Goal Setting Template for Management & Professional Staff

Goal Setting Template for Management & Professional Staff
First & Last Name: Click to enter text
Job Title: Click to enter text
Employee ID # (UCID): Click to enter text
Performance Year: Ex: 2014/2015
How to use this template
This template is intended to assist employees and their managers set individual goals for the
performance year. This template also makes it easier to input goals into PeopleSoft once system
improvements are completed in summer 2016.
Remember, goals must be entered into PeopleSoft in order to be evaluated at the end of the
performance year. To learn more about the PeopleSoft Performance Management tool and how to
use it, click here
Organizational Goals
View a detailed description of Eyes High, and the university’s strategic goals.
Eyes High Goals
 Sharpen the focus on research and
 Enrich the quality and breadth of learning
 Fully integrate the university with the
University Strategic Goals
 Build leadership commitment and trust
 Increase respect and recognition
 Create an environment that results in one
university family
Faculty/Unit Goals
 These goals articulate how each department or unit will contribute toward achieving the
strategic goals of the university. Knowing these goals will make it easier to draw connections
between your own goals and those of the university as a whole.
 Based on the strategy of the faculty/unit, we recommend that teams collaboratively set goals to
help guide individual priorities.
Employee Goals
Employee Goals are evaluated during the Annual Review by both the Employee and their
Manager. Learn more about the rating scale that is used to evaluate goals.
We have included space in this template for up to 7 goals; we generally recommend setting 3-5
goals. If you require more space, create a separate document to capture additional goals.
We recommend that at least one goal is related to your ongoing professional development.
A quality goal follows ‘SMART’ criteria; it will be Specific; Measurable; Attainable (given budgets,
and other resources); Relevant to you and your work; and Time-bound to a specific date or set
of dates for completion.
Title of Goal: Increase completion rate of UBegin Program
Actions: Develop new communications to promote program to new employees and their managers.
Collaborate with senior leaders to increase program awareness among their management team.
Establish benchmark reporting for completion rate.
Measurements: New employees and their managers are informed about the program within 5 days
of hire. Met with 3 or more senior leaders to discuss the program and specific strategies for their
faculty/unit. Benchmark of completion rate established.
Due Date: February 25, 201X
Current Status: In Progress
Completion: 5%
Goal 1
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 2
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 3
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 4
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 5
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 6
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)
Goal 7
Click and enter a brief title for this goal
Click and enter text that describes what actions are required to reach this goal
Click and enter text that describes how the achievement of this goal is measured, such as deliverables,
timelines, or milestones.
Click to select a due date for this goal (optional)
Click to select the current status of this goal (optional)
Click to enter text that describes how complete this goal is at this time (ex: 50%) (Optional)