Draft Faculty Senate Minutes Thursday, April 7, 2011 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, Gwynn Room, A 221 In attendance: (President) Mike Gavin; (delegates) Kathi Linville – Nursing; Brenda Teal – Learning Foundations; Danny Jones – At-large; Scott Huxel – Math; Len Sekelick – Liberal Arts; Laura Ellsworth – Public Safety and Law; Darlene Antezana – Liberal Arts; Eldon Baldwin – At-large; Alan Mickelson – At-large; Barbara Sanders – At-large; Jean McEvoy – Library; Bekki Zeigler – Biology; Nicole Ives – Liberal Arts. Also in attendance: (invited guest) Scott Sinex; Tammy O’Donnell – Liberal Arts (elect). Mike Gavin called the meeting to order at 3:21 pm. Gavin brought up the ten-month contract and pointed out that some change along these lines is imminent. Our current contract reads that we are under contract from the week before classes in August until Commencement in May. Sick and personal leave will be doubled. For contracts in the future, the August contract date will remain the same as in the past. For December, for after the 22nd of the month, the only reason to be called back will be if one is a member of a committee that is charged with a specific task. If a department or division needs for something to be completed, it is part of the contract to provide service as needed for the major governance committees on campus. If we do not define this, this could be defined for us. Darlene Antezana asked about the impact of having 15 weeks of instruction. Gavin said that as long as a final exam is given, this will not be a problem but does need to be taken into account. Laura Ellsworth asked whether this proposal has been sent to the Chairs’ Council, and Gavin answered that it has been. Danny Jones asked whether it could be required for faculty to have faculty professional development scheduled in May. Gavin answered that the idea is for certain kinds of professional development and pointed out that faculty would be able to use leave if unable to be in attendance. Len Sekelick asked about whether attendance at commencement would fall under the category of when faculty members could take leave, and Gavin indicated that attendance at commencement likely would continue to be required. Eldon Baldwin stressed that there is an important difference between having times when certain types of meetings can be scheduled and times when faculty attendance is mandatory. Baldwin, Jones, and Kathi Linville all expressed concern about having a ten-month period during which faculty could be scheduled to attend a variety to events. The point was made that breaks during the ten-month contract period are not out of the ordinary and that the amount of time that PGCC faculty members have spent working is similar to that spent by our counterparts at other Maryland community colleges. The two months that PGCC faculty members are not under contract should not be viewed as faculty “vacation” time since faculty members do not receive a salary over these two months. Minutes of the 3/4/11 and 3/17/11 meetings were approved. The Faculty Senate agreed to hold only one meeting during the month of 4/2011 since the second meeting of the month would fall during PGCC’s spring break. Election Results Darlene Antezana gave a report on the election results through Survey Monkey. Antezana noted that voting participation was high and that several positions were true elections with multiple candidates. Academic Affairs Governance Gavin noted that with multiple changes coming, there is a need to define how things are to be done. Gavin pointed out that he also serves on the Academic Council and that an assessment by the Academic Council determined that not all faculty are aware of the purpose of the Academic Council. The Academic Council has prepared a diagram that shows where committees fall within the hierarchy of Academic Affairs. Alan Mickelson noted that the College-wide Forum is not accounted for in the diagram. Gavin said that the CWF has been left out of the diagram on purpose. Mickelson indicated that, since the college president is accounted for on the chart, the CWF should be included as well. Baldwin suggested that a title should be added to indicate that the diagram is intended to be for academic governance. Baldwin suggested having a diagram that shows the CWF and the bodies that the CWF interacts with. Baldwin pointed out that there is no clear way of knowing to whom to present proposals from the Faculty Senate. Barbara Sanders expressed some concern with the curriculum committee. Sanders said that committees could get feed-back from the AAAC before putting a course together. Sanders expressed that the AAAC and the curriculum committee need to work in tandem. Baldwin asked whether OPAIR should be in the schemata somewhere since PGCC is a data-driven institution. Baldwin suggested that perhaps OPAIR could fit under AAAC. Faculty Recognition Plan Scott Sinex addressed the Faculty Senate concerning the collection and publication of faculty accomplishments. There have not been any real reports of this information since around 2003. Sinex, speaking on behalf of the Chairs’ Council, asked the Senate to post to its Web page faculty accomplishments from the last five years or so. Sinex expressed interest in having some people in the Art Department create some posters or a display to this effect. Sinex noted that Tom Berault has suggested placing these “posters” on the Web page instead so that they cycle through for lots of Web-page viewers to see. This would allow for people on the outside to have more access to this information and would also be useful during recruitment. The crux is that the information is currently not available at all or difficult to find. Danny Jones suggested