MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS COLLEGE COMMITTEE APPLICATION The Associated Students Officers at Mt. San Antonio College act honestly and responsibly while representing the entire student body and serves to promote and protect the diverse needs of the student population, enhance the awareness of student concerns and foster leadership and involvement in the campus community. College Committee Application Revised: Sept. 6, 2013 COMMITTEE APPLICATION ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF MT. SAC COLLEGE COMMITTEES Mt. San Antonio College students are encouraged to participate in the governance of the College by serving on various college committees. Within these committees, many important decisions are made that affect students on campus; it is important that students have a voice as these decisions are made. The Associated Student’s President has the authority to appoint student representatives to serve on college committees, task forces and other governance groups. As a student representative on a college committee, you will have the opportunity to offer opinions and make recommendations to the administration of the College and to the Board of Trustees with regard to College policies and procedures that have or will have as significant effect on students. COLLEGE COMMITTEE POLICY 1. A Student representative appointed to serve on a College Committee must have paid the current Student Activities fee. 2. All interested students must complete an application and be appointed by the A.S. President. Students are appointed by the A.S. President. 3. To be appointed, you must have at least a 2.0 cumulative Mt. SAC GPA and be enrolled in 5 credit units, and not have any disciplinary record with the college. 4. Once appointed to a committee, you are to attend all meetings. If an emergency occurs, you are required to inform the committee chair. 5. As a committee representative you must submit a typed report or give an oral report to the Senate within one week of each committee meeting to keep the Senate informed of issues discussed at each meeting. 6. You must submit a Committee Attendance Tracking Form to the A.S. Secretary before finals in the Fall semester and by the fourth week of May in the Spring semester. Forms can be downloaded by visiting College Committee Application Revised: Sept. 6, 2013 MT. SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS APPLICATION FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP I am interested in applying to serve on a committee with the Associated Students. I am aware that I must meet the eligibility requirements before being approved to serve on a committee. If appointed, I authorize the monitoring of my eligibility. I acknowledge that I can serve students only if academically eligible. NAME: _______________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (Zip) STUDENT I.D. # ________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________ TELEPHONE # _________________________ CELL # _____________________ I am interested in serving on the following committee(s): 1._______________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3._______________________________ 4.__________________________________ How did you learn about Associated Students: ☐ A.S. Website ☐ Word of Mouth ☐ A flyer ☐ email ☐ The Student Portal ☐ At a campus event ☐ Classroom Presentation ☐ Other ________________________________________________________________ My signature below authorizes the checking of my academic and disciplinary standing at any time during the holding of office by the Advisor or the A.S. Secretary. _____________________________ ________________________ (Student signature) (Date) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For office use only Currently enrolled units _______ Cumulative Mt. SAC GPA ______ Paid Activities Fee ___________ Discipline Record _____ Student is eligible to serve on committee Date: ___________________________ College Committee Application YES NO Verified by: ______________________________ Revised: Sept. 6, 2013 College Wide Committee Application Please feel free to type on a separate sheet of paper, and attach with your application. 1. How many semesters have you been a student at Mt. San Antonio College? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Why are you interested in serving on a college committee? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Describe what you believe to be the duties and responsibilities of a Student Representative on a college committee? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. In your opinion, what role does Student Government play on this campus? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Appointed to: ____________________________________________________________ Approved by: _____________________________ (A.S. President) College Committee Application _______________________ (Date) Revised: Sept. 6, 2013