Statistical Leakage and Timing Optimization for Submicron Process Variation Yuanlin Lu and Vishwani D. Agrawal ECE Dept. Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849, USA 20th International Conference on VLSI Design Bangalore, January 9, 2006 Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 1 Previous Work and Problem Statement Previous Work: Mixed integer linear program (MILP) for optimum Dual-Vth and delay buffer assignment for Minimum leakage Glitch elimination Overall delay specification Lu and Agrawal, “Leakage and Glitch Minimization for PowerPerformance Tradeoff,” JOLPE, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1-10, December 2006. Problem Statement: to minimize the leakage and glitch power (not included in this paper) considering process variation. Overall nominal delay, process variability and statistical timing yield are specified. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 2 Motivation Present trends in semiconductor technology: Jan. 2007 Shrinking device dimensions. Leakage power is a dominant contributor to the total power consumption. Large variations in process parameters can cause a significant increase in leakage current because of an exponential relation between the leakage current and some key process parameters. VLSI Design '07 3 Effects of Process Variation on Leakage and Performance S. Borkar, et al., Parameter variations and impact on circuits and microarchitecture, DAC 2003. too leaky too slow 0.18µ CMOS process 20X leakage variation 30% clock frequency variation low leakage chips with too low frequency must be discarded high frequency chips with too high leakage must also be discarded Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 4 Leakage in C432 Due to Global Process Variation (3 σ = 15%, Spice simulation) Probability 0.250 G lobalLeff+Tox+V th G lobalLeff G lobalTox G lobalV th 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0. 00 0. 40 0. 80 1. 20 1. 60 2. 00 2. 40 2. 80 3. 20 3. 60 4. 00 4. 40 4. 80 5. 20 5. 60 6. 00 0.000 Normalized Leakage Power • Subthreshold is most sensitive to the variation in the effective gate length. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 5 Leakage in C432 Due to Local Process Variation (3 σ = 15%) P robability 1.000 LocalLeff+Tox+V th LocalLeff LocalTox LocalV th 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 2. 40 2. 20 2. 00 1. 80 1. 60 1. 40 1. 20 1. 00 0. 80 0. 60 0. 40 0. 20 0. 00 0.000 N orm alized Leakage P ow er • Subthreshold is most sensitive to the variation in the effective gate length. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 6 Leakage Distribution of C432 Due to the Variation of Leff and Vth (3σ = 15%) G lobalLeff LocalLeff 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 G lobalVth LocalVth 4.80 4.50 4.20 0.600 3.90 3.30 3.00 2.li70 P robabi ty 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.20 0.90 0.60 0.30 N orm alized Leakage P ow er 0.800 3.60 1.000 0.000 0.00 0.400 0.200 Jan. 2007 2. 20 2. 00 1. 80 1. 60 1. 40 1. 20 1. 00 0. 80 0. 60 0. 40 • Global variation has a stronger effect on the leakage distribution. 0. 20 0.000 0. 00 P robability 0.500 N orm alized Leakage P ow er VLSI Design '07 7 Comparison of Leakage Distribution of C432 Due to Process Parameter Variations nominal (nW) mean (nW) standard dev. (nW) std. dev. / mean (meannominal) / nominal max dev. from nominal (nW) max dev. / nominal local 906.9 1059.0 103.6 9.8% 16.8% 611.6 67.4% global 906.9 1089.0 599.1 55.0% 20.1% 4652.0 513.0% local 906.9 939.6 33.7 3.6% 3.6% 136.9 15.1% global 906.9 938.6 199.9 21.3% 3.5% 795.8 87.7% local 906.9 956.7 36.4 3.8% 5.5% 171.0 18.9% global 906.9 964.4 219.8 22.8% 6.3% 1028.0 113.4% local 906.9 1155.0 140.8 12.2% 27.4% 1044.0 115.1% global 906.9 1164.0 719.4 61.8% 28.3% 5040.0 555.7% process parameter (3σ=15%) Leff Tox Vth Leff + Tox + Vth Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 8 Statistical Leakage Modeling R. Rao, et al. “Parametric Yield Estimation Considering Leakage Variability,” DAC 2004. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 9 Statistical Delay Modeling Statistical – normal distribution Deterministic L N CV T eff d dd ox D D D 1 c c c i nom , i i 1 i 2 i 3 L T N V V eff 0 ox 0 d 0 dd th Vth Vth0 X i i X i0 X i X i0 Let L N T eff d ox r c c c i i 1 i 2 i 3 L T N eff 0 ox 0 d 0 Mean D Dnom,i i Standard Deviation Diri Di A. Davoodi and A. Srivastava, “Probabilistic Dual-Vth Optimization Under Variability,” Proc. ISLPED, 2005. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 10 MILP Formulation (Basic) (Deterministic vs. Statistical) Deterministic Approach Statistical Approach Delay and subthreshold current of every gate are assumed to be fixed and without any effect of the process variation. Treat delay, timing and leakage as random variables with normal distributions. Basic MILP Minimize the total leakage, keeping the circuit performance unchanged. Minimize I " subnom ,i i i gate number T Subject to T " k PO POk max Jan. 2007 Basic MILP Minimize the total nominal leakage, keeping a certain timing yield (η). Minimize E I subnom,i " i gate number i Subject to Pr TPOk Tmax " k PO VLSI Design '07 11 Real Variables of MILP Delay of gate i, Di , is a Gaussian random variable N(µDi , σDi) Maximum signal arrival time at the output of gate i, Ti , is a Gaussian random variable N(µTi , σTi) For gate i with input from gate j, Ti ≥ Tj + Di , µTi ≥ µTj + µDi A linear approximation used for σTi Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 12 Integer Variables of MILP For gate i, Xi = [0, 1] Ileakage, i = ILi Xi + IHi (1 – Xi) Di = DLi Xi + DHi (1 – Xi) Where ILi , IHi , DLi , and DHi are determined by Spice simulation of gate i Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 13 Leakage Power Saving Due to Statistical Modeling with Different Timing Yields (η) Deterministic Opti. (η = 100%) Circuit Statistical Optimization (η = 99%) Statistical Optimization (η = 95%) Optimize d Leakage Power (μW) Run Time (s) Optimized Leakage Power (μW) Extra Power Saving Run Time (s) Optimized Leakage Power (μW) Extra Power Saving Run Time (s) Circuit Name # gates Un-opt. Leakage Power (μW) C432 160 2.620 1.003 0.00 0.662 33.9% 0.44 0.589 41.3% 0.32 C499 182 4.293 3.396 0.02 3.396 0.0% 0.22 2.323 31.6% 1.47 C880 328 4.406 0.526 0.02 0.367 30.2% 0.18 0.340 35.4% 0.18 C1355 214 4.388 3.153 0.00 3.044 3.5% 0.17 2.158 31.6% 0.48 C1908 319 6.023 1.179 0.03 1.392 21.7% 11.21 1.169 34.3% 17.45 C2670 362 5.925 0.565 0.03 0.298 47.2% 0.35 0.283 49.8% 0.43 C3540 1097 15.622 0.957 0.13 0.475 50.4% 0.24 0.435 54.5% 1.17 C5315 1165 19.332 2.716 1.88 1.194 56.0% 67.63 0.956 64.8% 19.7 C7552 1045 22.043 0.938 0.44 0.751 20.0% 0.88 0.677 27.9% 0.58 29.2% 9.04 41.3% 4.64 14.07% 36.79 14.07% 36.44 Average of ISCAS’85 benchmarks ARM7 15.5k Jan. 2007 686.56 495.12 0.24 15.69 425.44 VLSI Design '07 425.44 14 Power-Delay Curves of Statistical and Deterministic Approaches for C432 When performance is kept unchanged: Leakage power reduced by deterministic approach normalized to 1 unit. 0.65 unit and 0.59 unit leakage power achieved by statistical approach with 99% and 95% timing yields, respectively. Lower the timing yield, higher is power saving. With a further relaxed Tmax , all three curves will give more reduction in leakage power. Jan. 2007 1 0.9 Normalized Leakage Power 0.8 Deterministic LP 0.7 Statistical LP ( 99% Timing Yield) 0.6 Statistical LP ( 95% Timing Yield) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 1.05 1.1 VLSI Design '07 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 Normalized Timing 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 15 Leakage Power Distribution with Different Timing Yields (η) Circuit Deterministic Optimization (η =100%) Statistical Optimization (η = 99%) Statistical Optimization (η = 95%) Name # gates Nominal Leakage (uW) Mean Leakage (uW) Standard Deviation (uw) Nominal Leakage (uW) Mean Leakage (uW) Standard Deviation (uW) Nominal Leakage (uW) Mean Leakage (uW) Standard Deviation (uW) C432 160 0.907 1.059 0.104 0.603 0.709 0.074 0.522 0.614 0.069 C499 182 3.592 4.283 0.255 3.592 4.283 0.255 2.464 2.905 0.197 C880 328 0.551 0.645 0.086 0.430 0.509 0.080 0.415 0.491 0.079 C1355 214 3.198 3.744 0.200 3.090 3.606 0.202 2.199 2.610 0.175 C1908 319 1.803 2.123 0.170 1.356 1.601 0.116 1.140 1.341 0.127 C2670 362 0.635 0.750 0.078 0.405 0.473 0.046 0.395 0.461 0.043 C3540 1097 1.055 1.243 0.119 0.527 0.611 0.032 0.493 0.575 0.031 C5315 1165 2.688 3.128 0.165 1.229 1.420 0.088 1.034 1.188 0.067 C7552 1045 0.924 1.073 0.069 0.774 0.903 0.049 0.701 0.823 0.045 Average of ISCAS’85 benchmarks Jan. 2007 0.138 0.105 VLSI Design '07 0.085 16 1. 00 0 E 2 . -0 7 00 E 3 . -0 7 00 E 4 . -0 7 00 E 5 . -0 7 00 E 6 . -0 7 00 E 7 . -0 7 00 E 8 . -0 7 00 E 9 . -0 7 00 E 1 . -0 7 00 E 1 . -0 6 10 E 1 . -0 6 20 E 1 . -0 6 30 E 1 . -0 6 40 E06 P robability Leakage Power Distribution of Optimized Dual-Vth C7552 0.250 0.200 Jan. 2007 C 7552_d C 7552_p99 C 7552_p95 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 Leakage P ow er (m icro W ) VLSI Design '07 17 Conclusion A mixed integer linear programming method statistically minimizes leakage power and eliminates glitch power in a dual-Vth design under process variations. Experimental results show 30% more leakage power reduction by this statistical approach compared with the deterministic approach. Impacts of process variation on leakage power and circuit performance are simultaneously reduced when a small yield loss is allowed. Jan. 2007 VLSI Design '07 18