Bucknell University Department of Chemistry Instructions for Requesting "Summer School Elsewhere" Credit

Bucknell University
Department of Chemistry
Instructions for Requesting
"Summer School Elsewhere" Credit
Please supply all the requested information to the Chemistry Department Secretary before you
seek approval for transfer of chemistry credits from another college or university.
1. Date: __________________________
2. Your name: ________________________________________________
3. Your Bucknell Address: ___________________________________
4. Your Degree Program: ____________________________________
5. Your Major:_____________________________________________
6. Year of Graduation: ______________________________________
7. Name of college or university where the chemistry course is to be taken.
8. Name and number of the off-campus course you wish to take:
9. Please attach a class syllabus listing all of the topics to be covered during the semester,
the text used and the hours that the course meets.
10. Please attach a laboratory syllabus listing the titles of laboratory experiments to be
carried out during the semester, and an indication of the number of hours the lab meets.
11. Fill out a "Transfer of Credit" form (Registrar's Office).
12. Assemble all of the above materials and bring them to the Chemistry Academic Assistant
(Rooke Chemistry 203).
You will be notified about the Chemistry Department's decision as soon as possible.
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