Consent Form for: Undergraduate HCI: GGC Book-A-Room Testing GGC Students

Human Subjects Guidelines
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Consent Form for:
Undergraduate HCI: GGC Book-A-Room Testing
GGC Students
You are being asked to be a volunteer in a research study
I am being asked to take part in a research study titled “GGC Book-A-Room Prototype Testing”,
which is being conducted by Richard McKinnes, Burley Mullins, and Jim Rowan. I do not have
to take part in this study; I can stop taking part at any time without giving any reason, and
without penalty. I can ask to have information related to me removed from the research records
or destroyed.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the interface for GGC Book-A-Room.
This investigation will assess student and faculty attitudes about using GGC Book-A-Room as
well as any usability issues that might exist. This investigation will inform the design and
development of future GGC Book-A-Room interfaces.
There is no compensation or extra-credit for participants. There is no immediate benefit to
volunteers; however, this is a unique opportunity to influence course design as well as the design
of the GGC Book-A-Room system.
 Prototype testing: I will be given a prototype navigation aid, in one of a variety of forms (i.e.
Paper slides, rolling computer, mobile device, etc..) and attempt to find the room assign to
me to locate. The effectiveness of the tool will be recorded by the researchers will I interact
with the prototype.
When reporting this information, names will not be associated with the grades. Instead, a unique
ID will be provided for each student.
No risks are expected.
All information concerning me will be kept confidential: My instructor will not know whether I
have agreed to participate in this study or not. My instructor will not be able to associate my
responses with my name. My identity will be coded, and all data will be kept in a secured,
limited access location. If information about me is published, it will be written in a way that I
cannot be recognized. However, research records may be obtained by court order.
The researchers will answer any further questions about the research, now or during the course of
the project, and can be reached by telephone:
 Jim Rowan (678) 407-5478
Human Subjects Guidelines
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Minors should not participate in this study. By signing below, I certify that I am 18 years or
older. I understand the procedures described above. My questions have been answered to my
satisfaction. I have been given a copy of this form.
Please check one of the following:
_____ Yes, I agree to allow my data to be used for this research study.
_____ No, I do not give permission for my data to be used for this research study.
Please check one of the following:
_____ Yes, I am willing to be interviewed about my experiences with JavaWIDE.
_____ No, I do not want to be interviewed about my experiences with JavaWIDE.
Signature of Participant. Date
Signature of Researcher. Date
Printed Name of Participant
Signature of Researcher. Date
Signature of Researcher. Date
Signature of Researcher. Date