Mt. San Antonio College Minutes Equivalency Committee June 2, 2014 3:30 – 5:00 pm X Dan Smith, Chair Lida Anderson X Luisa Howell Elaine Emanuel X X Michelle Johnson Richard McGowan-NC Item/Comments/Discussion I Matt Judd – Management X Nancy Gordien – Human Res. Outcome Approval of Committee Minutes April 28, 2014 The minutes were updated and approved II Information There were no information items. III Items for Action/Discussion Earth Science - Proposal The committee reviewed the equivalency, and asked for several changes: 1. Two disciplines are listed at the top of the page. Only one can be listed. An alternative can be to designate Earth Science as the equivalency required for Geology courses. 2. Per the language in paragraph C.3 of AP 7211 after the first paragraph add the word “OR,” then “A Bachelor’s degree in the discipline or a related discipline AND” before “Proof of enrollment in Geology or Earth Science . . . “ 3. The second paragraph does not conform to the language in AP 7211, since “significant progress” has been redefined. 4. In the third paragraph the physical sciences need to be better defined. Would this include Physics? What would be excluded? 5. The rationale needs to be expanded upon and changed, since the equivalency submitted does differ from the one that expired in December 2013. Some disciplines were deleted from the first paragraph, while others were added to the third paragraph. In addition, the title is different. The committee would ask that the department align the new equivalency with the new requirements in AP 7211 and resubmit it in fall. Review of Equivalency Determination Supplemental form - continued The need to revise not only the supplemental form but also the brochure was discussed further, with the objectives of 1) clearly informing applicants under what conditions they would need to use the form; 2) that the form not duplicate information provided elsewhere in the application process. The final recommendations are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Suggested changes to the brochure included: After Required Qualifications place the following: “If your degree title is not one of those listed, please explain how/why your degree is equivalent, using the Equivalency Determination Supplemental Form.” Indicate Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency. Suggested changes to the Equivalency Determination Supplemental Form included: At the end of the first sentence of question #1 add the words “as indicated in the job posting.” Delete last sentence of question #1, “Transcripts must be attached.” Remove question #3 Suggested changes to the application included: Add “Are you applying under the Equivalency?” Add “If you have a degree or experience qualifications equivalent to those listed above, please submit the Equivalency Determination Supplemental form” to explain how you meet the equivalency.” The committee directed the Chair, Dan Smith, to communicate with Cynthia Hoover in order to clarify the need to move applications forward that might meet the equivalency, but do not have an Equivalency form attached. The committee also asked if these elements might be integrated into an interactive online application. 2014-15 Meeting dates: The meeting dates were approved. Sept. 22, Oct. 27, Nov. 24, March 23, April 27, June 1 IV Future Agenda Items 2013/14 Meetings: 3:30-5:00—4th Monday None designated. 2013 September 23 October 28 November 25 2014 March 24 April 28 June 2 Note: Committee meets June 2 due to the 4th Monday in May being Memorial Day.