E-Dairy News and Views Herd in the Barn


E-Dairy News and Views

In This Edition

Herd in the Barn

Economics of Manure


Winter Events

Additional Information

February 2015

Herd in the Barn

Visit Online | ISU Extension and Outreach | ISU


Should BEEF be on your DAIRY Operation?

ISU Extension & Outreach Beef Team

With the US beef cow herd at the lowest level in over 70 years, and resulting feeder and fed cattle prices are all-time record highs, dairy producers may be looking at options to add revenue to the operation by retaining and finishing their dairy steer calves. Profits in the beef finishing business have been very good in the last year, but that isn't always the case. This paper will give an overview of finishing dairy beef and identify several factors to consider before determining to add feeding dairy beef to the current dairy operation.

Should BEEF be on your DAIRY operation?

Other dairy beef resources:

ISU Extension and

Outreach Dairy

Field Specialists

Jenn Bentley (NE)

563-382-2949, jbentley@iastate.ed


Larry Tranel


563-583-6496, tranel@iastate.edu

ISU State Dairy

Extension and



Dr. Leo Timms, 515-

294-4522, ltimms@iastate.edu

Dr. Jan. Shearer,

515-294-3731, jks@iastate.edu

http://www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam/beef http://www.iowabeefcenter.org

Economics of Manure Handling

ISU Extension & Outreach Dairy Team

Dairy producers have many duties to carry out in their dairy operations, one of which is storing, handling and applying manure.

Manure handling ends up being a significant cost on most dairies even when considering the value of the nutrients in the manure.

Seldom do producers consider their costs of handling and applying manure on a per hundredweight of milk sold basis like they do with many of their other costs.

ISUEO Dairy Team surveyed 22 dairy producers in Eastern Iowa to compile cost data and help producers understand their costs for handling, storing and applying manure. They were also surveyed on common practices of storing and handling manure. Read more at:

Economics of Manure


2015 Manure Management

Systems Results

Upcoming Events/Information

Local Dairy Days Feature Profitable Dairy Practices

Iowa dairy producers have the opportunity to learn about emerging dairy industry issues at the 2015 ISU Extension and

Outreach Dairy Days hosted by ISU Extension specialists. The program is scheduled at 7 eastern Iowa locations between Jan. 20 and Feb. 6.

2015 NE/SE Dairy Days

Dairy Beef Feedlot Roundtable Sessions Offered at Four Iowa


ISU and University of Nebraska-Lincoln are teaming up to offer a

Feedlot Roundtable session at four Iowa locations on Thursday,

Feb. 12. The focus is on dairy beef with topics including nutrition, health, and a research update.

UNL-ISU Beef Feedlot Roundtable BROCHURE

2015 NW Dairy Days

Feb 24-Rock Rapid & Feb 25-Orange City

Dairy Care: Cows, Calves and Caretakers is the theme of this day long program. Includes topics of employee management and responsible management practices and concludes with a dairy producer panel. More information and registration can be found at: 2015 NW IA Dairy Days

NICC Agriculture Winter Courses 2015

Register on-line www.nicc.edu/solutions or call 800.728.2256, ext. 399

Practical Spanish for Farmers

Mis-communication on a farm can be very costly. If you can communicate using even a small amount of Spanish, this will

help your employee feel more at ease and better communication will be achieved. In this introductory class you will learn farmspecific Spanish vocabulary and phrases. This class will focus on communication rather than grammar and taught in a nontraditional, non-intimidating learning environment. (Lunch will not be provided.)

Tuesdays, Feb 17 – Mar 10 12noon-1:30p $55

Calmar/Wilder Business Center Instructed by Eric Petersen-Brant

Artificial Insemination-Bovine

This is a 3-day, intensive hands-on class for those who wish to AI their own cattle or gain experience to work for others. The class will cover all aspects of bovine reproduction, from anatomy and hormones to heat detection. Support materials such a “Breeding

Betsy” and an endoscope will be available for practice before going to the barn. Students have actual insemination practice on cattle at Iowa’s Dairy Center. Seating is limited and preregistration is required.

Tu,W,Th, Mar 10 – Mar 12 9a-3p $149

Calmar/Iowa’s Dairy Ctr Room 111 Instructed by Accelerated


New for 2015! Heartbeat of the FARM: Human Resource


A 4-session course designed to give women strategies for effectively managing family and employees. At the end of the four weeks, participants will know more about:

 Employee Supply, Recruitment, and Laws

Interpersonal, Family, and Business Communications

 Employee Supervision and Retention

Health, Stress, and Well-being

This course will be held in 4 different locations throughout Iowa.

Classes start at Iowa's Dairy Center, March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 11-

2:30 pm. Heartbeat of the FARM: Human Resource

Management BROCHURE

Other dates/sites can be found at: http://www.aep.iastate.edu/annie/

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil

Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and

Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-

9410 or call 202-720-5964.
