ITEC1001 Social Network Activity Directions

Social Network Activity
1. Download the file SocNetwork.docx from Blackboard.
2. Save it as SocialNetworkLastNameFirstName
3. Go to the beginning of the document. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Home Key (Do NOT type
the + symbol. It only means that the Ctrl key has to be down while pressing the home key)
4. Spell check your document by going to Spelling & Grammar or pressing the F7 key. Make sure to
carefully read the suggestions that Word offers before clicking on change. The following picture
shows and example of the word begun, which a misspelled as "betun". Notice that although
Word offers several words as suggestions, you should always pick the appropriate one before
clicking the Change button. In this case, we pick begun and then click change.
5. Add a header that reads "ITEC1001 - Social Network"
6. Add a footer with the page number to the right inside a solid red box as shown in the target file.
7. Change the font of the paragraph starting with "Social networking was once..." so that it
matches the format of the paragraph that begins with "When you develop a page". You can use
the format painter to do that.
8. Center the title " Social Networking Benefits to Business" and its author
9. Go to References and in Citations & Bibliography, change the style to "ISO 690 - Numerical
10. Add a Website citation to the title. Here is the info:
a. Name of Webpage: Social Networking Benefits to Business
b. Author: Greg Gaskill
c. Name of Website: Resource Nation
d. URL:
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11. Modify the title "Social Networking & Business" so that it appears inside a light blue gradient as
textbox as shown in the target.
12. Change the initial S in the paragraph beginning with "Social networking was once..." so that it is
shown much bigger than the rest of the paragraph. Look for the effect Drop Cap.
13. Continue working on the other two sections so that it looks just like the target. Make sure to
separate each section by a page break (Ctrl + Enter). Here is the information you will need:
Section Title: Social Networking & Love
Article Title: The Benefits And Drawbacks To Using Social Networking Sites To Look For Dates
 Type: Website
 Name of Webpage: The Benefits And Drawbacks To Using Social Networking Sites To
Look For Dates
 Name of Website: Internet Marketing Files
 URL:
Section Title: Social Networking & Money
Article Title: The Benefits And Drawbacks To Using Social Networking Sites To Look For Dates
 Type: Website
 Name of Webpage: Facebook Nation Unveils its New Currency
 Name of Website: Market Oracle
 Author: Patrick Henningsen
 URL:
All the images are clipart. you should add them using Insert --> Clipart. The keyword to find the clip arts
are: love, money, network and meeting. Make sure to change layout as Square to make them fit nicely.
The Dollar, Euro and Yen symbols should be placed in a Textbox with appropriate styling. Notice that it a
large font with a light green gradient box as shown in the target document.
At the end of the last section, type the following text (do not copy & paste):
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14. At the end of your document, add the bibliography section. You should have exactly three
15. Verify that your file is as close as possible to the target and make adjustments if it is not.
16. Call the instructor to verify your work.
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