Low substrate temperature amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films deposited by Radio-Frequency and Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition P. Alpuim, V. Chu Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC), Rua Alves Redol, 9, 1000 Lisboa, Portugal J. P. Conde Department of Materials Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal PACS: 73.61.Tm, 81.05.Ys, 71.23.Cq, 61.43.Dq ABSTRACT The effect of hydrogen dilution on the optical, transport and structural properties of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon thin films deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HW) and radiofrequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF) using substrate temperatures (Tsub) of 100 ºC and 25 ºC is reported. Microcrystalline silicon (c-Si:H) is obtained using HW with a large crystalline fraction and a crystallite size of 30 nm for hydrogen dilutions above 85% independently of Tsub. The deposition of c-Si:H by RF, with a crystallite size of 8 nm, requires increasing the hydrogen dilution and shows decreasing crystalline fraction as Tsub is decreased. The photoconductivity, defect density and structure factor of the amorphous silicon films (a-Si:H) are strongly improved by the use of hydrogen dilution in the Tsub range studied. a-Si:H films with a photoconductivity-to-dark conductivity ratio above 105, a deep defect density below 1017 cm-3, an Urbach energy below 60 meV and a structure factor below 0.1 were obtained for RF films down to 25 ºC (at growth rates 0.1-0.4 Å/s) and for HW films down to 100ºC (at growth rates 10 Å/s), using the appropriate hydrogen dilution. In the low Tsub range studied, the growth mechanism, film properties and the amorphous to microcrystalline silicon transition depend on the flux of atomic hydrogen available. The properties of the films are compared to those of samples produced at 175 ºC and 250 ºC in the same reactors. 2 I. INTRODUCTION Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H ) is widely used in solar cells and other large area electronic applications such as active matrix flat panel displays or light sensors in image scanners.1 This is due to the possibility of depositing this material in large areas at low costs and to its good optical and electronic properties.1,2 However, because of metastability in a-Si:H, which deteriorates its properties upon light-exposure or bias application, as well as its low carrier mobility (1 cm2V-1s-1) and low doping efficiency,1,3 microcrystalline silicon (c-Si:H) is currently being investigated as a strong candidate for a next generation material for many of these device applications.4,5 Presently, most large area applications use either glass or stainless steel sheets as substrates. However, new applications which require a flexible, lightweight, unbreakable and economical substrate such as plastic have brought about the need to develop low temperature growth and processing of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon.6,7 Because of the much lower glass transition temperature of plastic compared with glass, the deposition temperature of a-Si:H and c-Si:H must be lowered from the 250-350 ºC range that is currently used to under 150 ºC,7 while maintaining the electronic properties. Device quality a-Si:H and c-Si:H are normally deposited by RF glow discharge from silane, where the microcrystalline fraction of the films is controlled by hydrogen dilution of the reactant gas.2,8 The deposition rates are low, both for a-Si:H from undiluted SiH4 (rd1 Å/s)9 and for c-Si:H (rd0.2 Å/s) because of the higher hydrogen dilutions (>95%) required for microcrystalline growth.8 A much faster 3 technique for growing device-quality a-Si:H and c-Si:H films is hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) which can give deposition rates 5 to 25 times higher than those obtained with RF-PECVD.4,10 This is believed to be due to the high efficiency of the hot tungsten filament (Tfil=2500 ºC) in breaking the silane and hydrogen molecules.10 The large quantity of atomic hydrogen supplied to the surface of the growing film is responsible for the good electronic quality of films deposited at substrate temperatures of 150-350 ºC,2,8 as it passivates dangling bonds and reconstructs stressed Si-Si bonds in the subsurface.10 At hydrogen dilutions equal to or greater than 90%, the extent of the reconstruction is such that the film becomes microcrystalline.3 Pioneering