Annual Student Learning Outcomes Campus Recreation

Annual Student Learning Outcomes: 2012-2013
Campus Recreation
Divisional Learning Outcome: Students participating in Student Affairs programs and services will acquire and use professional competencies that can assist in achieving success in
the classroom, personal growth and career goals.
Departmental Outcome
Action Steps
Type of Assessment
Criteria for Success
Students will attend a goal setting
Students will submit goals (2-3 total) to supervisor
Students will rate intermediate or higher
Student employees will be able to set
presentation at fall staff training.
upon completion of the goal setting session.
on the goal-setting rubric.
(SMART) goals.
2. Break into small groups to discuss goals
3. Complete goal worksheet with 2-3 goals
(academic, work and personal
4. Supervisor evaluates goal of each
student (sample 1 of 2 or 3 goals).
5. Vision board activity (optional) with
small staff groups by Sept. 30.
Results of Assessment: Students attended presentation as a part of staff training and completed activity. 79 students were evaluated. Approximately 90% rated intermediate or above on
having smart, measureable and achievable goals, 85% rated intermediate or above had relevant goals, and 87% rated intermediate or above on time specific goals.
Future Plans for the Learning Outcome: The students proved be able to set smart goals. Next we will evaluate the students tracking and sticking with their goals. For the future we will be sure
monitor the activity more closely and make it so a limited number of staff are solely responsible for this outcome and carrying it out. This will hopefully alleviate any confusion among the large
staff and large population we are trying to evaluate.
Divisional Learning Outcome: Students participating in Student Affairs programs and services will have a sense of social responsibility and value civic engagement.
Departmental Outcome
Action Steps
Type of Assessment
Criteria for Success
Sport Club officers will attend a
Students will complete the evaluation on their
80% of the students will rate
Sport Club members who fulfill
presentation regarding civic
experience. They will fill this out on MavOrgs. The
intermediate or higher.
community service activities will be able
supervisor will use a rubric to evaluate the students’
to articulate the value of civic
2. Students will partake in community
value of civic engagement.
3. Students will debrief within club about
their experience.
4. A sample of students will complete a
report on their experience.
Results of Assessment: Sport Club officers (76) were educated on the value of civic engagement during the Fall 2012 Sport Club leadership training. The 45-minute session included
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information on the policies, procedures, opportunities and values surrounding community service activities for student athletes. During the 2012-2013 academic year, 17 Sport Clubs reported
a total of 1,408 community service hours with their Sport Club. A sample population of 43 student athletes completed a post community service electronic form. Additionally, the Assistant
Director evaluated each of the electronic form responses using a rubric, which categorized the student’s value of civic engagement as novice, intermediate or advanced. The results indicated
that 90.9% (39 of the 43) of the student athlete sample rated intermediate or higher on their ability to articulate the value of civic engagement after partaking in a community service event
with their Sport Club.
62.7% (27 of the 43) students were able to articulate the value of civic engagement at an advanced level after partaking in a community service event with their Sport
27.9% (12 of the 43) students were able to articulate the value of civic engagement at an intermediate level after partaking in a community service event with their Sport
9.3% (4 out of 43) were able to articulate the value of civic engagement at a novice level after partaking in a community service event with their Sport Club.
Future Plans for the Learning Outcome: Community Service is an important component to each Sport Club’s success and the responsibility to cultivate productive citizens. The objective is
successfully aligned with the Student Affairs Strategic Initiative and the Sport Clubs program will continue to track and evaluate community service experiences.
Divisional Learning Outcome: Students participating in Student Affairs programs and services will acquire and use professional competencies that can assist in achieving success in
the classroom, personal growth and career goals.
Departmental Outcome
Campus Recreation student employees
will exhibit transferable skills that can
assist in their future employment.
Action Steps
Students will attend presentation on
transferable skills.
Student will be employed with the
Department for two consecutive
Supervisors will evaluate students, after
second semester.
Type of Assessment
Job performance evaluation
Criteria for Success
75% of the students will rate proficient
(accomplished or exemplary) rating in:
Decision Making
Customer Service
Team work
Results of Assessment: 71 students were evaluated.
The percentage of the students that rated proficient (accomplished or exemplary) rating in:
Decision Making - 73%
Customer Service - 79 %
Team work - 77%
Initiative - 72%
Communication - 86%
Future Plans for the Learning Outcome: The department will continue to emphasize the transferable skills gained through working for Campus Recreation. We met the criteria for success for
almost all areas. That still leaves over 20% of the staff that are not proficient in these areas. We will try to focus on the staff that was rated at the beginner or developing level for future
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