Graham Bishop.Com C Dates and Deadlines of Current and Forthcoming Proposals Important Note and Disclaimer These dates are provisional, may change without notice and may be incomplete. is not liable for the consequences of any errors or omissions. Clients should confirm with the relevant institutional body any deadlines that they are working to. Please inform us of any errors or omissions that you become aware of. Last update: 24 February 2005 Click on the relevant category and this will take you to the section you require: FSAP CESR/ESC CEBS/EBC CEIOPS/EIOPS Capital Adequacy Directive Basel Capital Accord Consumer Credit and Mortgage Credit Money Laundering Payments Securities Investment Services Directive / MiFiD Clearing and Settlement Prospectus Directive Market Abuse Directive Transparency Requirements Directive Solvency II Re-insurance Company Law International Accounting Standards Auditing and Reporting UCITS Directive Credit Rating Agencies FSAP May 2005 Commission Green Paper on post-FSAP strategy CESR/ESC 1 July 2005 Prospectus Level 3 - The legislative Package for Prospectus must come into force in all countries in the EU June 2005 Advice on Transparency Directive 30 June 2005 Advice on measuring equivalence Third Country GAAP and IAS/IFRS 30 April 2005 Consultation on best execution and market transparency 30 April 2005 Extended deadline on MiFiD for technical advice on article 22 on client order handling rules 8 April 2005 Implementation of the “Fair Value Directive” and “Modernisation Directive” 1 April 2005 Advice on Credit Rating Agencies 4 March 2005 Consultation deadline on Transparency 3 March 2005 Consultation deadline on second set of mandates on MiFiD 1st half 2005 Expected consultation on the draft guidelines of UCITS CEBS/EBC Forthcoming Consultations Fourth Quarter 2005 Consultation on Outsourcing End 2005 CEBS starts working on framework for the supervision of liquidity risk End 2005 CEBS possible contribution to the issue of deposit insurance schemes Second Quarter 2005 Consultation on common guidelines on home-host issue Third Quarter 2005 Consultation on Validation of IRB and AMA systems Third Quarter 2005 External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAIs) Second Quarter 2005 Consultation on supervisory review process under Pillar two (incl. internal governance) Second Quarter 2005 Consultation on Supervisory Disclosure Second Quarter 2005 Advice to Commission on Cross Border Mergers Second Quarter 2005 Consultation on IFRS compliant formats 30 April 2005 Consultation deadline on Common Reporting around the solvency ratio for credit institutions and investment firms under the future EU Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) End March 2005 Consultation paper on prudential reporting requirements around the balance sheet and income statement based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) CEIOPS/EIOPS Deadlines for Consultation By 30 June 2005 CEIOPS technical advice (first wave of specific calls for advice) on Framework Directive 1 March 2005 Implications of IAS/IFRS Introduction for the Prudential Supervision of Insurance Undertakings Capital Adequacy Directive Beginning 2005 CEBS consultation on a common solvency ratio reporting framework for credit institutions and investment firms March to May 2005 European Parliaments Draft report Planned according to timetable of Basel II: Year-end 2007 Most advanced approaches available for implementation Year-end 2006 Capital Accord implemented Early April 2005 BIS discussion paper on double default and trading book matters. Second Quarter 2005 CEBS Consultation on Pillar II (incl. internal governance) Basel Capital Accord Year-end 2007 Most advanced approaches available for implementation Year-end 2006 Capital Accord implemented Second Quarter 2005 CEBS Consultation on Pillar II (incl. internal governance) Consumer Credit and Mortgage Credit Early 2005 Council common position on Consumer Credit Directive Mid 2005 Commission Communication on Mortgage Credit Payments Mid 2005 Commission proposal Money Laundering Before end 2005 Final adoption End May 2005 Vote in Parliament End April 2005 Vote in Parliamentary Committee 7 April 2005 Committee deadline for amendments Securities 18 May 2005 IOSCO consultation on anti-money laundering guidance for CIS 18 May 2005 IOSCO: consultation on anti market timing for CIS 18 May 2005 IOSCO: Consultation on policies on error trades 11 May 2005 IOSCO consultation deadline on examination of governance for CIS Investment Services Directive / MiFiD 30 April 2006 Implementation deadline/measure comes into effect Due by 30 April 2005 CESR advice to Commission 30 April 2005 CESR Consultation deadline on best execution and market transparency 30 April 2005 CESR extended deadline on MiFiD for technical advice on article 22 on client order handling rules Clearing and Settlement 2nd half 2005 (possibly) Commission draft proposal Autumn 2005 Presentation of impact assessment 15 April 2005 SWIFT Consultation deadline on Giovannini Barrier 1 No fixed date available (possibly March 2005) Deadline of amendments to the report of Ms Villiers Prospectus Directive 1 July 2005 Prospectus Level 3 - The legislative Package for Prospectus must come into force in all countries in the EU Market Abuse Directive Transparency Requirements Directive June 2005 CESR advice to Commission Early 2005 Commission to publish additional mandate after first progress report by CESR Solvency II 2008 Subsequently adopting detailed legislation autumn/end of 2005 Preparation of Commission proposal 16 March 2005 Commission third wave of Calls for Advice on Solvency II 30 June 2005 CEIOPS technical advice (first wave of specific calls for advice) on Framework Directive 15 April 2005 IAIS consultation paper on assessment of insurers' solvency Re-insurance Probably May 2005 Vote in EP Probably May 2005 Part-session by the DGI Probably April 2005 Vote in EP ECON Committee (1 reading only) Company Law International Accounting Standards January 2007 Transitional arrangements under Article 35 (4) of the Prospectus Regulation (Level 2) expire on 1 January November 2006 (possibly) Transposition period for Transparency Directive (Level 1) expired End 2005 Solution on second carve out on hedge accounting December 2005 ESC vote on level 2 proposals and formal adoption by Commission September 2005 Formal Commission proposal for level 2 legislation to ESC September 2005 Solution on hedge accounting provisions July 2005 First Commission working document on Level 2 legislation 30 June 2005 CESR advice on measuring equivalence Third Country GAAP and IAS/IFRS April 2005 Solution on first carve out on full fair value option 1 March 2005 CEIOPS Consultation deadline on the Implications of IAS/IFRS Auditing and Reporting Probably March 2005 Part-session by the DGI Mid 2005 Auditor Supervision Directive coming into force 30 April 2005 Consultation deadline on Common Reporting UCITS Directive Early 2006 Commission, Conclusive depositary report December 2005 CESR working document October 2005 CESR mandate should be completed No later than 30 September 2005 CESR proposal of UCITS I funds having a simplified prospectus Mid-2005 EU regulatory experts, Standards on the depositary's missions, resources and liability Mid-2005 Commission, Chapter on UCITS in 2005 overall UCITS report to the European Parliament and the Council Early 2005 EU regulatory experts, Standards on investor information and conflicts of interest First half 2005 CESR: expected consultation on the draft guidelines of UCITS Credit Rating Agencies 1 April 2005 CESR advice on Credit Rating Agencies