Competition policy reforms in Australia 18 February 2014 Matt Crooke, Minister-Counsellor (Economic) Australian High Commission, New Delhi Overview • National Competition Policy – origins – key components – securing and maintaining support – outcomes and lessons for India • Australia’s ‘Root and branch review’ of competition Background • Federation with three levels of government • Two types of government agencies at the Commonwealth level – Government departments and independent agencies History to NCP – 70s and 80s • Trade Practices Act introduced in 1974 • Australian economy was heavily regulated: – Fixed exchange rate/regulated financial sector – Trade barriers/tariff protected industries – Government ownership of utilities – Substantial price, product and wage regulation • In the early 1980s, large scale reforms removed many of these restrictions – Created pressure on many industries to adapt History to NCP – 90s • By the early 1990s, Australia recognised a need for further microeconomic reform. • Australia’s international competitiveness was lagging, and many sectors were highly inefficient; this was patently due to weak market forces at home. • In 1992, an independent inquiry into the matter was launched – known as the Hilmer Inquiry. History to NCP – 90s cont. • The Hilmer Report recommended sweeping changes to Australia’s competition framework. – Acting on the Report, Australia’s Federal and state governments agreed to the National Competition Policy Reform package in 1995. • The overarching vision was to create national markets. • This has further evolved into a guiding vision of creating a ‘seamless national economy’. National Competition Policy • Agreed by all levels of government in 1995 • Reforms include: – Review of legislation that restricts competition – Universal application of pro-competitive legislation, particularly the TPA – Reforms of public monopolies (transport, electricity, gas and water) – Implementation of competitive neutrality to government businesses – Third party access to significant infrastructure Legislation review • Guiding Principle: – Legislation should not restrict competition unless it can be demonstrated that: the benefits of the restriction to the community as a whole outweigh the costs; and the objectives of the legislation can only be achieved by restricting competition. Reforms to public monopolies • Key principles for restructuring public monopolies include: – Separation of regulatory and commercial functions; – Separation of natural monopoly and potentially competitive activities; and – Separation of potentially competitive activities into a number of smaller, independent business units • In addition, assets were privatised where government ownership was no longer justified. Reforms to public monopolies – competitive neutrality • A distinguishing feature of Australia’s reforms to public monopolies is the inclusion of competitive neutrality. – The Hilmer Review recommended that all levels of government agree that government businesses should not enjoy any net competitive advantage by virtue of their public ownership. Third-Party Access Regimes • The point of Third-Party Access Regulation is to promote the economically efficient operation of, use of, and investment in infrastructure facilities with natural monopoly characteristics. • This can help to promote effective competition in upstream and downstream markets. – It is often economically inefficient to duplicate such infrastructure. – ‘Standard’ market power provisions were seen as insufficient to deal with natural monopolies. Implementing the NCP • National Competition Council undertook implementation assessments • Competition payments were made to the States based on those assessments Securing support • National Competition Policy agreement was a significant achievement • Initial support achieved by drawing on evidence of potential gains Maintaining Support • Challenges of misinformation and vested interests – Seek to overcome by transparency and assistance on case-by-case basis. • Broad nature of program – Those who lose from one reform, gain from another • Public interest – Any reform is in the community’s interest Public interest test • • • • • • • Environmental considerations Social welfare and equity considerations Occupational health and safety Economic and regional development Interests of consumers Competitiveness of Australian businesses Efficient allocation of resources Outcomes of NCP • 2005 Productivity Commission Review of National Competition Policy – Significant net economic benefit of the reforms • Lessons from NCP inform current and future competition and deregulation reform agenda. • Principles from NCP manifest in current policies, including current productivityenhancing reforms. Competition Policy Review • The Government’s root and branch review of competition laws and policy will commence in early 2014. • The review is intended to identify long-term improvements that can be made to the regulatory and policy framework to improve the productivity of the Australian economy. Possible lessons • Continue to build the case and be ready for opportunities – well-devised microeconomic reform improves peoples lives for the better • Independent, vibrant public institutions that support reform and are as sector-neutral as possible – towards a vision of well-functioning national markets • Allow forward-leaning jurisdictions to drive process and consider fiscal incentives in support of national reform outcomes Competition policy reforms in Australia 18 February 2014 Matt Crooke, Minister-Counsellor (Economic) Australian High Commission, New Delhi