Strategic Decisions Tamarindo, Cos EDUCATIONAL LE TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SU 2009 SCHEDULE OF March 23rdJuly 6th- 10 November 16t Conference Updates NEWLY ANNOUNCED FEATURES & SPEAKERS: Teacher Excellence This session will be a part of a larger Tea which teachers will be honored for their Peter Fiorentino founded our Green Zone receiving hundreds of letters from schoo Latin America’s educational culture. The Green Zones Project delivers middle has been developed in conjunction with Rica and utilizing a broad co current research initiatives SDPUS provi educational venture. This is an adventure based curriculum w where students learn by “joining” scienti Green Zones of Latin America. It’s name adventurer; the project offers students a learn through exploration and discovery. Study Abroad As fellow educators, we know that exper engage in the learning process. Costa Ri open students' minds and get them exci biodiversity, vast array of natural wonde Our School Trips are germane to a wide (especially Biology, Environmental, and Studies. The SDPUS Conference includes a uniqu Liberia. EARTH UNIVERSITY was initiat components that we have incorporated i you will consider joining our initiative: • CENTER FOR THE TRANSFORMATI purpose is to search for ways to improve th capacities, as well as the generation of jobs • SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL CE (mango, sugarcane, citrus fruits, and cattle experiences for students, producers and vis • SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY CEN academic activities, but also coordinate res towards development and innovation. • AGRO-ECO-CULTURAL TOURISM: reference point for those who visit Guanaca ecological, agricultural, scientific and cultur • GREEN CONFERENCE CENTER: A p facilities to have business and academic act “green” way of thinking. This will be an event where interested ed experience of the type of research learn and Partnerships offer within Costa Rica. these exciting opportunities elsewhere in *Fund-raising opportunities will also be e secondary schools successfully raise mo to embark on. visit: Wednesday Breakfast The featured presenter will be Dr. John Coons, sp of "Excellence" from his perspective as a national considerable experience and leadership in higher Dr. John Coons Dr. Coons is the most recent recipient of the SDP Fellows Award, given to the top leaders in interna is known for insightful, upbeat, and humorous pre also known to be a “teacher's teacher” when it co his students and colleagues. Come and listen to o educators in our profession as he describes excell his experiences. Keynote Speaker-Excellence Awards What’s the ultimate space adventure for an educato Chang-Diaz it was being chosen as a part of the Ast Class of 1980. Costa Rica’s own, Dr. Chang-Diaz wil speaker at Strategic Decisions & Partnerships Intern in a major session designed to let attendees envisio educator/astronaut does every day, what their miss how they train and how they hope to advance educa their experiences. Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz Astronaut Class of 1980 This session will be a part of a larger Teacher Excell in which technology teachers will be honored for the achievements. Interface with the educator/astronau this session and take away a one-to-one experience are living the ultimate space adventure. We guarantee that you will walk away from this ses these flights as well as being more informed about s through these presenters. You may never go on a s own, but you can learn to live the adventure with th _________________________________________ Project of Global Impact Ad Astra Rocket Company, USA, Dr. Franklin Chang be the first to install a scientific laboratory in the Ce Technology at EARTH University- La Flor. Astra Rocket Company, Costa Rica, S.R.L subsidiary Company, USA; will support the development of new complete the first prototype of the plasma engine V 2007. Its different versions will go into space in 201 This company will also support the implementation technologies specifically directed towards land/grou as the disposal of toxic wastes and other relevant te solar energy and technology of materials. According to Dr. Chang Díaz, “The initial designs wi strategic place of Costa Rican scientists and it is exp July 1st, 2007, with the support of a small group of engineers with experience in plasma systems.” SDPUS Awards Luncheon Expect to make new friends, learn who are considered current and futu position yourself for being in the know when it comes to helping your c their programs in the right direction. Meet the President of SDPUS Learn about the new strategic directions for the field Network with your fellow leaders Celebrate excellence Most of all have a good time and enjoy beautiful Costa Rica! CLICK HERE TO RESERVE STRATEGIC DECISIONS Send us an email: BOD@w Phone: +011(506) 2653-07 (585) 502-469 (585) 393-140