studies on a-Si:H have already reported that for deposition near room temperature, films have a much higher hydrogen content than for those deposited at 200-300 ºC.11,12 This hydrogen was bonded in more defective ways (SiH2, SiH3 or (SiH2)n) thus giving rise to poor electronic properties such as low photoconductivity and high sub-gap absorption. However, the aim of those early studies was to optimize the deposition of a-Si:H rather than investigate extreme substrate temperatures. Since the practical importance of very low substrate temperatures (<150 ºC) was recognized, more detailed work has been done. Hishikawa et al.13 studied a-Si:H films deposited at 80 ºC and 50 ºC by conventional PECVD and stressed the importance of lowering the deposition rate to give time for surface reactions to occur and thus increase the quality of the films. Roca i Cabarrocas14 produced dense and ordered intrinsic, ndoped and p-doped films at Tsub=50 ºC by avoiding both plasma and surface polymerization reactions. 4 Cheung et al.15 deposited films with a compact network structure at 50 ºC by optimizing the silane partial pressure in the deposition chamber, while keeping rf power and Tsub constant. They concluded that successful incorporation of hydrogen in the films depends on several deposition variables (including but not exclusively the substrate temperature) that can be tuned for good performance at 50 ºC. Srinivasan et al.16 produced a-Si:H films at 35 ºC with a high monohydride fraction of bonded hydrogen using helium dilution of the reactant gases. In that work, a direct correlation between deposition rate and monohydride dominant hydrogen bonding was not found but rather the necessity of using an intermediate rf power (10W). All these materials deposited at low substrate temperatures have in common poorer optoelectronic properties and higher defect densities than their high deposition temperature (or annealed) counterparts. However, the question remains if these asdeposited low substrate temperature films are high-quality enough to make a device. The first low-temperature thin film transistors (TFTs) reported were deposited on glass, at 150 ºC by Feng et al.17, and at 125 ºC by McCorrnick18 et al. Recently, the first TFTs on plastic were fabricated, at 125 ºC on polycarbonate by Gates6 and at 150 ºC on polyimide by Gleskova et al.7. The layers for the devices produced at 125 ºC were rf reactive magnetron sputtered6,18 while those produced at 150 ºC used RFPECVD.7,17 In the PVD technique the kinetic energy of the sputtered atoms from the target (10-20 eV for the faster atoms6) is transferred to the surface of the growing film thus supplying it with some thermal activation energy.18 CVD techniques, allowing conformal step coverage, merit further investigation of their properties in the lowest deposition temperature range. The only report of a complete TFT on plastic until now (including n+ contact layer and showing device performance data) is the RF-PECVD device of ref. 7. 5 In the present work, a-Si:H and c-Si:H thin films were deposited on glass substrates using HW-CVD and RF-PECVD with substrate temperatures during deposition of 25 ºC and 100 ºC. At each temperature, a series of films grown with increasing hydrogen dilution of silane was made: 0 to 95% H2 dilution was used in the HW case, and 0 to 99% in the RF case. The properties of these films were compared with those of samples produced at 175 ºC and 250 ºC in the same reactors. The objective of this paper is to study the structural and optoelectronic properties of amorphous and microcrystalline films deposited at room temperature and at 100 ºC. II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES A. Film Preparation The films were deposited by HW-CVD and RF-PECVD in an ultrahigh-vacuumquality system with two different reactors and a common load lock. Each chamber has its own pumping system (2 Balzers TPU520) and the base pressure was better than 5 10-8 Torr. The sample was clamped to the grounded upper electrode which was, except for the room temperature depositions, heated to the temperature of deposition, Tsub. The deposition temperature was monitored using a thermocouple embedded in a copper block in contact with the substrate. The gases, silane and hydrogen, entered the deposition chamber through a ring-shaped showerhead of 12.5 cm diameter located approximately 8 cm below the substrate holder. For HW deposition, a single tungsten filament of 0.5 mm diameter and approximately 7 cm length was placed 5 cm from the substrate and was resistively heated with a DC power supply. The filament temperature was measured with an optical pyrometer (Tfil 2500 ºC) and the pressure was kept constant at 20 mTorr.4,10 The thickness of the 6 films was between ~0.2 m and ~0.8 m. The c-Si:H films were, in general, thinner than the amorphous ones. For the RF deposition, the inter-electrode distance was 3 cm, the density of RF power used was 50 mW/cm2 (in all but the room temperature depositions where it was 100 mW/cm2), and the pressure was 100 mTorr. Both in the HW and RF depositions the sum of the fluxes of the gases was kept at around 10 sccm, except for the higher dilutions where it was necessary to increase the fluxes so that the SiH4 flux was not less than 0.5 sccm, which was the lower limit for the silane mass flow controller. B. Film Characterization. Films were deposited on two different substrates simultaneously: Corning 7059 glass and double-side polished 100 Si. The first was used for optical transmission, parallel transport measurements, deep defect density measurements by the Constant Photocurrent Method, x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements; the second was used for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The film thicknesses were measured with a profilometer. The thicknesses obtained were in good agreement with those calculated from interference fringes of near-infrared optical transmission.19 The optical bandgap of the films, Eopt, was determined by measuring the transmission of above-bandgap light through the film.20 Eopt was extracted from the fit of the data to the Tauc equation E BE Eopt , where B is a constant, is the absorption coefficient and E the photon energy. The dark conductivity d was measured between 110 ºC and room temperature on coplanar Cr contacts, 6 mm long , 1 mm apart and approximately 1000 Å thick. The activation energy Ea was calculated from 7 d 0 exp Ea / k BT . The steady-state photoconductivity ph was measured as a function of generation rate. The light from a 250 W tungsten-halogen lamp was filtered with a bandpass filter at a wavelength which gives an approximately uniform carrier generation throughout the thickness of the film. The generation rate, G, was calculated from the response of a calibrated silicon photodiode located next to the sample. In this work, ph refers to the photoconductivity at a carrier generation rate of 1021 cm-3 s-1. The constant photocurrent method, CPM, was used to measure the subgap absorption.21 The deep defect density Ns of the amorphous films was calculated from Ns=CCPM (1.2 eV), where CCPM =1016 cm-2.22 The CPM spectra were normalized by setting the extrapolation of the Urbach tail equal to the absorption from the transmission measurements at h=Eopt + 0.1 eV (ref. 23) or, for some samples, by adjusting to the absorption spectrum from photothermal deflection spectroscopy, PDS, measurements. The hydrogen content, CH, and the microstructure factor, R, were determined using infrared spectroscopy. CH was calculated from the density of silicon atoms, NSi=5 1022 cm-3, and the density of bonded hydrogen atoms, NH (CH =NH/ NH+NSi). NH was calculated from the integrated absorption coefficient of the Si-H wagging modes located around 630 cm-1, using N H As s d where As =1.6 1019 cm-2 (ref.24). As was derived for a-Si:H but the same constant is valid for microcrystalline films as well. 25 R was calculated from the deconvolution of the stretching band into two peaks, one centered at approximately 2000 cm-1 (I2000) and the other centered around 2100 cm-1 (I2100), R =I2100/( I2000+ I2100).26 8 Raman spectra were measured in the backscattering geometry using a Raman microprobe. The 514.5 nm (2.41 eV) laser radiation was obtained from an Ar+ laser. The power of the incident beam was set below 50 mW to avoid thermally induced crystallization. For microcrystalline films, the Raman spectrum around the crystalline silicon transverse optical (TO) peak27 was deconvoluted into their integrated crystalline Gaussian peak, Ic (~ 520 cm-1), amorphous Gaussian peak, Ia (~ 480 cm-1), and intermediate Gaussian peak, Im (~ 510 cm-1).28,29 The crystalline fraction, Xc, was calculated from Xc =(Ic + Im )/(Ic + Im + Ia).21 The crystallite size, dRaman, was calculated from d Raman 2 B / , where is the shift of the peak for the c- Si:H sample compared to that of c-Si, and B=2.0 cm-1nm2.30 For amorphous films, the bond angle deviation was related to the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the TO peak centered at 480 cm-1 using the expression: =/6-2.5.31 X-ray diffraction peaks were measured with a Siemens D-5000 x-ray diffractometer using the Cu K1 line (=1.54056 Å). The samples were measured at grazing incidence (0.5 and 1) using substrate holder rotation (15 rpm). The crystallite size dX-ray was calculated from the Scherrer formula d X ray k / B cos B , where k0.9, is the wavelength of the X-ray radiation, B is the FWHM of the peaks (in units of 2 ) and B is the angular position of the peak. III. RESULTS Figure 1 shows the deposition rate, rd, as a function of the hydrogen dilution of the silane in the reactive gas mixture (FH2/( FH2+FSiH4) , where FH2 is the flow of hydrogen and FSiH4 is the flow of silane). In general, the deposition rates are more than one order of magnitude higher in HW than in RF. Typical values for rd are ~20 Å/s for HW 9 a-Si:H films and ~1 Å/s for RF a-Si:H films. For c-Si:H films rd~2 Å/s for HW and ~0.2 Å/s for RF. For both HW and RF, rd is independent of Tsub in the temperature range studied (25 ºC< Tsub<250 ºC). The deposition rate increases with increasing silane concentration in the gas mixture. As the hydrogen dilution is increased (and, consequently, the silane fraction in the gas phase is decreased) the films undergo an amorphous to microcrystalline transition. In the case of RF-deposited films, the hydrogen dilution necessary for this transition to occur increases with decreasing substrate temperature. While for Tsub=175 ºC the 95% hydrogen dilution film is amorphous and the 97% is microcrystalline (crystalline fraction, Xc=66%) (fig. 2 (a)), for Tsub=100 ºC the 97.5% hydrogen dilution film shows only Xc=6% and 98% hydrogen dilution is necessary to obtain a microcrystalline film (Xc=61% and crystallite size dX-ray=7.6 nm) (fig. 2 (b)). For Tsub=25 ºC the 98% hydrogen dilution film is still amorphous and the 99% hydrogen dilution film still shows a significant amorphous fraction (Xc=42%) (fig. 2 (c)). In the case of HW films the hydrogen dilution at which the amorphous-to-microcrystalline transition occurs is independent of Tsub. Figure 3 shows that all the 80% hydrogen dilution films are amorphous while all 90% hydrogen dilution films are microcrystalline. The crystalline fraction for the 90% hydrogen dilution films decreases with Tsub: Xc=84% at 175 ºC; Xc=74% at 100 ºC; and Xc=43% at 25 ºC. The crystallite size is approximately constant for Tsub =175 ºC and 100 ºC (dX-ray is respectively 37 nm and 39 nm) decreasing to dX-ray =25 nm for Tsub=25 ºC (figure 4). Although the crystalline fraction increases further when 95% hydrogen dilution is used (Xc=91%, 87% and 89% for Tsub=175 ºC, 100 ºC and 25 ºC, respectively) the Raman spectrum suggests a small decrease (10%) in the crystallite size. The 85% hydrogen dilution samples show in 10 general a transitional character with both significant amorphous and microcrystalline fractions present. Figure 5 shows the room-temperature dark conductivity of HW and RF samples as a function of hydrogen dilution. The d values cluster between 10-11 and 10-10 -1cm-1 for amorphous films. For HW-deposited films the transition from amorphous to microcrystalline structure is gradual and independent of the substrate temperature between 25 ºC< Tsub<250 ºC: up to 80% hydrogen dilution, the films show a d characteristic of a-Si:H films; at 90% hydrogen dilution and above, d is characteristic of c-Si:H (of the order of 10-5 cm-1); at 85% hydrogen dilution they show an intermediate value. RF samples show a very different behavior: the transition is abrupt (within 1-2 % of hydrogen dilution) and Tsub-dependent. At 175 ºC, d characteristic of c-Si:H is obtained at 97% hydrogen dilution; at 100 ºC, 98% hydrogen dilution is required, and, at 25 ºC, 99%, in good agreement with the Raman results (figs. 2 and 3). This result indicates that the parameter range to deposit c-Si:H by RF is severely reduced upon decrease of Tsub, contrary to HW. Figure 6 shows Ea plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution. A clear difference between HW and RF amorphous samples can be observed: the values of Ea for HW samples scatter between 0.8 and 0.9 eV up to hydrogen dilutions of 80% and then continuously decrease to 0.55 eV at 90% hydrogen dilution. The RF deposited samples have values of Ea ~0.95 eV until the amorphous-to-microcrystalline transition occurs. At this point the value of Ea abruptly falls to 0.55 eV. In this region, both HW and RF samples show some n-type character, the Ea values becoming lower than that of intrinsic crystalline silicon. 11 Figure 7 shows the photoconductivity ph of HW and RF films. At low hydrogen dilutions, ph depends strongly on Tsub, in both HW and RF samples. In RF samples, ph of samples deposited at Tsub=25 ºC is always more than 2 orders of magnitude lower (~10-9 -1cm-1 at 50% hydrogen dilution and ~10-7 -1cm-1 at 98%) than ph of samples deposited at Tsub=100 ºC (~10-7 -1cm-1 at 50% hydrogen dilution and ~10-5 -1cm-1 at 98%). Values of ph for amorphous RF films deposited at Tsub=175 ºC are well above (between ~1.5 and ~2.5 orders of magnitude) those of the same hydrogen dilution deposited at Tsub=100 ºC and are less dependent on hydrogen dilution (at 175 ºC, ph increases 1 order of magnitude from 0 to 90% hydrogen dilution while at 100 ºC, it increases more than 2 orders of magnitude). In RF, ph reaches a maximum at hydrogen dilution 90% (dependent on Tsub), then decreases right before the microcrystalline transition at 95% hydrogen dilution for Tsub=175 ºC and at 97.5% hydrogen dilution for Tsub=100 ºC suggesting the formation of a more defective, less compact material. HW films behave in a very different way: ph increases steadily with increasing hydrogen dilution until it reaches a maximum value after the amorphous-to-microcrystalline transition. This maximum is reached at the same hydrogen dilution level (90%) for all Tsub175 ºC. At this hydrogen dilution, all the HW c-Si:H films show roughly similar values of ph, independently of Tsub (2.410-5 -1cm-1 at 25 ºCph .1.110-4 -1cm-1 at 175 ºC). Photo-to-dark conductivity ratios, ph/d, or photosensitivity, are shown in figure 8. In HW, the maximum photosensitivity is obtained at 50-80% hydrogen dilution independently of Tsub. A decrease of the maximum ph/d is observed in HW films 12 when Tsub is decreased: (ph/d)max~106 for Tsub=220 ºC, ~5104 for Tsub=175 ºC and 100 ºC, and ~103 for Tsub=25 ºC. c-Si:H films, at 90% hydrogen dilution, show ph/d ~1. For RF samples, ph/d keeps increasing with increasing hydrogen dilution, reaching its maximum (~90% hydrogen dilution for Tsub=175 ºC, 96% for Tsub=100 ºC, and 98% for Tsub=25 ºC) just before the amorphous-to-microcrystalline transition. This maximum results from a drop in the value of d (fig. 5) without a similar drop in the value of ph (fig. 6). After that transition, ph/d abruptly falls to low values (1-10) within a span of 1-2% of hydrogen dilution. The highest values of ph/d fall between 105 and 106 independently of Tsub. The range of hydrogen dilution for which ph/d104 is significantly reduced with decreasing Tsub: for Tsub=175 ºC it is 95%, for Tsub=100 ºC it is between 90 and 97.5%, and for Tsub=25 ºC it is ~98%. Figure 9 shows the hydrogen content, in atomic per cent, as a function of hydrogen dilution. In the 25-175 ºC substrate temperature range, the hydrogen content (CH~15%) in amorphous HW films is weakly dependent on the deposition temperature and it decreases with hydrogen dilution from CH~18% at no H2 dilution to CH~15% at 80% H2 dilution. HW a-Si:H samples deposited at 220 ºC reveal significantly lower H content (CH~7.5%) independently of hydrogen dilution. Parallel to the trend observed in the conductivity data, the hydrogen content of all HW films converges to approximately CH~2-6%, after the amorphous to microcrystalline transition, at 90% hydrogen. At this hydrogen dilution, the H-content of the Tsub=25 ºC c-Si:H film is CH~6% while the 220 ºC film has CH~2.6%. The RF a-Si:H films at low hydrogen dilution (50%) have the same hydrogen content as HW ones (15%CH 20%). The hydrogen content increases to a maximum right before the amorphous to microcrystalline transition (at Tsub=175 ºC, CH~23% at 95% hydrogen dilution, at 13 Tsub=100 ºC, CH~28% at 95% hydrogen dilution and at Tsub=25 ºC, CH~30% at 98%). This agrees with the previous suggestion of the formation of a more porous material before this transition occurs2 and with the trend observed in the photoconductivity values already described in an earlier paragraph (see fig. 7). The hydrogen content of the RF c-Si:H samples is strongly dependent on deposition temperature, increasing with decreasing Tsub. The minimum CH for Tsub=100 ºC is CH~12% and for Tsub=25 ºC it is 25%, suggesting the presence of porous intergrain regions or of a low crystalline fraction. In figure 10 the structure factor R is plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution. A high content of monohydride bonded hydrogen (low R) is associated with low density of electronic traps in a-Si:H. c-Si:H, although having much lower hydrogen content than amorphous films (fig.9), typically have higher R-values due to the existence of many terminating Si-H2 units in its grain boundaries, which behave like internal surfaces or voids. At 0% dilution, the HW a-Si:H films show R values between ~0.25 (Tsub=220 ºC) and 0.75 (Tsub=25 ºC). The value of R decreases until a H2 dilution of 60-80% where R0.1 for Tsub=175 ºC and 100 ºC and R=0.27 for Tsub=25 ºC. An abrupt increase of R occurs for hydrogen dilution above 80%. The lowest R factors for RF a-Si:H films deposited at 100 ºC (R=0.01 at 50% hydrogen dilution) and 25 ºC (R=0.06 at 90% hydrogen dilution) are significantly lower than those for HW a-Si:H deposited at the same Tsub . Figure 11 shows the absorption coefficient , measured by CPM, plotted against photon energy of HW and RF films deposited from undiluted silane. Figure 12 shows the CPM spectrum which gives the lowest subgap absorption at each substrate temperature. The best films were considered to be the films with the sharpest Urbach 14 tails and the minimum subgap absorption, estimated from the absorption at 1.2eV. In general, amorphous samples by HW give broader curves, with higher Urbach tails than corresponding samples by RF. At 0% hydrogen dilution, the Tsub=220 ºC, 175 ºC and 100 ºC samples by HW had Eu=57meV, 81meV and 80meV, respectively. The 25 ºC sample was too defective to allow a CPM measurement. Values of Eu of the undiluted RF films at 250 ºC and 175 ºC were 50meV and 58 meV, respectively, and the RF sample deposited at Tsub=100 ºC had Eu=85 meV. While at high substrate temperatures (220 ºC in HW, 250 ºC in RF) the best a-Si:H were obtained without hydrogen dilution, the 100 ºC amorphous samples required a dilution of 60% in HW and 95% in RF to approach these results: Eu=59 meV and 1.2=7.8 cm-1 in HW, Eu=50 meV and 1.2=3.0 cm-1 in RF. The best a-Si:H films at Tsub=25 ºC were obtained with 80% hydrogen dilution in HW and 98% in RF, with Eu=80 meV, 1.2=55 cm-1 for the HW film and Eu=67 meV, 1.2=11 cm-1 for the RF sample. 50% hydrogen dilution allowed the deposition of the best films at Tsub=175 ºC, both in HW and RF. In most of the low-Tsub a-Si:H films by HW, values of subgap absorption at 1.2 eV vary between 10 and 100 cm-1 (1017 cm-2<Ns<1018 cm-2) while the corresponding RF values vary between 1 and 10 cm-1 (1016 cm-2<Ns<1017 cm-2). III. DISCUSSION Table I summarizes the results of undiluted and selected a-Si:H and c-Si:H samples deposited with hydrogen dilution at Tsub=25 ºC, 100 ºC and 175 ºC by HW and RF. Also shown for comparison are results for high- Tsub device-quality materials. Atomic hydrogen plays an important role in the growth process of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon.2,8,32 When the growth surface is exposed to atomic hydrogen, 15 there can be abstraction of hydrogen bonded to silicon (with consequent creation of dangling bonds), breakage of weak silicon-silicon bonds, chemical etching by forming silane, formation of Si-H bonds with the surface dangling bonds, and diffusion into the film.33,34 These bond modifications and long-range atomic motion on the surface promote the formation of a relaxed structure.35,36 In this way, the presence of atomic hydrogen can compensate a decrease in substrate temperature. This effect is clearly observed in both RF and HW a-Si:H films where, when Tsub is decreased, an increasingly higher hydrogen dilution is necessary to achieve high photoconductivity (fig.7). Atomic hydrogen stabilizes the structure, breaking weak SiSi bonds and promoting cross-linking. The relaxation of the structure induced by these chemical reactions can achieve a level at which crystallization occurs.35,37 One distinguishing characteristic of HW is the high rate of atomic hydrogen produced by H2 or silane dissociation on the hot tungsten filament at Tfil 1900 ºC.36,38,39 The high atomic hydrogen concentration in HW can be invoked to explain the insensitivity to Tsub of the hydrogen dilution at which the amorphous to microcrystalline transition occurs (figs. 3 and 5). The amorphous to microcrystalline transition shows different characteristics in RF and HW. While an abrupt transition (within an interval of 1-2% of hydrogen dilution) is observed in the case of RF films, a more gradual transition (between 80 and 90% of hydrogen dilution) is observed in the case of HW films (figs. 5 and 6). For the RF films there is a narrow interval of hydrogen dilution between the range where typical amorphous and the range where typical microcrystalline films are obtained. Films in this interval are characterized by an increase in hydrogen content (fig. 9) and of the Rfactor (fig. 10) and a decrease in d (fig. 5). In addition, these films (for Tsub=175 ºC, 16 95% hydrogen dilution, for Tsub=100 ºC, 96% hydrogen dilution and, for Tsub=25 ºC, 98% hydrogen dilution) often show a very small (<10%) crystalline fraction and are those with highest photo-to-dark conductivity ratio (figs. 2 and 8). In addition, these particular films also show the lowest values of bond angle disorder (6º) among aSi:H films deposited by RF at Tsub175ºC. It is possible that the nucleation of crystallites in RF is preceded by the formation of a highly porous, protocrystalline film which includes small crystallites and a continuous network of high quality amorphous silicon. This is supported by the CPM subgap absorption results of fig.12 which show that the films with the lowest defect density for each temperature series are those which occur just prior to the microcrystalline transistion. However, although these pre-transition films show similar photo-to-dark conductivity ratios (fig. 8) for all temperatures, the defect density increases for decreasing Tsub. The photoconductivity (fig. 7) of these films correspondingly decreases but the photo-to-dark conductivity ratio is compensatated by a much sharper drop in the dark conductivity (fig. 5). The decrease in photoconductivity results both from an increase in defect density and from a lowering of EF, which increase the density of recombination centers. In contrast, amorphous HW films appear always to contain small highly ordered regions (protocrystallites) invisible by Raman and XRD. With increasing hydrogen dilution, these regions give origin to crystallites without the need for the formation of a porous nucleation layer, as in RF. The presence of these regions could explain the higher Urbach tail and defect density observed in HW a-Si:H samples with respect to RF samples (Table I). The absence of a need for a nucleation layer is compatible with the observation of ultra-thin HW microcrystalline films (d100 Å). 17 IV. CONCLUSIONS a-Si:H can be prepared by RF with good optoelectronic properties at Tsub as low as 25 ºC. Photosensitivities above 105 and subgap absorption below 10 cm-1 were obtained for all substrate temperatures studied (25 ºC<Tsub<175 ºC) when the appropriate hydrogen dilution was used. As Tsub is lowered the range of hydrogen dilution necessary to obtain good transport properties narrows significantly and moves to higher values. a-Si:H deposited by HW shows a photosensitivity which is strongly dependent on substrate temperature (decreasing from 106 at Tsub=220 ºC to 103 at Tsub=25 ºC). For Tsub as low as 100 ºC it is possible to obtain HW a-Si:H films with Eu< 60 meV and 1.2 below 10 cm-1, but at Tsub=25 ºC the best values obtained for Eu and 1.2 were 80 meV and 25 cm-1, respectively. For RF, as Tsub is lowered, the range of hydrogen dilution necessary to obtain c-Si:H narrows and moves to higher values. At the same time the crystalline fraction decreases strongly with Tsub. In contrast, for HW, c-Si:H is obtained with high crystalline fractions (Xc> 80%) independently of the Tsub used. In addition, the range of hydrogen dilution for which c-Si:H is obtained using HW is independent of Tsub. The use of hydrogen dilution allows the improvement of optoelectronic properties of low-Tsub films in comparison with those deposited from undiluted silane. Using the appropriate hydrogen dilution, RF a-Si:H films deposited with Tsub down to 25 ºC and HW a-Si:H films deposited with Tsub down to 100 ºC show properties compatible with their use as active layers in TFTs. HW c-Si:H films show more promise for application as active layers in TFTs than RF c-Si:H for 25 ºC< Tsub<100 ºC. 18 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank R. Almeida (IST/INESC) for the use of the FTIR and Raman equipment and L. Paramés and O. Conde of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon for the use of the X-ray diffraction equipment. This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through Pluriannual Contracts with UCES/ICEMS (IST) and INESC and by projects PRAXIS/3/3.1/MMA/1775/95 and PRAXIS/3/3.1/MMA/1792/95. One of the authors (P.Alpuim) thanks the Department of Physics of University of Minho for a leave of absence. 19 Table I. Properties of selected a-Si:H and c-Si:H samples prepared by HW and RF. rd Eopt d (%) (Å/s) (eV) (-1cm-1) (-1cm-1) (eV) S1263 0 25.3 1.81 4.210-12 1.310-9 1.07 0.85 a) a) HW S1265 80 9,1 1.79 6.610-10 7.210-7 0.88 0.69 80 55 25 HW S1271 90 1,5 2.09 7.910-6 2.810-5 0.57 0.42 c) 12 d) 25 RF S1287 50 1.0 1.65 5.910-11 1.010-9 0.67 0.99 a) a) 25 RF S1286 98 0.11 2.15 3.110-13 1.410-7 1.13 0.82 67 10.8 25 RF S1319 99 0.09 2.10 8.610-9 5.910-8 0.63 0.40 c) c) 100 HW S1122 0 24.7 1.78 1.310-10 4.110-7 0.85 0.73 80 75 100 HW S1131 60 12.8 1.76 4.410-11 2.110-6 0.87 0.75 59 7.8 100 HW S1127 90 1.6 1.96 1.710-5 9.510-5 0.57 0.66 c) 11 d) 100 RF S1080 0 1.19 1.76 4.610-12 1.210-8 1.06 0.83 85 29.5 100 RF S1117 95 0.31 1.87 1.810-11 5.510-6 1.02 0.79 50 3.04 100 RF S1175 98 0.12 2.14 3.010-6 1.710-5 0.49 0.31 c) 17 d) 175 HW S1254 0 25.3 1.80 1.810-10 4.510-7 0.89 0.68 81 31 175 HW S1253 50 13.5 1.75 3.810-11 8.710-7 0.85 0.76 80 12.8 175 HW S1258 90 1.27 1.93 5.210-5 1.010-4 0.43 0.66 c) 123 d) 175 RF S1074 0 0.82 1.75 8.710-11 5.610-6 0.99 0.77 58 4.07 175 RF S1280 50 0.37 1.71 2.910-10 1.210-5 0.87 0.75 68 4.75 175 RF S1311 97 0.19 1.93 8.910-5 5.010-5 0.28 0.45 a) a) 220 HW S467 0 27.7 1.70 6.510-11 1.710-5 0.89 0.76 57 1.83 Tsub CVD Sample H2dil ( ºC) tech. 25 HW 25 ph Ea,d Eucpm 1.2 (meV) (cm-1) 20 220 HW S465 95 1.67 1.75 7.010-4 9.310-4 0.29 0.58 c) 75d) 250 RF S1073 0 0.93 1.72 1.110-9 1.810-4 0.93 0.80 50 0.5 250 RF S888 97.5 2.15 2.210-4 1.910-4 0.27 c) c) a) No signal was detected. Either the sample is too defective or the photo-to-dark conductivity ratio is not large enough (e.g., c-samples) to allow CPM measurement. b) No homogeneous film was deposited, due to powder formation in the gas phase. c) Microcrystalline sample. d) Absorption at 1.0eV, 1.0, is quoted for some c-samples. 21 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1 - Deposition rate, rd, plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution of silane for films deposited by HW and RF. Since the filament to substrate distance was R=3 cm for the Tsub=220ºC HW deposition, the corrected values for the standard distance (5 cm, in this article) are also shown, assuming a 1/R dependence of the number of film precursors that reach a unit substrate area. Figure 2 - Raman spectra for RF samples deposited at (a) Tsub=175 ºC, (b) Tsub=100 ºC, and (c) Tsub=25 ºC, using different hydrogen dilutions near the amorphous to microcrystalline transition. Figure 3 - Raman spectra for HW samples deposited at (a) Tsub=175 ºC, (b) Tsub=100 ºC, and (c) Tsub=25 ºC, using different hydrogen dilutions near the amorphous to microcrystalline transition. Figure 4 - X-ray spectra of samples deposited by HW using 90% hydrogen dilution deposited at (a) Tsub=175 ºC, (b) Tsub=100 ºC, and (c) Tsub=25 ºC. Figure 5 - Room-temperature dark conductivity d of RF samples (top) and HW samples (bottom) plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution for different values of Tsub. The lines are guides to the eye. Figure 6 - The activation energy of dark conductivity, Ea, plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution for HW (left side) and RF (right side) samples. Horizontal dashed lines indicate typical Ea of intrinsic c-Si (lower line) and of intrinsic standard a-Si:H (upper line). The arrows point out the abrupt amorphous to microcrystalline transition of RF films at Tsub=25ºC, 100ºC and 175ºC. 22 Figure 7 - Photoconductivity at a generation rate of 1021 cm-3s-1, ph, of RF samples (top) and HW samples (bottom) plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution for different values of Tsub. The lines are guides to the eye. Figure 8 - Photosensitivity ph/d of RF samples (top) and HW samples (bottom) plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution for different values of Tsub. The lines are guides to the eye. Figure 9 - Hydrogen content of HW (left side) and RF (right side) samples plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution for different values of Tsub. The hydrogen content was calculated from the integrated 630 cm-1 absorption band in the infrared absorption spectra. The lines are guides to the eye. 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