Name: Francis Watson & Tocarra Bell Time DAILY LESSON PLANNER Statement of Objective: What should students know and do 1 5 E’s 1 DTA as a result of the lesson? 4 Elaboration 5 E’s G N Time I S Warm-Up: How will you engage students in learning? How will you connect the lesson to their prior knowledge? Focusing Student Attention DTA 4 DTA 5 All Models Teacher Directed Activities: How will you aid students in constructing meaning of new concepts? How will you introduce/model new skills or procedures? Water travels through our atmosphere through a process known as the water cycle. The area of land in which all precipitation runs off into the same river or lake is called the watershed. Water moving over the landscape or schoolyard will flow in the same manner. Water may flow in a sheet-like way, collect in channels, drain into pipes, accumulate in puddles, or soak into the ground during a rain storm. Rain water will eventually drain to a river, lake, or to ground water. To have clean water in a life sustaining, health watershed each site requires thoughtful storm water management planning. One of the best ways to ensure clean water is to control runoff near its source where precipitation first comes in contact with the land. Can you name at least two bodies of water in the state of Maryland that can be affected by how we use and protect or water? Time 2 5 E’s 3 DTA 30 Guided Practice 10 5 O 7/21/2010 indicates part of every lesson Exploration Explanation HEART OF THE LESSON 5 E’s 2 Introductory and/or Developmental Activities 3 Independent Activities and/or Meaningful-Use Tasks Engagement OPENING 5 Time L Students will work in groups and explore the school grounds in order to understand that precipitation collects on lawns, streets, and fields and runs into storm drains that eventually flow into a body of water like the Chesapeake Bay. Students will observe illustrations of a watershed in order to develop water friendly ideas about storm water management. Date: 3rd Grade Time C Grade Level/Content: Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to use new concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this process? Diagram the flow of water on the school grounds. Find areas where water is standing for a period of time after precipitation and areas that dry out more quickly than others. Locate storm drains where water might exit the school property. See attached Worksheet. Extension, Refinement, and Practice Activities: What opportunities will students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will students expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning outcomes? Keeping water out of storm sewer systems lessens erosion and sediment carried into lakes and rivers, reduces pollutants carried by moving water, and decreases chances of flooding. Ongoing Assessment: How will you monitor student progress throughout the lesson? Assessment 20 Grade Level/Content: Evaluation Name: Time 6 All Models 5 Closure Date: Culminating Assessment: How will you ensure that all students have mastered the identified learning indicators? How will you assess their learning? Tell a story about a rain drop falling on the school ground. Describe its journey as it moves on the school property. Closure Activities: Through this teacher-guided activity, how will you assist students in reflecting upon what they learned today and preparing for tomorrow’s lesson? What homework will be assigned to help students practice, prepare, or elaborate on a concept or skill taught? How does throwing trash into a storm drain affect the Chesapeake Bay? Prince George's County Public Schools Revised June 2003 Grade Level/Content: Date: André Name: Hornsby, DAILY LESSON PLANNER - RESOURCE PLANNER Ed.D. Text Resources Technology Resources Chief Cooperative Groupings How will various forms of text (e.g., print, video, How can the use of technology enhance the learning What cooperative structures will facilitate Writing Opportunities Executive etc.) be used to help learners develop a deeper experience? What tools may be accessed to further learning? How will students be involved in group How will students have an opportunity to further understanding of the key concepts and skills? What develop students’ skills in using technology as an Officer processing? How will students work with one extend their thinking through writing? text resources can be utilized to assist learners in enhancing literary experiences? integrated part of their learning? How can information literacy skills be integrated with instruction? another during the unit? Hands-On Experiences and/or Manipulative Usage What hands-on experiences and/or manipulatives will be used to help students develop an understanding of key skills and processes for investigation? Individualized Instruction How will the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs (i.e., special education, talented and gifted, ESOL/language minority)? In what ways will you vary the modalities of learning to ensure that ALL students have an opportunity to learn? Material Resources What materials will need to be prepared before each lesson in order to ensure the unit goes smoothly? What library media resources are available to enhance your lessons? Prince George's County Public Schools Other Planning Considerations What else should be considered when planning and delivering this lesson? What reminders should you record for yourself? What are the time constraints and considerations for this lesson?