Things to Know Previous Next If the author of the source is mentioned in the text, the author’s name is unnecessary in the parenthetical citation as long as “the reference is clearly to the work of the author you mention”: Palmer indicates “[t]he contention that Shakespeare hated the common people has found much comfort and support in the fact that he never loses an opportunity of reminding us that they smell” (315). Previous Next Once an author has been cited, his or her name does not need to be given again. Just give the page number until a new work is cited. If a former source is referred to again, then the author’s name has to be cited again. Some instructors may prefer the author’s name in each new paragraph; some do not. Ask to be sure. Previous Next Example Romeo and Juliet presents an opposition between two worlds: “the world of the everyday,” associated with the adults in the play, and “the world of romance,” associated with the two lovers (Zender 138). Romeo and Juliet’s language of love nevertheless becomes “fully responsive to the tang of actuality” (141). Quote within Quote Use single quotation marks to indicate a quote within a quote. Example: Everybody and everything “heard the whisper all over the house: ‘There must be more money’” (Lawrence 975). Previous Next Quotation with Altered Text: Any alterations to the original text should be placed in square brackets ([ ]). Original: They caused widespread panic. Quote with altered text: “[The tornadoes] caused widespread panic” (Cage 32). Given his experiences, Cage might argue that tornadoes “caus[e] widespread panic” (32). Previous Next Explanations that follow quoted material should be placed in parenthesis. Adding “sic” to denote exact quotation – Shaw admitted, “Nothing can extinguish my interest in Shakespear” (sic). Explanation of alterations or additions – Lincoln specifically advocated a government “for the people” (emphasis added). Leaving out Information If any part of the quotation is left out, indicate omitted information by inserting an ellipsis (. . .). The ellipsis can stand for omitted words, phrases, and sentences. Previous Next Ellipsis If you insert ellipsis within a sentence, use three periods with a space before each and a space after the last. When the ellipsis coincides with the end of your sentence, use three periods with a space before each following a sentence period. If a parenthetical reference follows the ellipsis at the end of your sentence, however, use three periods with a space before each, and place the sentence period after the final parenthesis. Examples Original: Medical thinking, trapped in the theory of astral influences, stressed air as the communicator of disease, ignoring sanitation and visible carriers. Omitted material within a quotation: “Medical thinking . . . stressed air as the communicator of disease, ignoring sanitation and visible carriers” (101-02). Block Quote If a direct quotation runs more than four typed lines in the paper, introduce the quotation and then set it off in the text by indenting it one inch (known as a block quote). There are no quotation marks around the block quotation. The parenthetical citation follows the period. Previous Next EXAMPLE Stephens 6 According to Hemans’s account of the event, the boy refuses to leave without his father’s consent. However, Warner suggests that Hemans’s poem is not quite accurate according to an officer on the Swiftsure, a nearby English ship that picked up survivors from the Orient: } The son of Casabianca [. . .] had lost a leg, and was below with the surgeon, but Indent 1” No Quotation Marks quotation { the father could not be prevailed upon to quit the ship even to save his own life, preferring to die beside his son rather than leave him wounded, and a prey to the flames, thus placing parental affection in a most trying and awful situation, as if to show the extremities to which it may be carried. (88) Citation follows period Warner adds that “[o]ther narratives say that, as the flames spread, Casabianca and his son did in fact leave the ship together, only to be drowned before they could be picked up” (88), suggesting that neither died on the burning ship. Previous Next Introduce Quote Poetry Poetry and verse are cited by line numbers. Indicate a line break with a slash (/). Slashes are not needed for four or more lines of poetry; however, use the block quote format and copy each line as it appears in the original. Previous Next Example The speaker calls “for a beaker full of the warm South, / Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene / With beaded bubbles winking at the brim” (Keats 15-7). Remember that some professors may modify these guidelines to fit their own classes and assignments. Just ask to be sure! Previous Next For questions about MLA format, consult the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers or call or stop by the Previous UWF Writing Lab. Next