BBC NEWS - Travel

BBC NEWS - Travel
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Shanghai - 14 September 2012 By BBC World News
Shanghai is the world's boomtown; a futuristic metropolis where skyscrapers grow faster than
the trees. In one day in this fast-moving city we meet the residents who congregate each day in
Fuxing Park to exercise and sing together; visit the world's busiest seaport; and enjoy the
breathtaking views from the latest super-tall skyscraper.
Vocaburaries :
1. boomtown(n.)新興都市 - a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden
2. futuristic(adj.)未來的、先進的 - ahead of the times; advanced.
3. metropolis(n.)大都市 - the chief, and sometimes capital, city of a country, state, or region.
4. skyscrapers(n.)摩天大樓 - a relatively tall building of many stories, especially one for office
or commercial use.
5. congregate(v.)聚集 - to come together; assemble, especially in large numbers.
6. seaport(n.)海港 - a port or harbor on or accessible to a seacoast and providing
accommodation for seagoing vessels.