Document 16005337

Name: Janetviana Clarke, Jamie Rodriguez, Latonya Musa, Elvira Beches, Heidi Labro
5 E’s
Focusing Student
Statement of Objective: What should students know and do
1 5 E’s 1 DTA
as a result of the lesson?
Learners will be able to list the characteristics
used in order to classify rocks into three major
Essential Question: Why is it important to
classify rocks?
Teacher Directed Activities: How will you aid students in constructing
meaning of new concepts?
How will you introduce/model new skills or procedures?
4th Grade Assignment #
 indicates part of every lesson
Warm-Up: How will you engage students in learning? How will you connect the lesson to
their prior knowledge?
Learners will be in groups of 4 and given a small bag of Lucky
Charms and choose a physical property to divide the cereal into
3 or more groups and give a name for each group. Learners will
then explain how they grouped their cereal.
Vocabulary words: Rock Mineral Weathering Erosion
Breakage Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary
5 E’s
Students will be placed in groups of fours
They will be given:
A bag of rocks and graphic organizer. They
will conduct 3 types of test in order to
collect data to classify their rocks.
They will:
Guided Practice
Introductory and/or Developmental Activities
Students will watch a 2 min. film on the 3
classifications of rocks at
Studying the earth and its life, specifically
as recorded in rock is the science of
geology. Many people enjoy collecting
rocks. Rocks are formed from minerals;
minerals are substances that are found in
nature and have a specific make-up or
composition. Each mineral has a specific
color, hardness and many other
identifiable characteristics. This is why
rocks come in many different colors,
shapes and sizes; some rocks are shiny
while others are dull. Some rocks are very
hard, while others are very brittle and
rather soft.
Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to
use new concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this
Students will determine which of
their rocks is hard (it scratches glass)
and which is soft (it can be scratched
by a fingernail, a penny, or a paper
Students will classify their rocks
according to whether or not the
rocks leave a streak.
Students will classify their rocks
according to the presence or absence
of carbonate using a diluted acidic
base (vinegar).
Which rocks belong together? Why?
Make and record observations for each
of your rocks. Use all senses but taste".
Grade Level/Content:
5 E’s
Extension, Refinement, and Practice Activities: What opportunities will students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will students expand
and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning outcomes?
Materials: 3x5 inch cards, pencils for each student and a set of three different (from earlier activities) rock types for
each group.
5 All Models
Independent Activities and/or Meaningful-Use Tasks
6 All Models
A. The teacher will give three additional rocks to each student group.
B. The teacher will then ask: "What are the properties and how would you put the rock into your
classification system?"
C. The students will write their responses on a 3x5 card and ask another group to check their work.
D. The students are then given a homework assignment to find a "different" rock around their house when
they get home and bring it in, and classify it the next day. Note: an alternative activity would be to take the
students on a five minute field trip around the school building to find a rock. They should classify the rock
using two rock properties when they return to the classroom.
E. To summarize the lesson describe and demonstrate to the students their original ideas of grouping rocks
and the new alternative ways they practiced using a variety of rocks.
Ongoing Assessment: How will you monitor student progress throughout the lesson?
At stations around the room ask the students to classify 3 rocks using 2 rock properties experienced in the lesson.
This could be done on a quiz or chapter test later in the week.
Culminating Assessment: How will you ensure that all students have mastered the identified learning indicators? How will you assess their learning?
Given the assessment on types of rocks
Closure Activities: Through this teacher-guided activity, how will you assist students in reflecting upon what they learned today and preparing for tomorrow’s lesson?
What homework will be assigned to help students practice, prepare, or elaborate on a concept or skill taught?
On an exit strip students will write a statement telling what they have learned from classifying rocks.
Prince George's County Public Schools
Grade Level/Content:
Text Resources
How will various forms of text (e.g., print, video,
etc.) be used to help learners develop a deeper
understanding of the key concepts and skills? What
text resources can be utilized to assist learners in
enhancing literary experiences?
Packet from the film to help
students develop a deeper
Technology Resources
How can the use of technology enhance the learning
experience? What tools may be accessed to further
develop students’ skills in using technology as an
integrated part of their learning? How can information
literacy skills be integrated with instruction?
Technology will be use d to
differentiate instructions.
understanding of the key
Hands-On Experiences and/or
Manipulative Usage
What hands-on experiences and/or manipulatives
will be used to help students develop an
understanding of key skills and processes for
Students will classify rocks, they
will also be exposed to different
types of rocks. They will be
exposed to different types of rocks
so in the process of learning about
their characteristics they will
become exposed to real samples.
Prince George's County Public Schools
Individualized Instruction
How will the lesson need to be adapted for students
with special needs (i.e., special education, talented
and gifted, ESOL/language minority)? In what ways
will you vary the modalities of learning to ensure that
ALL students have an opportunity to learn?
Cooperative Groupings
What cooperative structures will facilitate
learning? How will students be involved in group
processing? How will students work with one
another during the unit?
During the exploration students
have the opportunity to peer
share, and use accountable
talk/academic conversations to
enhance enquiry based learning.
Material Resources
What materials will need to be prepared before
each lesson in order to ensure the unit goes
smoothly? What library media resources are
available to enhance your lessons?
Different types of rocks will need
be prepared for the lesson.
Writing Opportunities
How will students have an opportunity to further
extend their thinking through writing?
As students explore new concepts
they will transfer this new learning
through writing to demonstrate
understanding. This will be done
through record keeping in writing
journals and also an exit ticket at the
end of the lesson.
Other Planning Considerations
What else should be considered when planning and
delivering this lesson? What reminders should you
record for yourself? What are the time constraints
and considerations for this lesson?