Controladoria-Geral da União Americas Regional Conference on the Right of Access to Information Panel I Is Transparency Delivering (In Brazil) ? Jorge Hage Minister of State, Head of the Office of the Comptroller General Lima, April 28th 2009 Controladoria-Geral da União Inspiring References: "A popular Government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives." James Madison “Sunlight is the best disinfectant ” Louis Brandeis 2 Controladoria-Geral da União CGU – Our view on the matter Transparency as pre-condition to: - fight against corruption - improvement of public management - social control - social inclusion 3 Controladoria-Geral da União There are 2 kinds of transparency: Active/Spontaneous and Passive/Demanded 4 Controladoria-Geral da União Important actions taken by the Brazilian Government towards openness and transparency 5 Controladoria-Geral da União Transparency time line Transparency Portal Purchase Cards on Web End of “B Accounts”Purchase Cards mandatory Transparency Pages (ministries) 2004 2005 e-procurement Audit Reports on Web 2006 2007 2008 Black List Transparency Portal in states and local governments Web-based system for Federal Transfers: Siconv on Web SICAF – Suppliers Registration System 6 Controladoria-Geral da União May, 2009: Bill on Access to Information 7 Controladoria-Geral da União TRANSPARENCY PORTAL 8 Controladoria-Geral da União The Transparency Portal provides information on: • Resources applied directly by the federal departments • Federal resources transferred from the federal level to states and municipalities. • Federal resources transferred directly to citizens. • Transactions on the Federal Government's Purchase Card. 9 Controladoria-Geral da União Public Transparency Pages of each federal department • Data referring to the spending of each department or entity (self-managed federal entities, foundations, state and semistate enterprises), with information on each procurement process, each contract and each agreement. 10 Controladoria-Geral da União Direct Spending Transparency Portal Budget year Transfers By state/county spending category Punished Firms Transfers to citizens 11 Controladoria-Geral da União Transparency Portal in Numbers: Amount displayed Over US$ 2 trillion Over 780 m. entries Information 1,443,610 Visits in 2008 1.443.610 1.600.000 1.400.000 1.200.000 1.000.000 646.701 800.000 377.078 600.000 400.000 285.968 200.000 12 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 Controladoria-Geral da União International Awards UNODC Award 2008 “Important work on promotion of transparency on public money spending” UNCAC States Parties Conference Bali 2008 One of the five best practices in strategies for transparency and fight on corruption in the world 13 Controladoria-Geral da União Spreading Transparency countrywide: - Currently, 11 Brazilian state governments are running adapted versions of the Transparency Portal - Other 3 states and several municipalities are developing theirs Transparency Portals with CGU support - In all cases, CGU provides know-how and technicians to help on development 14 Controladoria-Geral da União List of Ineligible Firms - CEIS 133 firms declared ineligible 777 firms temporarily suspended 15 Controladoria-Geral da União 133 Ineligible Firms Firm’s identification Sanctioned by State Source of information 16 Controladoria-Geral da União 777 suspended firms Firm’s identification Sanctioned by State Source of information 17 Controladoria-Geral da União Federal Government’s Purchase Card 18 Controladoria-Geral da União Executive Order number 6.370, February 1st, 2008 the end of “B Accounts” for small purchases, which were not transparent and hardly accountable - Establish - Use of the Purchase Card became mandatory for small purchases - Cash withdraws strongly limited - Spending with the Purchase Card displayed Online 19 Controladoria-Geral da União Reduction on spending - 2007/2008 Small Purchases using “B Accounts”: 2007 - R$ 168.374.665,00 - 31% 2008 - R$ 116.488.772,00 Using Purchases Card: 2007 - R$ 76.254.492,00 - 27% 2008 - R$ 55.257.326,00 20 Controladoria-Geral da União Reduction on spending: 1st quarters of 2007-2008-2009 21 Controladoria-Geral da União Total Amount on Small Purchases 30.000.000 26.437.580 25.000.000 45% 20.866.374 20.000.000 2007 14.660.335 15.000.000 2008 2009 10.000.000 5.000.000 0 1st Quarter 1º Trimestre Fonte: Cartão de Pagamento - Portal da Transparência; Contas Tipo B e outros - Siafi Gerencial (*até 23 de março) 22 Controladoria-Geral da União 23 B Accounts x Purchase Card 14.000 2007 2008 2009 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 Milhares R$ 2.000 - JAN FEV MAR ABR MAI JUN JUL SET OUT NOV DEZ JAN FEV MAR ABR MAI ContasB 4.183 5.890 8.715 7.680 9.029 8.189 9.969 8.019 9.160 8.540 4.388 3.735 4.947 3.174 3.475 2.617 CPGF 4.409 878 2.362 3.488 8.565 7.054 9.790 9.526 7.655 6.037 4.865 6.282 805 JUN JUL AGO OUT NOV DEZ 841 2.177 1.065 1.870 2.240 1.284 JAN FEV MAR 417 390 749 1.922 2.742 2.452 3.680 4.569 4.842 6.287 6.246 9.414 7.969 1.429 3.706 Fonte: Cartão de Pagamento - Portal da Transparência; Contas Tipo B e outros - Siafi Gerencial (*até 23 de março) Controladoria-Geral da União Purchase Card - Withdraws 24 9.000.000 8.000.000 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0 FEV MAR 2007 1.691.750 217.917 870.551 2008 2.799.319 371.722 547.263 159.838 395.648 2009 JAN 945.589 Fonte: Portal da Transparência ABR MAI JUN JUL AGO SET OUT NOV DEZ 1.268.128 5.219.517 4.091.718 6.065.288 7.838.971 6.570.588 5.157.649 2.374.467 1º Trim. 3.357.117 2007 = 2.780.218 453.796 363.978 566.396 644.780 711.657 879.729 793.752 924.809= 3.718.304 1.165.981 1º Trim. 2008 1º Trim. 2009 = 1.501.075 Controladoria-Geral da União Transfers Portal - Web-based system for registering agreement procedures between central and local governments - Standardized and transparent methods - Information on money transfers, monitoring public policy execution and accounting - Information freely available on Web 25 Controladoria-Geral da União Transfers Portal 26 Controladoria-Geral da União Other tools for enhancing transparency 27 Controladoria-Geral da União Brazilian e-procurement system In 2007 the Federal Government purchased over US$ 8 billion in goods and services using e-procurement Conventional procurement 52% e-procurement 48% 28 Controladoria-Geral da União ComprasNet Portal (e-procurement) Comprasnet Portal COMPRASNET is the entry point for the Brazilian Federal Government eprocurement system. In this portal the user may find information on all the Federal Government purchases of goods and services as well as participate in the electronic procurement 29 Controladoria-Geral da União Audit Reports Online - On CGU website: Regular Audit reports (Program monitoring), Random Audit reports, Special Audits reports - On each ministry website: Annual Account Audit Reports 30 Controladoria-Geral da União Yes. Transparency is already delivering in Brazil (and it can deliver even more) 31 Controladoria-Geral da União CONTROLADORIA-GERAL DA UNIÃO Address: Setor de Autarquia Sul, Quadra 1, Bloco A Edifício Darcy Ribeiro CEP: 70070-905 Phone: +55 61 3412 7241 Fax: +55 61 3412 7230 Visit the Transparency Portal: