Mt. San Antonio College Minutes Equivalency Committee October 26, 2015 3:30 – 5:00 pm Dan Smith, Chair Nancy Gordien Deana Hight Luisa Howell Michelle Johnson Matt Judd Item/Comments/Discussion Richard McGowan Dana Miho Outcome I Approval of Committee Minutes September 28, 2015 The minutes were revised, editing the AP 7211 Revision item by deleting the second sentence and adding a second one: The Equivalency Committee will consider input from C&I when reviewing and/or revising AP 7211. In addition, the last sentence was revised to read “HR uses AP 7211 language in its faculty hiring brochures.” The revised minutes were then approved. II Information None. III Items for Action/Discussion IV Communication Studies The equivalency was conditionally approved, pending the addition of “any of the following” prior to the list of the acceptable degrees, and the removal of the duplicate degree listing on line 6. Accounting (revised) The equivalency was approved without further revisions. Future Agenda Items None noted. 2015/16 Meetings: 3:30-5:00pm, 4th Monday of each month Room 4-2465-I 2015 September 28 October 26 November 23 2016 March 28 April 25 May 23 Note: