Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Online fault-detecting scheme of an inverterfed permanent magnet synchronous motor under stator winding shorted turn and inverter switch open K. - H. Kim1 , B. - G. Gu 2 , I. - S. Jung 2 , Published in IET Electric Power Applications, Received on 29th November 2010, Revised on 1st March 2011, doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2010.0272, IET Electr. Power Appl., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 529–539. Student: Pei-Lin, Tsai Adviser: Ming-Shyan, Wang Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University 2016/7/16 PPT製作率:100% Outline Abstract Introduction Fault characteristics due to the stator winding shorted turn Fault characteristics due to the inverter switch open Fault detecting algorithm Configuration of the system Simulation and experimental results Conclusions References 2016/7/16 2 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Abstract To detect faults in an inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor drive under the circumstance having faults in a stator winding and inverter switch, an online basis faultdetecting scheme during motor operation is presented. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed fault detecting scheme, a test motor to allow inter-turn short in the stator winding has been built. The entire control system including harmonic analysis and fault detecting algorithm is implemented using digital signal processor TMS320F28335. 2016/7/16 3 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Introduction Under the fault due to winding shorted turn, a large circulating shorted current flows in the faulty winding, and three-phase currents cannot be maintained to balanced condition. Even under the open fault in any of the inverter switch, threephase balanced condition does not hold and the third-order harmonic component is observed in phase currents. This is multiplied by the fundamental component in the transformation into the synchronous reference frame, which produces the second-order harmonic components in the q-axis and d-axis currents. 2016/7/16 4 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Introduction The fault is detected by continuously comparing these components with those in normal non-fault conditions during operation. The non-fault harmonic data in arbitrary operating conditions are determined using the linear interpolation method with several sample harmonic data pre-measured in the stage of the initial drive setup. Once the fault is detected, the operating mode is changed to identify a fault type through the analysis using phase current waveform. 2016/7/16 5 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the stator winding shorted turn To denote the degree of shorted turn in the stator winding, the faulty turn ratio (FTR) and healthy turn ratio (HTR) are defined as follows σ denotes FTR, a denotes HTR, NT is the total stator winding and Nf is the total stator winding in fault. 2016/7/16 6 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the stator winding shorted turn Fig. 1 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm without fault a Phase current responses b q-axis current and harmonic characteristics 2016/7/16 7 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the stator winding shorted turn Fig. 2 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm under the stator shorted turn of 1/24 a Phase current responses b q-axis current and harmonic characteristics 2016/7/16 8 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the inverter switch open Fig. 3 PWM inverter 2016/7/16 9 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the inverter switch open For the voltage vectors V2 , V3 , V6 and V7 , b-phase pole voltage vbo is determined according to the conduction state of the free-wheeling diode Db and Db as follows 2016/7/16 10 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the inverter switch open Fig. 4 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm under Tb inverter switch open fault a Phase current responses b q-axis current and harmonic characteristics 2016/7/16 11 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault characteristics due to the inverter switch open Fig. 5 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm under the entire switch open fault in b-phase leg a Phase current responses b q-axis current and harmonic characteristics 2016/7/16 12 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm 2016/7/16 Fig. 6 Operating mode for the proposed fault detecting scheme Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 13 Fault detecting algorithm 2016/7/16 Fig. 7 Detection of steady-state condition Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 14 Fault detecting algorithm Steady-state flag represents the number that (4) is satisfied. 2016/7/16 15 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm To compute these data, the Fourier series for a periodic waveform is used as follows Where av is the average value, ωo is the fundamental frequency, and An and θn represent the magnitude and phase of harmonics, respectively. 2016/7/16 16 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm A fault index is defined as follows where hq2 represents the magnitude of the second-order harmonic in the q-axis current obtained from Mode 1, and h2n represents that at non-fault condition with the same speed and current. 2016/7/16 17 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm 2016/7/16 Fig. 8 Determination of second-order harmonic at arbitrary normal operating condition using linear interpolation Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 18 Fault detecting algorithm Using the data at points A and B, the second-order harmonic value is modified again according to the average q-axis current using the linear interpolation as follows 2016/7/16 19 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm 2016/7/16 Fig. 9 Operating mode transition under the shorted turn of 1/12 at 2000 rpm 20 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Fault detecting algorithm 2016/7/16 21 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Configuration of the system 2016/7/16 Fig. 10 Configuration of the test motor a Winding configuration b Photograph of the test motor Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 22 Configuration of the system Fig. 11 Configuration of the experimental system a Configuration b Experimental test setup 2016/7/16 23 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Configuration of the system 2016/7/16 24 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results 2016/7/16 Fig. 12 Comparative simulation results at no load 1000 rpm a Under the normal condition without fault b Under the stator shorted turn of 1/24 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 25 Simulation and experimental results Fig. 13 Experimental results for fault detection under the stator shorted turn of 1/24 at no load 1000 rpm a Fault detection mode b Fault type identification mode 2016/7/16 26 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 14 Experimental results for fault detection under the stator shorted turn of 1/24 at 1000 rpm with load a Fault detection mode b Fault type identification mode 2016/7/16 27 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 15 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm under Tb inverter switch open fault a Fault detection mode b Fault type identification mode 2016/7/16 28 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 16 Experimental results at no load 1000 rpm under the entire switch open fault in b-phase leg a Fault detection mode b Fault type identification mode 2016/7/16 29 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 17 Experimental results for fault detection and fault type identification at various operating conditions under the stator turn fault a Under the shorted turn of 1/24 at no load b Under the shorted turn of 1/12 at no load c Under the shorted turn of 1/24 at load d Under the shorted turn of 1/12 at load 2016/7/16 30 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results 2016/7/16 31 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation and experimental results Fig. 18 Experimental results for fault detection and fault type identification at various operating conditions under the switch fault a Under Tb+ inverter switch open fault b Under the entire switch open fault in b-phase leg 2016/7/16 32 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Robot and Servo Drive Lab. 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