The following table lists the skills that you should master by the end of the course as well as the specific skills needed to complete the two Excel projects in this course. Introduction to Excel Project 1 Project 2 Starting and exit Excel X X Creating a new blank workbook X X Searching the help system X X Saving an Excel Workbook X X Entering and editing cell content: text, numerical values, numeric labels and date values X X Entering a range of data X X Using AutoCorrect, AutoFill, and AutoSum X X Modifying cell contents X X Clearing and editing cells X X Finding and open an existing Excel Workbook Entering Data Finding and replacing cell content Editing a Worksheet Deleting a cell Deleting columns and rows Inserting a cell Inserting columns and rows X Merging/Splitting cells X Selecting cells and ranges X X X X Using Undo and Redo Using Cut, Copy, Paste X Using Copy and Paste Special Formatting Worksheets Changing fonts and font sizes X X Applying different number formats X X Changing cell alignments X X Adding borders, shading, and colors to cells X X Modifying column widths and row heights X X Hiding and unhiding columns and rows X X Using AutoFit X X Applying AutoFormat Applying Bold, Italic, and Underline X X Using operators in formulas X X Understanding and using operator precedence X X Entering and editing formulas X X Using Formulas and Functions Using relative, absolute and mixed references in a formula X Copying/Moving formulas with cell references X X Using functions Applying simple Excel functions: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN , COUNT, COUNTIF, SUMIF X X X X Using the Chart Wizard to create charts X X Modifying and formatting a chart X X Moving and resizing a chart X X Printing a chart X X Renaming worksheets X X Insert and delete worksheets X X X X Changing the page setup X X Adding headers and footers X Analyzing Data Creating and sorting Lists Using Autocalculate Working with Charts Managing Worksheets Move and copy worksheets Navigating through worksheets in a workbook Printing X Setting page margins Changing page orientation X X Previewing a Worksheet X X Printing a Worksheet Printing a specific range/named range in a worksheet X X X X