Improving Web Search Ranking by Incorporating User Behavior Information Eugene Agichtein Eric Brill Susan Dumais Microsoft Research Web Search Ranking Rank pages relevant for a query – Content match e.g., page terms, anchor text, term weights – Prior document quality e.g., web topology, spam features – Hundreds of parameters Tune ranking functions on explicit document relevance ratings 2 Query: SIGIR 2006 Users can help indicate most relevant results 3 Web Search Ranking: Revisited Incorporate user behavior information – Millions of users submit queries daily – Rich user interaction features (earlier talk) – Complementary to content and web topology Some challenges: – User behavior “in the wild” is not reliable – How to integrate interactions into ranking – What is the impact over all queries 4 Outline Modelling user behavior for ranking Incorporating user behavior into ranking Empirical evaluation Conclusions 5 Related Work Personalization – Rerank results based on user’s clickthrough and browsing history Collaborative filtering – Amazon, DirectHit: rank by clickthrough General ranking – Joachims et al. [KDD 2002], Radlinski et al. [KDD 2005]: tuning ranking functions with clickthrough 6 Rich User Behavior Feature Space Observed and distributional features – Aggregate observed values over all user interactions for each query and result pair – Distributional features: deviations from the “expected” behavior for the query Represent user interactions as vectors in user behavior space – Presentation: what a user sees before a click – Clickthrough: frequency and timing of clicks – Browsing: what users do after a click 7 Some User Interaction Features Presentation ResultPosition Position of the URL in Current ranking QueryTitleOverlap Fraction of query terms in result Title Clickthrough DeliberationTime Seconds between query and first click ClickFrequency Fraction of all clicks landing on page ClickDeviation Deviation from expected click frequency Browsing DwellTime Result page dwell time DwellTimeDeviation Deviation from expected dwell time for query 8 Training a User Behavior Model Map user behavior features to relevance judgements RankNet: Burges et al., [ICML 2005] – Scalable Neural Net implementation – Input: user behavior + relevance labels – Output: weights for behavior feature values – Used as testbed for all experiments 9 Training RankNet For query results 1 and 2, present pair of vectors and labels, label(1) > label(2) 10 RankNet [Burges et al. 2005] For query results 1 and 2, present pair of vectors and labels, label(1) > label(2) Feature Vector1 Label1 NN output 1 11 RankNet [Burges et al. 2005] For query results 1 and 2, present pair of vectors and labels, label(1) > label(2) Feature Vector2 Label2 NN output 1 NN output 2 12 RankNet [Burges et al. 2005] For query results 1 and 2, present pair of vectors and labels, label(1) > label(2) NN output 1 NN output 2 Error is function of both outputs (Desire output1 > output2) 13 Predicting with RankNet Present individual vector and get score Feature Vector1 NN output 14 Outline Modelling user behavior Incorporating user behavior into ranking Empirical evaluation Conclusions 15 User Behavior Models for Ranking Use interactions from previous instances of query – General-purpose (not personalized) – Only available for queries with past user interactions Models: – Rerank, clickthrough only: reorder results by number of clicks – Rerank, predicted preferences (all user behavior features): reorder results by predicted preferences – Integrate directly into ranker: incorporate user interactions as features for the ranker 16 Rerank, Clickthrough Only Promote all clicked results to the top of the result list – Re-order by click frequency Retain relative ranking of un-clicked results 17 Rerank, Preference Predictions Re-order results by function of preference prediction score Experimented with different variants – Using inverse of ranks – Intuition: scores not comparable merge ranks 1 1 Score( I d , Od ) wI I d 1 Od 1 18 Integrate User Behavior Features Directly into Ranker For a given query – Merge original feature set with user behavior features when available – User behavior features computed from previous interactions with same query Train RankNet on enhanced feature set 19 Outline Modelling user behavior Incorporating user behavior into ranking Empirical evaluation Conclusions 20 Evaluation Metrics Precision at K: fraction of relevant in top K NDCG at K: norm. discounted cumulative gain – Top-ranked results most important K N q M q (2 r( j) 1) / log( 1 j ) j 1 MAP: mean average precision – Average precision for each query: mean of the precision at K values computed after each relevant document was retrieved 21 Datasets 8 weeks of user behavior data from anonymized opt-in client instrumentation Millions of unique queries and interaction traces Random sample of 3,000 queries – Gathered independently of user behavior – 1,500 train, 500 validation, 1,000 test Explicit relevance assessments for top 10 results for each query in sample 22 Methods Compared Content only: BM25F Full Search Engine: RN – Hundreds of parameters for content match and document quality – Tuned with RankNet Incorporating User Behavior – Clickthrough: Rerank-CT – Full user behavior model predictions: Rerank-All – Integrate all user behavior features directly: +All 23 Content, User Behavior: Precision at K, queries with interactions BM25 Rerank-CT Rerank-All BM25+All 0.63 Precision 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.38 1 3 K 5 10 BM25 < Rerank-CT < Rerank-All < +All 24 Content, User Behavior: NDCG 0.68 0.66 0.64 NDCG 0.62 0.6 0.58 BM25 Rerank-CT Rerank-All BM25+All 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 K 6 7 8 9 BM25 < Rerank-CT < Rerank-All < +All 10 25 Full Search Engine, User Behavior: NDCG, MAP 0.74 0.72 0.7 NDCG 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 RN Rerank-All RN+All 0.6 0.58 0.56 1 2 3 4 MAP RN 0.270 RN+ALL 0.321 BM25 0.236 BM25+ALL 0.292 5 K 6 7 8 9 10 Gain 0.052 (19.13%) 0.056 (23.71%) 26 Impact: All Queries, Precision at K 0.7 RN Rerank-All RN+All Precision 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 1 3 K 5 10 < 50% of test queries w/ prior interactions +0.06-0.12 precision over all test queries 27 Impact: All Queries, NDCG 0.7 0.68 NDCG 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6 RN Rerank-All RN+All 0.58 0.56 1 2 3 4 5 K 6 7 8 9 10 +0.03-0.05 NDCG over all test queries 28 Which Queries Benefit Most Frequency Average Gain 350 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 -0.4 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Most gains are for queries with poor ranking 29 Conclusions Incorporating user behavior into web search ranking dramatically improves relevance Providing rich user interaction features to ranker is the most effective strategy Large improvement shown for up to 50% of test queries 30 Thank you Text Mining, Search, and Navigation group: Adaptive Systems and Interaction group: Microsoft Research 31 Content,User Behavior: All Queries, Precision at K 0.65 BM25 Rerank-CT 0.6 Rerank-All Precision 0.55 All 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 1 3 K 5 10 BM25 < Rerank-CT < Rerank-All < All 32 Content, User Behavior: All Queries, NDCG 0.68 0.66 0.64 NDCG 0.62 0.6 0.58 BM25 Rerank-CT Rerank-All All 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 K 6 7 8 9 BM25 << Rerank-CT << Rerank-All < All 10 33 Results Summary Incorporating user behavior into web search ranking dramatically improves relevance Incorporating user behavior features into ranking directly most effective strategy Impact on relevance substantial Poorly performing queries benefit most 34 Promising Extensions Backoff (improve query coverage) Model user intent/information need Personalization of various degrees Query segmentation 35