Demand Side Management & Renewable Energy In India: Capacity Building of CSOs -- DREC Project supported by ClimateWorks Foundation, USA through Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF), India Presentation at DREC Launch Meeting Saturday, 25th June, 2010, Kolkata Udai Mehta, CUTS International Outline About CUTS International Background and Need DREC Project 2 Features Objective Activities Expected Outcomes Project Execution CUTS International Genesis: Consumer rights organisation estd. in 1983. Three resource centres in India: Calcutta, Delhi and Chittorgarh Four resource centres outside India: Nairobi, Kenya; Lusaka, Zambia; Hanoi, Vietnam; and Geneva, Switzerland Broad areas of work: Trade, Regulation and Governance Active programmes on competition, economic regulation and consumer policy and law issues in 30 countries of Africa, and Asia…. and growing. 3 Context Energy : Critical ingredients for infrastructure development and economic growth 4 Projected economic growth at 8-9%, results in growth in energy demand Energy security and providing energy access has gained importance Use of alternative source of energy ensures Sustainable and Responsible growth Imperative for India to focus on Demand Side Management (DSM) & Renewable Energy (RE) Need for alternative sources of energy -What and Why 5 Energy sources that can be used instead of fossil fuels Fossil fuels they DO have a life expectancy Burning fossil fuels has increased atmospheric pollution Hope lies with things such as sun, water, wind, waves and tides – renewable energy “The Earth, The Water and the Air, not a gift to us from our parents but a loan for our children” Need for RE & DSM 6 Need for RE • Security of Supply • Sustainable Economic Growth • Environmental Sustainability • Reduction in Carbon Emission and hence combat climate change Need for DSM • Customer Benefits - Satisfy electricity demands, Reduce / stabilise costs (bills) • Social Benefits – Energy Conservation, Reduce environmental degradation • Utility Benefits – Lower cost of service, Improve operating efficiency, Reduce capital needs, Improve customer service Project Features States – West Bengal and Gujarat Duration – Two Years Components – Research, Capacity Building and Advocacy Approach – involvement Beneficiaries – Civil Society, Government & Business Community 7 Bottom-up approach of multi-stakeholder Objectives Increase long term capacity/awareness of CSOs to demand for DSM/RE initiatives Train CSOs to participate in regulatory processes Develop a mechanism to take the views of the CSOs to the policy level and vice-versa 8 Importance of CSO Intervention Promotion and adoption of Renewable and DSM measures has a direct bearing on the electricity tariffs that ultimately affect the consumers Consumers have a right to know reasons for promotion of a particular technology and the method for tariff calculation CSO participation is crucial since it can create demand pull for renewable energy and energy efficiency programs in the country. 9 Activities Research Capacity Building State Level Training Workshops – Two in each State Consumer Interface Meetings – Two in each State Advocacy 10 Literature Review Baseline Consumer Survey and Research Report Final Consumer Survey Local Inception Workshop Policy Advocacy Meetings – State and National Level National Conference Constitution of Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Outcomes More cognisant Civil Society Groups on issues pertaining to Renewable Energy and DSM Increase in demand from the consumer end which can result in policy initiatives Effective policy actions by the government for enhancement of Renewable Energy and DSM 11 Project Execution Diagram CUTS C-CIER Support &Training Reporting Advice & Guidelines Gujarat CUTS-CRC West Bengal Local CSOs and other stakeholders 12 “Beginnings are always exciting” THANK YOU 13 For further information please contact: Udai Mehta, Asst. Director CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment and Economic Regulation (CUTS-CCIER), D-217 Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302016, India Phone: 91.141.228 2821 ; Mb: 91.98292 85926 Fax: 91.141.2282485 Email:; Website: 14