placing information about sabbatical recipients. Sinex said that he would support this idea after we have two sabbatical recipients to report on rather than just one. This will become the case as of this year. Alan Mickelson noted that the room in Accokeek where Senate meetings are held has a niche area that was originally intended to house a showcase of faculty accomplishments. Mickelson and Sinex noted that having this information in an accessible place online would be useful. Baldwin suggested that the graphic arts program could be an appropriate group that could work on this project. Sinex said he has spoken to Barbara Johnson about this project. Linville said that perhaps we as the Senate need to ask our departments for volunteers. Baldwin suggested that the TLC could get involved with the effort. Alan Mickelson said that since he is retiring this is something that he will pass along to the TLC. Sinex said that staying at about ten people or fewer to serve on the committee would be appropriate. Gavin mentioned that the Senate has some money in its budget that could be used to help pay for this. Reports: A. Senate President According to Gavin, Dr. Dunnington has asked for best practices that could be highlighted as innovative and lead to student success in several disciplines. Alan Mickelson noted that there will be an exchange of best practices at a faculty retreat seminar that is to take place over two entire days the week of commencement. The goal is to have two faculty participants per department for a total of around 42 participants. This is modeled after the Great Teacher Retreat which was started by David Gotchell. Chairs are also eligible to participate. The diversity generates energy. Mickelson said that having faculty submit best practices to Dr. Dunnington gives the program a specific outcome. As far as adjuncts go, Gavin said that Dr. Dunnington asked him what she could offer to adjuncts to increase engagement. Gavin indicated that Dr. Dunnington and he agreed that more money could make a difference. Dunnington expressed that she could offer one ECH extra for adjunct engagement, such as attendance at faculty meetings. Antezana said that she would share with Gavin and Mickelson recommendations from the AAUP about what an institution should provide for its contingent faculty. As far as the emeritus proposal is concerned, Gavin noted that it would be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at their next meeting. In case the forms are not ready for the proposal to be implemented before commencement this May (2011), Mickelson noted that the president can take advantage of forgoing the use of a form this one year. Regarding the lateness of spring break this year, Laura Ellsworth noted that there is an impression that the Faculty Senate made the decision to run parallel to the Prince George’s public schools. Baldwin replied that this decision was made while he was faculty senate president. Gavin replied that he would make more inquiries about spring break dates. B. College-wide Forum In terms of the natatorium fee proposal, Ellsworth noted that the CWF voted on unanimously in favor of the new fees and sent the proposal to the president. The fees include one in the amount of $30.00 per semester for credit students, faculty, staff, and retirees; $50.00 for non-credit students, and a higher fee for the community at large. Also, a fee of $2.00 per visit was approved for those opting not to join on a semester basis. Sanders noted that when free use of the pool first started out a few years ago, the idea was to offer a benefit to employees. Ellsworth replied that the president did not consider the system of charging students to use the natatorium while allowing faculty and staff to use the same facilities for free to be an equitable one. Jean McEvoy asked where the money from the fees would go, and the reply was that the money raised from the fees would go into the College’s general fund. Dr. Jackie Brown, bills before the MD General Assembly. The Web site to mils.state.md.us is the Web site to check. Jones mentioned that it is hard to find a specific bill. C. Chairs’ Council Ellsworth indicated that the Chairs’ Council met on 3/28. Ellsworth pointed out that Vera Bagley and Sharon Hassan spoke about the financial aid issue and that Diana Wilkins addressed the matter of life experience and credit by portfolio. Ellsworth also commented that Melinda Frederick spoke on procedures for evaluating honors faculty and that Verna Teasdale is in process of revising forms to add an approval line for chairs to the incomplete grade forms. Antezana noted that the problem arose from chairs being left out of the loop related to incomplete grades that were being issued. Baldwin suggested taking the deans off of the form. D. Adjunct Faculty Gavin asked Nicole Ives and Mickelson about adjunct matters. Mickelson indicated that the work shop dinner went very well and that Janet Carlson did a wonderful job of preparing the menu and identifying those to attend. The system of going through the chairs worked well. There was only one person who was supposed to attend who did not. There were about 30 in attendance. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Sanders asked whether we discussed the student refund policy. Ellsworth replied that the Chairs’ Council discussed this matter. Antezana noted that the Board of Trustees also expressed confusion over the policy as well, though they did approve it. Brenda Teal commented that the notion of the refund policy is to try to get students to do things earlier. Antezana pointed out that there is an administrative fee of 25% once classes have begun. Several faculty members expressed concerns about this. Adjournment was at 4:54 pm.